ZONDERKIDZ Redo Your Room Copyright 2015 Red Engine, LLC Requests for information should be addressed to: Zonderkidz, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 ePub Edition April 2016: ISBN 978-0-310-75564-7 All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Any Internet addresses (websites, blogs, etc.) and telephone numbers in this book are offered as a resource. They are not intended in any way to be or imply an endorsement by Zondervan, nor does Zondervan vouch for the content of these sites and numbers for the life of this book.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the publisher. Done in association with Red Engine, LLC, Baltimore, MD Zonderkidz is a trademark of Zondervan. Writer and stylist: Jessica DArgenio WallerEditors: Jacque Alberta and Karen BokramContributor: Katie AbbondanzaCover and interior design: Chun KimCover photography: Sean Scheidt 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 /DSC/ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE
MAKE IT YOURS The room in your house where you spend the most time? Its probably your bedroom. With all that sleeping, hanging out, getting dressed and studying, its amazing you ever leave! And since that space is entirely yours, it should be a reflection of who you are. Maybe youre ready for a grown-up room, but dont want to give up all your favorite stuffed animals just yet.
Use this book as a guide to transform your bedroom into a cute, comfortable, relaxing, inspiring and happy place--with space for all your memories. Think that takes lots of time and lots of bucks? Nope. Inside are dozens of affordable, stylish crafts you can do yourself, like a floating ribbon chandelier or a postcard-covered nightstandlittle touches that can instantly transform a boring bedroom into a space thats fun, fresh and feels totally you. From your workspace to your closet, your walls to your windows, here are 50 chic crafts and cinchy DIYs to decorate your room. Try one this weekend! the editors
Redoing a room shouldnt be a strict or serious undertaking. Have funand make it all yours! For the last few years, youve been spending your allowance on shoes instead of stuffed animals.
Chapter books? Swapped for textbooks. Cartoons? Try hilarious YouTube vids. If this sounds like you, its time to rework your room into a place that suits who you are now. The first step to transforming your space is getting your parents approval on the project. Schedule a time to have a chat about revamping your bedroom. (Heres a hint: do it when theyre not busy or distracted.) Things to Tackle Talking about transitioning your room can be a big discussion.
Make a list of main points so you can cover everything in one go. Out with the old: Show your parents you can take responsibility for the change. Set a date to sort through your stuff and decide what youll keep, what youll donate to church or a charity and what youll toss out. (More on this in chapter 2!) Find a theme: Maybe ballet was your thing in second grade, but now its Paris. Ask your parents if you can swap your pointe-shoe-pink paint for something a little more chic, like black-and-white stripes on one wall or a gallery of French postcards. Keeping the keepsakes: You dont have to erase all remnants of your elementary school days (hey, those early years made you the amazing girl you are today!).
Decide what projects and papers you want to hang on to and display them in a binder or memory box. One thing to remember: Make sure your room stays a reflection of who you were then as much as who you are now. This isnt about tossing once-treasured toys to make space for newer stuff. Keep a few favorites neatly displayed in baskets and bookcases. Before you delve too deeply into the world of design, (hello, Pinterest overload!) begin thinking about how you want your new room to look. Pink and girly? Calm and cool? Vintage and bright? Heres a good way to decide whats truly y-o-u: start a vision journal.
Grab a notebook, scissors and a stack of magazines. Start clipping out images that inspire you. Make lists of ideas you want your dream room to incorporate. Use a glue stick to paste your inspiration photos into your notebook, then pencil in any notes, edits or changes along the way. While flipping through your vision journal, your subconscious design sense will start to show throughand help make the room redecorating process much more cohesive and thematic. Maybe youre drawn to flowers over stripes, hearts over stars or magenta over turquoise.
Making these small decisions now will give you a clearer idea later when choosing themes for your DIY crafts, picking the perfect wall paint and even all the way down to selecting the tiny trinkets coming into your new space. { STASH IT } Smart secrets for storing your kiddie stuff: STUFFED ANIMALS: Use big baskets to house your fluffy friends. PICTURE BOOKS: Save your faves, donate the rest to your library. TOYS AND TRINKETS: That collection of snow globes youve had since you were four? Keep a select few and place them around your room for a layered look. Donate the rest or store for safekeeping. Zone It OutBreak it down: Your room master plan Sleep: Position your bed, nightstand, reading lamp, as well as a bench for storage if theres room. Zone It OutBreak it down: Your room master plan Sleep: Position your bed, nightstand, reading lamp, as well as a bench for storage if theres room.
Leave space for kneeling bedside to say your nightly prayers. Study: Your homework nook should have a sturdy desk, a bright work lamp and a comfy (but not too cozy!) chair. Fun: Leave some open space on the floor, slide a chair beneath a window or pile up some pillows in the corner, then add a stack of books, magazines and your headphones for blissing out. Before you actually get to the heavy lifting, break out the pencil and paper (and, if necessary, tape measure). Sketch out where you think your furniture should go, drawing items to approximate scale. Get your draft approved by Mom and Dad, then ask for their assistance with the moving.
With a plan in mind, itll be easier to get everything into the right place. { 3 RULES FOR REARRANGING } 1. BED GOES FIRST: Deciding the placement of your bed is step oneits the biggest piece of the puzzle, and it will set the groundwork for the rest of the furniture. Test out a few options to make sure you like where youre going to be sleeping. 2. FIND THE FLOW: Push your bed and desk against a wall, and then balance with other big furniture, like a bookcase or dresser.
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