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Ashwin Pajankar - Practical Linux with Raspberry Pi OS: Quick Start

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Ashwin Pajankar Practical Linux with Raspberry Pi OS: Quick Start
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Quickly start programming with Linux while learning the Raspberry Pi OSthe Linux distribution designed specifically for low-cost Raspberry Pis. This short guide reviews Linux commands, GUI, and shell scripting in a holistic manner by diving into both advanced and day-to-day tasks using the Raspberry Pi OS.
Youll comfortably work with the Linux command prompt, and explore the RPi OS GUI and all its base applications. Then move into writing your own programs with shell-programming and using high-level languages such as C, C++, and Python 3. Youll also study hardware and GPIO programming. Use Python 3 for GPIO programming to drive LEDs and pushbuttons.
Examples are written in Shell, C, C++, and Python 3. Graphical output is displayed in helpful screenshots that capture just what youll see when working in this environment. All code examples are well tested on actual Raspberry Pi boards. After reading this book and following the examples, youll be able to write programs for demonstration in your academic/industrial research work, business environment, or just your circle of friends for fun!

What Youll Learn

  • Navigate the core aspects of Linux and programming on a Linux platform
  • Install Raspberry Pi OS on a Raspberry Pi
  • Program in Shell, C, C++, and Python
  • Redirect Io and work with the crontab

Who This Book Is For

Linux enthusiasts, software engineers, researchers, business analysts, and managers working with the low-cost Raspberry Pi.

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Book cover of Practical Linux with Raspberry Pi OS Ashwin Pajankar - photo 1
Book cover of Practical Linux with Raspberry Pi OS
Ashwin Pajankar
Practical Linux with Raspberry Pi OS
Quick Start
1st ed.
Logo of the publisher Ashwin Pajankar Nashik Maharashtra India Any - photo 2
Logo of the publisher
Ashwin Pajankar
Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Any source code or other supplementary material referenced by the author in this book is available to readers on GitHub via the books product page, located at www.apress.com/978-1-4842-6509-3 . For more detailed information, please visit http://www.apress.com/source-code .

ISBN 978-1-4842-6509-3 e-ISBN 978-1-4842-6510-9
Apress Standard
Ashwin Pajankar 2021
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Distributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer Science+Business Media New York, 1 NY Plaza, New York, NY 10014. Phone 1-800-SPRINGER, fax (201) 348-4505, e-mail orders-ny@springer-sbm.com, or visit www.springeronline.com. Apress Media, LLC is a California LLC and the sole member (owner) is Springer Science + Business Media Finance Inc (SSBM Finance Inc). SSBM Finance Inc is a Delaware corporation.

I dedicate this book to Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, a great Indian-American astrophysicist.


I have been working with Raspberry Pi since 2014. I was introduced to it while volunteering as an organizer at a hackathon at my former workplace. And as I have mentioned in my author biography, I have decent experience with assembly programming, microcontrollers, and digital electronics since my time as an undergraduate student of computer science. Raspberry Pi and Arduino are great choices for someone who wants the best of both of the worlds of computer science and electronics. Additionally, if you wish to use Linux, C, Python, and shell programming to drive your motors, LEDs, and other peripherals, then Raspberry Pi and similar single-board computers are the best fit for your applications.

While this is an introductory book for beginners who are new to the world of SBCs and hardware hacking, once you follow the book in detail, you will be very much comfortable exploring the world of SBCs and Raspberry Pi on your own.

This entire book is based on the challenges and struggles I faced while working the very first time with Raspberry Pi (abbreviated as RPi hereafter). I have listed all the tips and tricks I learned while exploring the RPi in the first few months. At that time, I really wished that I could get a book that would make my journey easier and so decided to write one myself. So, when the opportunity presented itself, I compiled all my experiences in this book so that anyone looking for help to get started with Raspberry Pi can benefit from this.

While this book primarily covers the RPi OS flavor of Linux, I have made sure that I also introduce the readers to other important topics, such as programming with high-level languages like C, C++, and Python. I also introduce readers to GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output) programming and various buses. Finally, I cover installation of a few popular Linux desktop environments such as XFCE, LXDE, and KDE Plasma. The appendix covers a few additional tips and tricks.

I hope that the book serves the readers well and they will enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.


I am thankful to Mr. Massimo Nardone, the technical reviewer of the book. I want to express my gratitude toward him for helping me make this book better. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Apress team. Aaron Black helped with the coordination of the entire book process, and Jessica Vakili guided the editorial process. James Markham helped me with the editorial review. I am also thankful to Celestin Suresh and Aditee Mirashi for giving me an opportunity to write this book.

Table of Contents
About the Author
Ashwin Pajankar

holds a Master of Technology from IIIT Hyderabad. He started programming and tinkering with electronics at the tender age of 7. BASIC (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was the first programming language he worked with. He was gradually exposed to C programming, 8085, and x86 assembly programming during his higher secondary schooling. He is proficient in x86 assembly, C, C++, Java, Python, and Linux shell programming. He is also proficient with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, BBC Micro Bit, and other single-board computers (SBCs) and microcontrollers. Ashwin is passionate about training and mentoring. He has trained more than 100,000 trainees and professionals through live training sessions and online training courses. He has published more than a dozen books with both international and Indian publishers. He has also reviewed numerous books and educational video courses. This is his sixth book with Apress, and he is working on more books. He regularly conducts programming boot camps and hands-on training for software companies in Nashik, India.

He is also an avid YouTuber with more than 10,000 subscribers to his channel. You can find him on LinkedIn.

About the Technical Reviewer
Massimo Nardone

has more than 22 years of experiences in security, web/mobile development, the cloud, and IT architecture. His true IT passions are security and Android.

He has been programming and teaching how to program with Android, Perl, PHP, Java, VB, Python, C/C++, and MySQL for more than 20 years.

He holds a Master of Science in Computing Science from the University of Salerno, Italy.

He has worked as a project manager, software engineer, research engineer, chief security architect, information security manager, PCI/SCADA auditor, and senior lead IT security/cloud/SCADA architect for many years.

Ashwin Pajankar 2021
A. Pajankar Practical Linux with Raspberry Pi OS https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6510-9_1
1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi
Ashwin Pajankar
Nashik, Maharashtra, India

I hope you have gone through the Table of Contents and Introduction. If not, I highly recommend you go through them. This is the very first chapter of the book, and I welcome you all to the exciting journey of learning Linux with the Raspberry Pi Operating System.

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