The best and most complete book I have read about Spain today and the historical roots of the present.
Antonio Muoz Molina, prize-winning novelist
This is a thoroughly up-to-date, astute account of contemporary Spain. Reid situates the countrys recent political turbulence in its Western European context, yet also concisely explains the history behind it An engaging read for those new to and already familiar with Spain alike.
Caroline Gray, author of Territorial Politics and the Party System in Spain
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Copyright 2023 Michael Reid
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For Roxani
And to the Jardines del Buen Retiro
Storm-tossed survivor and source of solace
Hombre de Espaa: ni el pasado ha muerto, ni esta el maana ni el ayer-escrito. [Spaniard: neither has the past died, nor is tomorrow nor yesterday yet written.]
Antonio Machado, El Dios ibero
I am firmly convinced that Spain is the strongest country of the world. Century after century trying to destroy herself and still no success.
Attributed to Bismarck
Nothing causes more pain to Spaniards than to see volume after volume written by foreigners about their country.
Richard Ford, A Handbook for Travellers in Spain
On analysing the state of dissolution that Spanish society has reached, we find some symptoms and ingredients that are not exclusive to our country but rather are general trends in European nations.
Jos Ortega y Gasset, Espaa Invertebrada
abertzale | patriotic or nationalist in Basque |
afrancesado | an admirer of France and of the Enlightenment |
ANC (Assemblea Nacional Catalana) | Catalan National Assembly, a separatist social movement |
AP (Alianza Popular) | Popular Alliance, conservative party formed in 1977 and merged into the PP (Partido Popular) in 1989 |
ayuntamiento | municipal government, town hall |
BNG (Bloco Nacionalista Galego) | Galician Nationalist Bloc |
cacique | political boss |
cajas de ahorros | savings banks |
CEDA (Confederacin Espaola de Derechas Autnomas) | Confederacin Espaola de Derechas Autnomas, a Catholic right-wing party in the 1930s |
CIS (Centro de Investigacianes Sociolgicas) | Centre for Sociological Research, the state pollster |
CiU (Convergncia i Uni) | Convergence and Union, a Catalan nationalist party |
Ciudadanos | Citizens, a party of the centre-right which mixed liberalism with Spanish nationalism |
Comunidades Autnomas | autonomous communities, or regions |
concierto econmico | the arrangement under which the Basque provinces and Navarre collect their own taxes |
corrida | bullfight |
Cortes | the Spanish parliament |
crispacin | tension or confrontation |
CUP (Canditatura dUnitat Popular) | Popular Unity Candidacy, a Catalan separatist party |
diputacin(Catalandiputaci) | provincial council |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EH Bildu | a Basque separatist coalition that included former members and supporters of ETA |
ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) | Republican Left of Catalonia |
estado autonmico | the autonomous state, the name for the quasi-federal structure of regional governments of the 1977 constitution |
Estelada | the unofficial flag of the Catalan independence movement |
ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) | Basque Homeland and Liberty, terrorist group formed in 1959 and dissolved in 2018 |
EU | European Union |
exaltados | hotheads, radical liberals in the 1820s and 1830s |
franquista | supporter of General Franco and his dictatorship |
fueros | legal privileges |
GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberacin) | a police death squad active in the Basque Country between 1983 and 1987 |
GDP | gross domestic product |
Generalitat | the regional government in Catalonia, and in Valencia |
guapo | handsome |
HB (Herri Batasuna) | Popular Unity, a front party for ETA |
ikurria | the red, green and white Basque flag |
indignados | mainly young protesters against corruption and austerity who took to the streets in May 2011 |
INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadstica) | National Statistics Institute |
Izquierda Unida | United Left, an electoral coalition including the former Spanish Communist Party, and which itself formed a coalition with Podemos |
Junts per Catalunya | Together for Catalonia, the separatist party founded by Carles Puigdemont |
kale borroka | struggle in the streets in Basque, vandalism and intimidation practised by supporters of ETA |
lehendakari | president of the Basque regional government |
masia | farmhouse in Catalan |
Moncloa | the complex that houses the prime-ministerial offices |
Mossos dEsquadra | the Catalan regional police force |
mnium Cultural | Catalan separatist social movement |
PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco) | Basque Nationalist Party |
Podemos | We Can, a hard-left party founded in 2014 which later changed its name to Unidos Podemos and then Unidas Podemos (Together we can, in the feminine) |
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