The bibliography lists field manuals by new number followed by old number, as indicated.
These documents must be available to the intended users of this publication.
JP 0-2. Unified Action Armed Forces . 10 July 2001.
JP 2-0. Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Joint Operations . 9 March 2000.
JP 2-01.2. (U) Joint Doctrine and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Counterintelligence Support to Operations (Sf I NF). 13 June 2006.
JP 3-0. Doctrine for Joint Operations . 10 September 2001.
JP 3-63. Joint Doctrine for Detainee Operations . September 2005.
JP 4-0. Doctrine for Logistic Support of Joint Operations . 6 April 2000.
AR 40-25. Nutrition Standards and Education . 15 June 2001.
AR 715-9. Contractors Accompanying the Force . 29 October 1999.
DA Pam 715-16 . Contractor Deployment Guide . 27 February 1998.
FM 1. The Army . 14 June 2005.
FM 1-02. Operational Terms and Graphics . 21 September 2004.
FM 2-0 . Intelligence . 17 May 2004.
FM 3-0. Operations . 14 June 2001.
FM 3-100.21. Contractors on the Battlefield . 3 January 2003.
FM 5-0. Army Planning and Orders Production . 20 January 2005.
FM 6-0. Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces . 11 August 2003.
FM 27-10 . Law of Land Warfare . July 1956.
FM 34-5. (U) Human Intelligence and Related Counterintelligence Operations (S//NF). 29 July 1994.
FM 34-130 . Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield . 8 July 1994.
FM 63-11. Logistics Support Element Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures . 8 October 1996.
FM 71-100. Division Operations . 28 August 1996.
FM 100-15. Corps Operations . 13 September 1989.
FM 101-5. Staff Organization and Operations. 31 May 1997.
AMC Pam 715-18 . AMC Contracts and Contractors Supporting Military Operations . June 2000.
These sources contain relevant supplemental information.
Most Army doctrinal publications are available online: http://1155.217.58.58/atdls.htm
AR 190-8. Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees. 1 October 1997.
AR 190-40. Serious Incident Report . 15 July 2005.
AR 195-5 . Criminal Investigation Evidence Procedures . 28 August 1982.
AR 380-5. Department of the Army Information Security Program . September 2000.
AR 380-10. Technology Transfer, Disclosure of Information, and Contacts with Foreign Representatives . 15 February 2001.
AR 380-15. (C) Safeguarding Classified NATO Information . 1 March 1984.
AR 380-28. Department of the Army Special Security System . 12 December 1991.
AR 380-40. Policy for Controlling and Safeguarding Communications Security (COMSEC) Material . 22 October 1990.
AR 380-49. Industrial Security . 15 April 1982.
AR 380-53. Telecommunications Security Monitoring . 29 April 1998.
AR 380-67. Personnel Security Program . 9 September 1988.
AR 381-1. Security Controls on Dissemination of Intelligence Information . 12 February 1990.
AR 381-10. US Army Intelligence Activities . 1 July 1984.
AR 381-12. Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the US Army (SAEDA). 15 January 1993.
AR 381-14. Technical Counterintelligence (TCI) . 30 September 2002.
AR 381-20. (U) US Army Counterintelligence Activities (S). 26 September 1986.
AR 381-45. Investigative Records Repository . 25 August 1989.
AR 381-47. (U) US Army Offensive Counterespionage Activities (S). 30 July 1990.
AR 381-100. (U)Army Human Intelligence Collection Program (SI /NF). 15 May 1988.
AR 381-102. (U) US Army Cover Support Program (S). 10 January 1991.
AR 381-143. Military Intelligence Nonstandard Material Polices and Procedures . 1 December 1986.
AR 381-172. (U) Counterintelligence Force Protection Operations (CFSO) and Low Level Source Operations (LLSO) (SI /NF). 30 December 1994.
AR 385-10. The Army Safety Program . 23 May 1988.
AR 614-115. Military Intelligence Excepted Career Program . 12 April 2004.
AR 715-9 . Contractors Accompanying the Force . 29 October 1999.
DA Pam 381-15 . Foreign Military Intelligence Collection Activities Program . 1 June 1988.
DA Pam 385-1. Small Unit Safety Officer/NCO Guide. 29 November 2001.
TRADOC Reg 25-36. The TRADOC Doctrinal Literature Program (DLP). 1 October 2004.
FM 2-0. Intelligence. 17 May 2004.
FM 3-19.4 . Military Police Leaders Handbook . March 2002.
FM 3-19-40. Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations . August 2001.
FM 4-02.21. Division and Brigade Surgeons Handbook of Tactics, Techniques and Procedures. November 2000.
FM 5-0. Staff Organizations and Operations . 31 May 1997.
FM 19-4. Military Police Battlefield Circulation Control, Area Security, and Enemy Prisoner of War Operations . 7 May 1993.
FM 27-10. Law of Land Warfare . July 1956.
FM 34-3. Intelligence Analysis . March 1990.
FM 34-7-1. Tactical Human Intelligence and Counterintelligence Operations . April 2002.
FM 34-8. Combat Commanders Handbook for Intelligence . September 1992.
FM 34-54 . Technical Intelligence . January 1998.
FM 34-60. Counterintelligence . 3 October 1995.
FM 41-10. Civil Affairs Operations . 11 January 1993.
FMI 3-19.40. Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations . 30 September 2005.
TC 25-20. A Leaders Guide to After-Action Reviews . 30 September 1993.
ST 2-22.7. Tactical Human Intelligence and Counterintelligence Operations . April 2002.
ST 2-33.5 . US Army Intelligence Reach Operations . 1 June 2001.
ST 2-50. Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Assets . June 2002.
ST 2-91.6 . Small Unit Support to Intelligence . March 2004.
JP 2-01. Joint Intelligence Support to Military Operations . November 1996.
AR 350-1. Army Training and Education . 9 April 2003.
DIAM 58-11. (U) DOD HUMINT Policies and Procedures (S//NF). August 1993.
DIAM 58-12 . (U) DOD HUMINT Management Systems (S//NF). June 1997.
AJP-2.5. Handling of Captured Personnel, Materiel, and Documents. September 2001.
DOD Directive 2310.1 . DOD Program for Enemy Prisoners of War (POW) and Other Detainees (Short Title: DOD Enemy POW Detainee Program ). 18 August 1994.
DOD Directive 2310.1E. The Department of Defense Detainee Program .
DOD Directive 3115.09. DOD Intelligence Interrogations, Detainee Debriefings, and Tactical Questioning. 3 November 2005.
DOD Directive 5100.77. DOD Law of War Program. 9 December 1998.
DOD Directive 5240.1 . DOD Intelligence Activities. 3 December 1982.
DOD Directive 5525.5. DOD Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Officials . 15 January 1986.
DOD Instruction 3020.41 . Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany the U.S. Armed Forces . 3 October 2005
DOD Regulation 5200.1-R . Information Security Program , 1977.
DOD Regulation 5240.0-R . Procedures Governing the Activities of DOD Intelligence Components That Affect United States Persons . December 1982.
DOD SOP for Collecting and Processing Detainee Biometric Data. 11 February 05 Protocol 1 Additional to the Geneva Conventions. Part IV. Civilian Population, Section 1: General Protection Against Effects of Hostilities . 1977.
Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities . 4 December 1981.
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I) Memorandum, Guidance for the Conduct and Oversight of Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT) (U). 14 December 2004.
Implementing Instructions to the USD(I) Memorandum. Guidance for the Conduct and Oversight of Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT) (U). 7 September 2004.
SECDEF Memorandum, Policy on Assigning Detainee Serial Numbers (ISN) (U). 20 September 2005.