Knitting For Dummies, 2nd Edition
by Pam Allen, Tracy L. Barr, Shannon Okey
Knitting For Dummies , 2nd Edition
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About the Authors
Tracy L. Barr is a professional writer and editor. She learned to knit when she was 10 and in the three plus decades since has continued to be an avid knitter.
Shannon Okey is the author of nearly a dozen books on knitting and other fiber arts, a columnist for knit.1 magazine, and a frequent contributor to other crafty magazines. She hosts a call-in podcast about knitting and has appeared on many television shows, including Knitty Gritty, Uncommon Threads , and Crafters Coast to Coast . You can find her online at
Pam Allen is creative director at Classic Elite Yarns. In addition to Knitting For Dummies , shes the author of Scarf Style and co-author of Wrap Style, Lace Style, Bag Style , and Color Style (all published by Interweave Press). Her work has appeared in Knitting in America (published by Artisan) and numerous magazines and knitting books. She lives in Portland, Maine.
Authors Acknowledgments
Tracy and Shannon would like to thank their Wiley editors, Chrissy Guthrie and Elizabeth Rea, whose suggestions and edits made for a better book; Andrea Smith, who did such a careful review of the material; Meredith Kubicki, who managed the co-op that knitted the new pieces in almost record time; and Arabella Proffer, Shayla Clark, Chlo Brossoit, Emilie Brossoit, Tara Sibery, Amber Singer, and Rowan Miller, who gamely modeled winter sweaters and hats during the summer photo shoots.
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Several years ago, a major New York City department store ran a humorous ad disparaging knitting as an activity for grandmothers. The response? Ardent members of New Yorks Big Apple Knitting Guild took up their yarn and needles and staged a knit-in. To demonstrate that knitting isnt an activity limited to the rocking chair set but rather is an alive and timely art, a group of knitters of every age and gender gathered in the store to spend the afternoon knitting. Designer and knitter par excellence Lily Chin designed, knit, and wore a shimmering slit-to-the-thigh floor-length gown demonstrating that more than button-to-the-throat cardigans and stiff socks can come off the needles.
Sure, grandmothers knit, but so do movie stars, football players, doctors, and lawyers. They know what all knitters know or find out soon after getting into the groove of knitting: that knitting does more than just provide you with warm and cozy things to wear. Knitting stirs creativity, gives you an ongoing sense of purpose, teaches patience, and soothes the soul. Dont believe me? Try it!