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ISBN: Print 978-1-64611-622-5 | eBook 978-1-64611-623-2
This book is dedicated to my children, Chase and Curren. You are my biggest accomplishment in life and I love you. May you continue to thrive and grow into incredibly wonderful, talented, and smart humans. Thank you for your help in choosing favorite recipes and taste testing them for this cookbook for all to enjoy.
Life with children is wonderful, even if it is busy and, at times, a bit topsy-turvy. If you have a child with a dairy intolerance, the happy chaos of family life can be punctuated by worry and frustration about how to feed them. After all, kids can be notoriously picky eaters and having to remove dairy from the equation can make mealtimes feel overwhelming. This feeling may be the reason youve turned to this book. If so, youve come to the right place! As a mother of a child with dairy intolerance, I have been where you are now, and Im here to help.
When we started a family, our days of leisure and little responsibility ended and a whole new life of hustle, joy, purpose, and love blossomed. In the first moment I held my firstborn, I remember looking in his eyes and promising to do whatever it took to protect him and give him the opportunities he needed to thrive. I could not believe how much love poured over me that day.
Fast-forward five years to a trip to a doughnut shop where my son was drinking dairy milk. Shortly afterward, he was throwing up. The same thing had happened when he ate bread with cream cheese. If that was not frightening enough, there were additional symptoms that came with eating dairy: He would lash out in tantrums with uncharacteristic anger. I was in tears trying to find ways to help him.
I hear similar stories all the time: Parents in a constant state of worry, trying to figure out what is causing their children to have migraines, frequent stomachaches, lack of focus, and fits of anger. Oftentimes, the cause is a food allergy or intolerance, one of the most common of which is dairy intolerance.
When we started to make sense of my sons symptoms, we already ate mostly dairy free and gluten free. I began to notice a definite pattern when I added dairy to his diet. We then started eliminating dairy and gluten completely, which helped ease my sons irrational behaviors, and he stopped getting sick.
Adapting to new ways of looking at and enjoying food are the first steps to a happy dairy-free lifestyle. Eliminating milk products from your diet can be challenging in the beginning, but with some helpful kid-friendly recipes and a little time, I promise, it gets easier. Taste buds start to change and these easy dairy-free recipes will become a part of a lifestyle.
As my pastor put it, Life is a little salty and a little sweetlike a maple-glazed bacon doughnut, and as with everything sweet, the salty makes the sweet moments even sweeter. For me, the saltiness of my kids food sensitivities put me on a sweet journey to develop delicious healthy recipes that ensure kids dont feel like they are missing out. Then, I started blogging to share these recipes with others who were going through the same thing. I am so happy that, through the years, my recipes have helped thousands of parents create meals that bring nutrition and smiles to all ages! You can visit my blog at DelightfulMomFood.com .
I have specially created 100 dairy-free recipes for this book that are not only kid friendly but also family friendly, because no one wants to cook more than one meal at mealtime. I have included some family favorites, such as macaroni and cheese and taquitos (no animal cheese required!). To make your dairy-free journey easier, many recipes can be completed in under 1 hour, and some can even be made in advance for wholesome and energizing treats on the go. The recipes dont require an extensive list of ingredientseverything in this book is affordable and simple, as life should be. There is even a primer on dairy-free living that details ingredients used throughout this book.
The possibilities are endless with dairy-free cooking the whole family can enjoy. Thank you for letting me join you on your journey toward becoming a happy, healthy, dairy-free family.
E ating dairy free as a family can be easy and delicious, but it does require a little learning curve in the beginning. I am here to help you learn. In this chapter, I cover the basics of dairy; the difference between dairy intolerance and milk allergies; and how to identify sneaky milk products on food labels. With a little knowledge and some adjustments, your family will be on the road to a happy, healthy, dairy-free lifestyle in no time.