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Ashwin Pajankar - Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming: Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3, 2nd Edition

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Ashwin Pajankar Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming: Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3, 2nd Edition
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Perform a wide variety of computer vision tasks such as image processing and manipulation, feature and object detection, and image restoration to build real-life computer vision applications

Key Features
  • Explore the potential of computer vision with Raspberry Pi and Python programming
  • Perform computer vision tasks such as image processing and manipulation using OpenCV and Raspberry Pi
  • Discover easy-to-follow examples and screenshots to implement popular computer vision techniques and applications
Book Description

Raspberry Pi is one of the popular single-board computers of our generation. All the major image processing and computer vision algorithms and operations can be implemented easily with OpenCV on Raspberry Pi. This updated second edition is packed with cutting-edge examples and new topics, and covers the latest versions of key technologies such as Python 3, Raspberry Pi, and OpenCV. This book will equip you with the skills required to successfully design and implement your own OpenCV, Raspberry Pi, and Python-based computer vision projects.

At the start, youll learn the basics of Python 3, and the fundamentals of single-board computers and NumPy. Next, youll discover how to install OpenCV 4 for Python 3 on Raspberry Pi, before covering major techniques and algorithms in image processing, manipulation, and computer vision. By working through the steps in each chapter, youll understand essential OpenCV features. Later sections will take you through creating graphical user interface (GUI) apps with GPIO and OpenCV. Youll also learn to use the new computer vision library, Mahotas, to perform various image processing operations. Finally, youll explore the Jupyter Notebook and how to set up a Windows computer and Ubuntu for computer vision.

By the end of this book, youll be able to confidently build and deploy computer vision apps.

What you will learn
  • Set up a Raspberry Pi for computer vision applications
  • Perform basic image processing with libraries such as NumPy, Matplotlib, and OpenCV
  • Demonstrate arithmetical, logical, and other operations on images
  • Work with a USB webcam and the Raspberry Pi Camera Module
  • Implement low-pass and high-pass filters and understand their applications in image processing
  • Cover advanced techniques such as histogram equalization and morphological transformations
  • Create GUI apps with Python 3 and OpenCV
  • Perform machine learning with K-means clustering and image quantization
Who this book is for

This book is for beginners as well as experienced Raspberry Pi and Python 3 enthusiasts who are looking to explore the amazing world of computer vision. Working knowledge of the Python 3 programming language is assumed.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Computer Vision and Raspberry Pi
  2. Prepare Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision
  3. Programming with Python 3, GPIO, NumPy, and Matplotlib
  4. Getting started with Computer Vision
  5. Basics of Image Processing
  6. Colorspaces, Transformations, and Thresholding
  7. Lets Make Some Noise
  8. High Pass Filters and Feature Detection
  9. Image Restoration, Quantization, and Depth Map
  10. Histograms, Contours, and Morphological Transformations
  11. Real-life Computer Vision Applications
  12. Wrapping Up with Mahotas and Jupyter Notebook
  13. Appendix

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Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming Second Edition Design and implement - photo 1
Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming
Second Edition

Design and implement computer vision applications with Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and Python 3

Ashwin Pajankar


Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Programming
Second Edition

Copyright 2020 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

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Commissioning Editor: Sunith Shetty

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Copy Editor: Safis Editing

Project Coordinator: Aishwarya Mohan

Proofreader: Safis Editing

Indexer: Rekha Nair

Production Designer: Joshua Misquitta

First published: May 2015

Second edition: June 2020

Production reference: 1260620

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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35 Livery Street


B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-80020-721-9


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About the author

Ashwin Pajankar is a polymath. He is a science popularizer, a programmer, a maker, an author, and a YouTuber. He graduated from IIIT Hyderabad with an MTech in computer science and engineering. He has a keen interest in the promotion of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education.

About the reviewers

Lentin Joseph is an author, roboticist, and robotics entrepreneur from India. He runs a robotics software company called Qbotics Labs in Kochi/Kerala. He has 10 years of experience in the robotics domain, primarily working with the Robot Operating System (ROS), OpenCV, and PCL. He has authored several books on ROS, namely Learning Robotics Using PythonFirst Edition and Second Edition, Mastering ROS for Robotics ProgrammingFirst Edition and Second Edition, ROS Robotics Projects First Edition and Second Edition, and Robot Operating System for Absolute Beginners. He has masters in Robotics and Automation from Amrita Vishwa Vidapeetham University in India and also worked at the Robotics Institute, CMU, USA. He is also a TEDx speaker.

Arush Kakkar is an author, entrepreneur, and a computer vision and deep learning researcher. He is currently the CEO of Agrex.ai, a company started by him. It's a video analytics company utilizing Artificial Intelligence to analyze human behavior. The applications include analyzing customer behavior in retail stores, security threats in sensitive installations, thermal vision processing, face recognition, and improving operational efficiency.

He has authored two books Raspberry Pi By Example and Raspberry Pi: Amazing Products from Scratch both published by Packt Publishing. Arush has extensive experience in using Raspberry Pi to build products that use computer vision to accomplish certain tasks.

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