Discover how you can enhance personal relationships, achieve
success in business dealings and fulfil your potential
Simon G. Brown
First published in 2000 in the United Kingdom by:
Carroll & Brown Limited
20 Lonsdale Road
Queens Park
London NW6 6RD
Editor Caroline Uzielli
Photographer Jules Selmes
Copyright 2000 Carroll & Brown Limited
Text copyright 2000 Simon G. Brown
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978-1-907952-49-4
The moral right of Simon G. Brown to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.
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What is face reading?
Facial characteristics can reveal a lot about a person. The art of face reading helps you to organise your first impressions of another so you can make a quick assessment of his or her character. Face reading originated in the Far East thousands of years ago and it can help you to see the true personalities of others.
You may not be aware of it, but you have been face reading all your life. As soon as you meet someone new, you will subconsciously make a character judgement based on facial appearance. Does the person look friendly or aloof? Does he or she look tired or full of vitality? This method of face reading is spontaneous and instinctive and can help you to make decisions about who to trust, who to spend time with at a social occasion, who you might like to work with or who you would like to start a romantic relationship with.
Whether in a business or social situation, there is seldom time to get to know an individual before important decisions have to be made. Having the unique ability to interpret facial features can teach you how to anticipate the behaviour and personality of a stranger as well as help you to understand your own behaviour, enabling you to present yourself as you would like others to see you. Face reading, therefore, is a very useful tool for everyday modern life as it can help you to:
faces are but a gallery of pictures
Better understand other people
Throughout history and across the globe, different types of faces have been thought to represent the ultimate in beauty. One of the great benefits of face reading is that it allows you to look beyond mere aesthetics and appreciate a face as a reflection of a persons character. Face reading can help you to be more aware of peoples inherent, often hidden, traits. With time you will find that you enjoy observing all kinds of faces for the diversity of interesting personalities they represent.
Most human conflicts originate from a lack of understanding. The more you know of people, the better able you are to understand why they do the things they do. Although you may not agree with them, by appreciating their motives you will be far better equipped to work out a strategy for resolution. Someone with a triangularshaped face, for example, may appreciate a direct, honest approach to an argument, whereas a person with an oval face will probably respond better if you take time to listen to his or her concerns and talk through any potential problems.
Better understand yourself
Observing your own facial features can provide you with a wealth of invaluable personal knowledge. Face reading can improve your decision-making skills and help you to choose a suitable career and be successful in your present job. It can teach you to build strong and lasting friendships and relate more harmoniously with your family. It also can help you to ward off potential illnesses as facial features reveal vital information about the state of your general health.
Identifying your weaknesses through face reading can enable you to control any negative qualities and turn them into positive ones. If you discover through face reading that you tend to be intolerant, for example, you can compensate for this trait by making a conscious effort to be more patient with people or when in difficult situations. Being aware of your own innate traits, therefore, can help you to have a deeper awareness of yourself and ensure you project your "best face" in all situations.
Feel more confident socially
It is perfectly natural to have reservations about the unknown even the most confident of people are apprehensive in unfamiliar social situations. The more you can rely on your face reading skills, however, the more assured you will feel in your interactions with new people. After a while it will become second nature to make quick assessments when you are introduced to people and to use your skills to understand their underlying traits. This will enable you to bring out the best in your new acquaintances and help you to make a positive first impression with them. People with small eyes, for example, tend to appreciate a direct style of communication and enjoy frank and honest conversation. They like to get down to the facts and move from one point to the next fairly swiftly. In contrast, those with large eyes enjoy relaxed conversations about a whole variety of subjects they like to stretch their imaginations and feel that you are interested in their creative sides.
Improve a relationship
If you are looking for love or hoping to improve an existing relationship, face reading can help you to take a new approach. You may no longer seek a partner with high cheek bones, for example, which is a sign of being highly emotional and expressive, but instead look for someone with a large mouth, a sign of being very adventurous.
Once you have embarked on a new relationship, your insights into your partners personality will help you to feel at ease with him or her and secure enough to form an intimate, honest partnership from the outset. If problems arise at a later stage, your knowledge can help you to resolve them.
Be a better parent
Until your children are able to talk, it can be almost impossible to understand how they are feeling or to interpret their specific needs. Face reading can help you to understand your childrens underlying characteristics and inherent skills and enable you to interact with them better. It can also help you to identify their strengths and weaknesses so that you can encourage their skills and iron-out any negative qualities when they are still young.
Encourage your children
Face reading can help you to communicate better with your baby and can even help you to predict where his or her talents lie so that you can stimulate these natural skills from an early age.
The roots of face reading
Face reading is an effective tool in modern society, but it has a long and illustrious history. It represents a body of knowledge that spans approximately 5,000 years and is based on thousands of practitioners, and millions of patients experiences with Eastern medicine.
Despite its relevance to modern life, face reading has its roots in Far Eastern medicine. It originally evolved as a diagnostic tool for Eastern medical practitioners. The aim of this traditional medicine was and still is to predict the onset of health problems and make recommendations in terms of diet, exercise and meditation to avert illness before it occurred. These diagnostic techniques were traditionally based on the observation of the patients face, tongue
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