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Nexus Tablets For Dummies
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2013948032
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W elcome to the 21st century. Computers? Forget them! Theyre old, heavy, clunky, and not designed with the modern lifestyle in mind. Instead, you need to follow the trends and get a tablet, a mobile communications gizmo something you can take with you to stay connected wherever you are. That device is the Nexus 7.
As a Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 tablet owner, or someone whos interested in purchasing the device, you obviously want to get the most from your technology. It can be intimidating. It can be frustrating. No matter what, your experience can be made better by leisurely reading the book you have in your hands.
About This Book
This book was written to help you get the most from your Nexus tablets potential. Its a reference. Each chapter covers a specific topic, and the sections within each chapter address an issue related to the topic. Definitely, you dont have to read this book from front to back. In fact, I forbid you to do so.
The overall idea for this book is to show how things are done on the tablet and to help you get the most from the device without overwhelming you with information or intimidating you into despair.
Sample sections in this book include
Locking the Nexus tablet
Activating voice input on the keyboard
Importing contacts from your computer
Setting up an e-mail account
Running Facebook on your Nexus tablet
Talking and video chat
Placing a Skype phone call
Flying with a Nexus tablet
You have nothing to memorize, no sacred utterances or animal sacrifices, and definitely no PowerPoint presentations. Instead, every section explains a topic as though its the first thing you read in this book. Nothing is assumed, and everything is cross-referenced. Technical terms and topics, when they come up, are neatly shoved to the side, where theyre easily avoided. The idea here isnt to master anything. This books philosophy is to help you look it up, figure it out, and get on with your life.
How to Use This Book
This book follows a few conventions for using the Nexus 7. First of all, the Nexus 7 is referred to as the Nexus 7 throughout the book. I might also refer to it as your tablet for short.
Much of the material in this book applies to the Nexus 10 as well the Nexus 7, with just a few small differences. If you have a Nexus 10, youll find this book just as useful as Nexus 7 users. So where I use Nexus 7 in the text, just pretend that you see Nexus 10 instead.
This book covers both Wi-Fi and Mobile Data (cellular network) versions of the Nexus 7. The differences between the two types of tablet are few, and I point out those differences where they impact the text.
The way you interact with the Nexus 7 is by using its touchscreen, the glassy part of the device as its facing you. The device also has some physical buttons as well as some holes and connectors. All these items are described in .
The various ways to touch the screen are explained and named in .
This book directs you to do things by following numbered steps. Each step involves a specific activity, such as touching something on the screen; for example: