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Knitting a Scarf In A Day For Dummies
by Pam Allen, Tracy L. Barr, Shannon Okey, and Kristi Porter
Knitting a Scarf In A Day For Dummies
Published by
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These days, everyone seems to be knitting: movie stars, football players, doctors, and lawyers, not to mention grandmothers. Theyve discovered what all knitters know or find out soon after getting into the groove of knitting: that knitting does more than just provide you with warm and cozy things to wear. Knitting stirs creativity, gives you an ongoing sense of purpose, teaches patience, and soothes the soul. Dont believe us? Try it!
When you look at the amazing creations coming off of knitters needles, dont be intimidated by the size or intricacies of their projects. Wed bet our yarn stash that every single one of these knitters made a basic scarf or two when they were starting out. Making a scarf is the ideal place for you to start, too, and this book will help guide the way.
What You Can Do In A Day
The purpose of Knitting a Scarf In A Day For Dummies is to put all the basic information about knitting into one easy-to-read and easy-to-follow book. Then you can apply your knowledge and create a lovely scarf.
You may be able to read this book in just a few hours, but expect to spend some time practicing the different stitches we feature. After you have the hang of the stitches, you can spend a few hours knitting up your scarf. We expect that youll use this book both as a beginners knitting reference (use it to decipher abbreviations, get a grip on gauge, and figure out how to fix mistakes) and as a resource for the three scarf patterns we include.
Conventions Used in This Book
To help you navigate through this book and easily follow the project and pattern instructions, we set up a few conventions:
General processes are presented in step format, with the main instruction in boldface and any explanatory information in regular type below it.
Knitted instructions appear in the format common to many knitting books, using common abbreviations. They look something like this:
Cast on 26 sts.
Row 1 (RS): * K2, p2; rep from * to end of row.