Serve with Love
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Serve with Love
Simple, Scrumptious
Dishes from the
Skinny to the Sinful
Carnie Wilson
Cindy Pearlman

Carlsbad, California
London Sydney Johannesburg
Vancouver Hong Kong
Copyright 2005 by Carnie Wilson
Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc., P.O. Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100 Phone: (760) 431-7695 or (800) 654-5126 Fax: (760) 431-6948 or (800) 650-5115 Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd., 18/36 Ralph St., Alexandria NSW 2015 Phone: 612-9669-4299 Fax: 612-9669-4144 Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd. Unit 62, Canalot Studios 222 Kensal Rd., London W10 5BN Phone: 44-20-8962-1230 Fax: 44-20-8962-1239 Published and distributed in the Republic of South Africa by: Hay House SA (Pty), Ltd., P.O. Box 990, Witkoppen 2068 Phone/Fax: 27-11-706-6612 Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast 9050 Shaughnessy St., Vancouver, B.C. V6P 6E5 Phone: (604) 323-7100 Fax: (604) 323-2600
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wilson, Carnie, 1968
To serve with love : Simple, scrumptious dishes from the skinny to the sinful / Carnie Wilson with Cindy Pearlman.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-4019-0602-8 (tradepaper)
1. Cookery. 2. Low-calorie diet--Recipes. I. Pearlman, Cindy, 1964- II. Title.
TX714.W5254 2004
ISBN 13: 978-1-4019-0602-3
ISBN 10: 1-4019-0602-8
08 07 06 05 4 3 2 1
1st printing, August 2005
Printed in Thailand by Imago
This book is dedicated to my Grandma Mae...
my first memories in the kitchen are with you.
No one loved, laughed, cared, worried,
or cooked like you. I love and miss you so much.
Also dedicated to my mother, Marilyn, and
my father, Brian. You gave me life, and
therefore you are my life. I love you both.
Ill Crumble for You
(Fresh Pear Cheesecake)
Losing Your Marbles Over Chocolate
Cheesecake with Brownie Crust
Beware of the Brownies
(Fudgy, Make-Your-Belly-Pudgy Brownies)
Renees Banana Wonder
Bread (with Banana Frosting)
14-Karat Gold Mini Carrot Cakes
(with Praline-Cream Cheese Frosting)
Feeling Saucy Applesauce Cake (with
Get-Out-of-Here Brown-Sugar Frosting)

A woman never forgets her first time, especially when her teacher is an expert with a loving touch. In my case, it happened in 1979, on the brown-checked linoleum of my grandmas kitchen in West Hollywood.Even all these years later, I can still remember these whispered words: Carnie, you must wait, dear. If you eat them now, youre going to get sick...
Hey, what are you thinking? This is my first cookbook, and Im talking about my Jewish Grandma Mae, whom Ive dedicated this book to because she was my ultimate favorite cook. Grandma was short and pudgy, with a cute round face that held no teeth (I swear to God). She had a fantastic sense of humor and a contagious laugh, and she was also the one who taught me the most important facts of life, including (of course) how to make her world-famous matzo balls.
As with other things that Id discover for the first time later on, I learned that I needed to practice, practice, practice in order to really cook.
LET ME TELL YOU, PEOPLE, MY GRANDMA MAE SERVED. With love. It was her way, and its the best way of all. Of course, shed also hover over my beloved grandfather Irv and argue with him in Yiddish.
What do you want from me, Mae?
Nothing! Just eat.
I already ate!
That was ten minutes ago!

While this went on, Id sneak away to their pantry. This was my hideout, a place where I could eat half a bag of chocolate chips while contemplating the other things that were going on in my life: Why was I failing math? Why didnt that cute boy Ryan ask me to go steady with him? Why was I the fattest kid in my class?
When Grandma smelled that something was up, shed whip open the pantry door. Busted! Shed put her hands on her round hips, and in a mock mad voice treat this like a police raid. Please put those chips down, Carnie. Those are for my cookies! shed say, trying to look tough, but it never really came off that way.
To make her happy, Id put the bag down and stick my hands up. And then Id throw myself on the mercy of the court: Sorry, Grandma. I will never, ever do it again. I promise. But when shed turn her back, Id eat six more chips and then put that sacred bag back on the shelf with a frown on my face.
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