MateriaMedica Clinica
MassimoMangialavori, MD
in collaboration with
Krista Heron ND, JohnSobraske MA
Betty Wood MD
ThePeaceable Kingdom
EdwardHicks 1833
Cover design by Clarissa Yeo
Formore information on publications, courses, & webinars
ISBN-10: 1530243459
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016905690
CreateSpace IndependentPublishing Platform
NorthCharleston, South Carolina
Copyright 2016 Massimo Mangialavori
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproducedby any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of aphonographic recording, nor may it be stored in any retrieval system,transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without the writtenpermission of the author.
Table of Contents
Other Publications
Remaining in a SafeEnvironment: The Sea Remedies
Unreliable BasicSupport: Silica-like & Magnesium-like
Knowledge, Seductionand Forsakenness
Identifying withSociety
Identity andIndividualism
Precious and BaseMetals An Alchemical View
Self Destructiveness : Acute and ChronicAttitude to Injuring the Self: The Acids and Similar in Homeopathic Medicine
Bitten in the Soul:Experiences with Spider Remedies in Homeopathic Medicine
Some Cactaceae inHomeopathic Medicine: Absolute Self Sufficient: Cactus grandiflorus, Cereusbonplandii, cereus serpentinus, Opuntia alba spina, Opuntia vulgaris, Agaveamericana and more
Solanaceae:Nightmare between Light and Dark
Insecurity: AHomeopathic Perspective
Homeopathy for Angerand Mortification
The False Self andthe False Image: Seminoble Metals and Other Remedies
Praxis Method ofComplexity: The Search for Coherence in Clinical Phenomena Volume I:Methodology
Praxis Method ofComplexity: The Search for Coherence in Clinical Phenomena Volume II: CaseStudies of the Homeopathic Drug Family, Part I
Dedication John Roos ,MD
I remember John Roos from many years ago when we met at my first seminar inMassachusetts: his smile, his unusual gait, his quiet yet consistent presence,his clear attention to the topic at hand, and his invariably precise comments.I got to know him better over time, where we spoke informally about our livesand homeopathy. Our relationship matured, like a good wine, over time. Ilearned to appreciate his seriousness, his methodical manner, and his richinner worlda mostly private realm that was not easy for him to share.
His esteem was agreat gift, as was the comprehensive collection of notes that he had gleanedfrom all my seminars over nearly twenty years. Truly the most treasured presentwas his request to be in close contact as he completed his journey in thisworld. Almost every week of his final year, we met by teleconference. Despitethe inherent limits in this form of communication, John was able to convey somuch.
I felt honored thathe would share such intimate, unknown parts of himself with me in his lastdays. It is privilege to accompany a dear person to the end. For those of uswho are doctors and teachers, sometimes one becomes dear later in the lifepath, which also means that the shared time was likely too short. And yet ifthere is suffering, the path can feel too longespecially if that sufferingdoesnt leave space to joyfully discover what matters most in our lives. Johnhad this space and knowledge. He had escaped death once and wanted to continueliving with this heightened sense of meaning. But on this second round, as adoctor himself, he knew where the path was leading.
It was a great giftto meet him, to know him, and to take occasional walks along beautiful gardenpaths during our seminar breaksand to speak with him one last time as hewalked through his forest in the days before his final farewell.
Grazie, John
In the introductory chapters to this beautifullywritten book, Massimo Mangialavori and his collaborators Krista Heron,John Sobraske and Betty Wood outline the structure and methodology theyhave adopted to present their material. They state that complexity theory informstheir work, a form that being associative and emergent (coming into existence),rather than causal and linear, suits this presentation in particular, andindeed, homeopathic thinking in general; it fits like a glove fits a hand.Categorizations do not follow taxonomy or DNA mapping, but rather associativepathways that are much more complex, based upon a lifetimes homeopathicexperience.
I would like to write a few words about Massimo. Hisname translates as massive work eater, and it is true, Massimo Mangialavorihas never shirked work, or shied away from commitment and deep thinking. Bothhis volume of output and his relentless striving for excellence attest to this.He has also never backed down from pursuing highest ideals, staying true tohimself, his friends, colleagues, patients and students at all times.
This book is undoubtedly a master-work. There aremany golden nuggets in it! The clinical approach to homeopathic understandingis fundamental, for, as Massimo discusses and explores, it is only throughremedy usage that the genius of a medicine is fully revealed. A proving givesus symptoms and rubrics from which repertorisations may follow, and a signature gives us an overall intuition about the nature ofthe remedy, but only repeated clinical usage can highlight a remedys healinggenius, then providing the prescriber with the most reliable guidance for itsemployment. To do this, cases that have remained unswerving (that is to say,have returned to their remedy upon relapse over a sustained period of time) arecited.
Reading Massimos cases is never arduous. Hechronicles carefully, so that the patients soul is revealed. Furthermore, thisis achieved in an apparently charmed manner. Indeed, charm is intrinsic to theentire process, is central to both the witnessing of the patient and theuncovering of what is salient. What do I mean by this? I mean Massimo has thegrace to be there with the patient in a manner that does not intrude with hisagenda, but that flows with associations that arise from the case-giver and areattended to with compassion by him, the witness. This is an art that isportrayed in every case given in this book.
From the presented case material and the evidence ofthe outcome, it becomes clear what the remedy (through the patient) is teachingus. A distinctive remedy voice becomes apparent that is described in depth anddetail. In the case of Milk remedies, they reach us though our heart, becausethey are particularly resonant. Milk is our primary nutrition, and throughsuckling the breast, our bond with mother and indeed, our species istransmitted. It is the receptive, civilizing influence that sets the individualwithin the wider context. Herein lies a possibility for primary conflict,should lactation be disrupted, of pitting self against society. This is notonly true for Lac humanum, but also,more or less, for all Milk remedies. They are a family of remedies within whichwe can easily find states corollary to our own. Through studying them to thedepth that this
book presents us with, we gain not only newunderstanding of individual medicines, but also a deeper insight intoourselves.
Misha Norland
July, 2015
Authors Preface
All remedies, and thesubstances they are made from, have a special magicanimals no less thanplants, minerals, fungi and the others. Animals have a particular charm as thebeings to whom we bear the closest relation and whom we accompany on thisamazing planet. I have always had a passionate love for wildlife. I remembermany travels with my dear friend David Warkentin where we would keep an eye outto spot these beautiful creatures within their natural habitat.
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