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Sally Baker - Seven Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating

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Sally Baker Seven Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating
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    Seven Simple Steps to Stop Emotional Eating
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We have been very early adopters of talking therapies [ including EFT, PSTEC and hypnotherapy ] and anecdotally believe these to be the most important of all our interventions for keeping weight off. This book gives a detailed insight into these techniques and how successful they can be.

Dr Matthew S Capehorn, Clinical Director, National Obesity Forum and Clinical Manager, Rotherham Institute for Obesity

I believe the work Sally and Liz are doing is the missing link between knowing what we should be eating and actually doing so.

Barry Groves, Researcher and author of Natural Health and Weight Loss and Trick and Treat

What our clients say:

No-one is more surprised than me. I get on the scales every week and every week Ive lost a few more pounds. I kept waiting for it to stop working nothing works for me but this does, and the weight is still coming off me!

I had decided to go for sessions in order to lose weight. However, I got more than that. I lost weight in the weeks I was attending the sessions, and I am still losing now. I am on holiday right now and went off the plan. After two days my mind and body easily switched back. I have been programmed not to fail!

I dont even notice the biscuits and cakes at work now. Its not like I feel Im denying myself. Its hard to put my finger on it, but I dont even notice them anymore. It feels easy; Im just not interested in eating that kind of stuff anymore.

I have a meal and Im enjoying eating it as usual. After a while I look at the food and think to myself you know what, I dont want any more. It feels like Im really smiling inside because it just feels natural, and easy to leave it nothing at all to do with will-power.

Working with PSTEC and EFT has changed my life! Ive lost 7 kilos in eight weeks, am happier than I have been in a long time, and I am taking control of my life at last. I would recommend working this way without hesitation it has worked for me on so many levels!

I feel finally able to clear away the physical and emotional fat to allow my true self to shine out there in the world. You have supported me to learn how to do this for myself, on my own. I can really do this!!!

I always knew that the reasons for my difficulty in losing weight were hidden deep inside of me. I needed to find the way in there to deal with it. This has helped release old stuff with very little pain.

I have made significant and positive changes to my life and there is now potential for who knows what? I do know though that I am working on it, and I feel so much more hopeful about my future.

Food no longer feels like an ugly demon. Instead its something I can manage and enjoy. And, youve given me my confidence back!

I am a chocoholic who has not had chocolate for two months and I dont miss it!

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This book is dedicated to my husband, the painter Arnold Dobbs, and to my wonderful son Eliot Breen, who together have given me their unwavering support every step of the way. I love you both with all my heart.
Sally Baker

I would like to dedicate this book to my three children, who have all been amazing inspirations in my life.
Liz Hogon


We would like to thank Tim Phizackerley, the creator of Percussive Suggestion Technique (PSTEC), for his tireless encouragement and support for our work. We feel privileged to know both him and his wife Karen, and count them as friends; We feel very fortunate to continue our professional relationship with the Hawaiian-based Jeff Harding, also a fellow PSTEC Master Practitioner, and our favoured go-to for our web-based presence. Annie Rickard Straus illustrative skill and unique style has added another positive dimension to our book. She has been a joy to work with. We would also like to express our gratitude for this opportunity to our Commissioning Editor at Hammersmith Health Books, Georgina Bentliff, for seeing the potential for Seven Simple Stepss in-depth approach in our earlier, embryonic e-book. Finally thanks are due to the late Barry Groves PhD, a pioneering health crusader, who also at an early stage saw the value of our therapeutic approach to resolve and release issues around emotional eating for successful weight loss.

In conclusion, we would like to thank our clients who have taught us so much. We are especially grateful to those who volunteered to be case studies for this book as well as the hundreds of others we have worked successfully with over the years. We are often humbled by the courage and determination we bear witness to in overcoming some of lifes less than positive circumstances and experiences, plus the humour and grace expressed in the face of great adversity. May they all continue to thrive.

We are currently facing an epidemic of obesity and diabetes that could bankrupt the NHS and affect the quality of life of millions of people. Over recent years there has been increasing focus on the psychological barriers to successful and sustainable weight loss, with an appreciation of the need to address the underlying causes for why we overeat and become overweight or obese.

Behaviour change has been shown to be an important part of the multi-disciplinary approach to weight loss, and is likely to be the vital factor in maintaining any weight loss. Comfort eating, habit eating and other self-sabotaging behaviours can result in unsuccessful weight-loss interventions or may be factors in why we regain any weight lost, which may in turn lead to a sense of failure and decreased motivation. It makes sense that whether we lose weight through diet and exercise, or weight-loss medications, or very low-calorie diets, or even bariatric surgery, if we do not address the underlying reasons why we became overweight in the first place we are at increased risk of putting that weight back on.

The term talking therapy has become common-place to describe interventions that aim to help identify the emotional issues that underlie problems such as over- or under-eating, and teach individuals the techniques to manage them. The term is wide ranging and can be used to include holistic approaches more associated with life-coaching, for the identification of barriers and appropriate goal-setting, together with motivational interviewing. However, it also includes techniques to help facilitate the behaviour changes required. This can include established techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), but also neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), emotional freedom technique (EFT), percussive suggestion technique (PSTEC) and hypnotherapy, which all work in different ways, allowing therapies to be tailored to the individual. At the Rotherham Institute for Obesity we were very early adopters of talking therapies, and anecdotally believe these to be the most important of all our interventions for keeping weight off. Practitioners working within the field of weight management need to embrace talking therapies, consider their use for appropriate individuals, and help to add to the evidence base to allow us to know which interventions are most effective for tackling obesity. This book gives a detailed insight into some of these techniques, and how successful they can be.

Dr Matthew S Capehorn
Clinical Director, National Obesity Forum (NOF)
Clinical Manager, Rotherham Institute for Obesity (RIO)

We met by chance in North London more than 15 years ago and instantly became good friends as well as growing to become enduring professional colleagues.

Although when we met we were already busy building up our own general therapy practices, we decided to work together as co-facilitators delivering a series of weekly group-therapy weight-loss workshops in London. Working in this way allowed us the chance to originate, design and create a therapeutic course of our own, based on our shared interest.

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