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Elliott - Ichimoku Charts An introduction to Ichimoku Kinko Clouds

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Elliott Ichimoku Charts An introduction to Ichimoku Kinko Clouds
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    Ichimoku Charts An introduction to Ichimoku Kinko Clouds
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Candlestick charts, although originating in Japan, now play an important role in technical analysis worldwide. Now, for the first time in English, this book presents the next stage of candlestick analysis - Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. Sometimes called Cloud Charts, this analysis adds moving averages to candlestick charts. But moving averages a little different from those traditionally used in the West. For trending markets, Cloud Charts add an essential tool for analysing near-term areas of support and resistance. The book covers the history of candlestick charts - explaining the context in which they developed. And then moves on to explain how in the 1930s a journalist, with the pseudonym Ichimoku Sanjin, started refining candlestick analysis by adding a series of moving averages. The book explains in detail how to construct Cloud Charts and how to interpret them. A chapter is devoted to the advanced analysis of Cloud charts, with an in-depth study of the Three Principles: Wave Principle, Price Target and Timespan Principle. The book is illustrated throughout with numerous examples of Cloud Chart analysis. Walk into any Japanese dealing room today and you will see that the most common charts being used are Ichimoku Kinko Clouds. This book presents the definitive explanation of these charts for the first time to a Western audience.

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First published in Great Britain in 2007 by Harriman House.

Reprinted 2009.

This eBook edition 2011.

Copyright Harriman House Ltd

The right of Nicole Elliott to be identified as the author has been asserted

in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

ISBN: 978-0-85719-108-3

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library.

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Charts used with permission of Bloomberg LP and Reuters

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without Yuichiro Harada's help I would not have got this far

Who this book is for

The book has been written for existing users of candlestick charts who want to extend their knowledge and techniques to include Ichimoku Cloud charts. As such, some knowledge of technical analysis is assumed, especially a knowledge of candlesticks (although a brief primer on candlesticks is also included in the books appendix).

What this book covers

The book covers the history of candlestick charts - explaining the context in which they developed. It then moves on to explain how in the 1940s and 1950s a journalist, with the pseudonym Ichimoku Sanjin, started refining candlestick analysis by adding a series of moving averages. The book explains in detail how to construct Cloud charts and how to interpret them. A chapter is devoted to the advanced analysis of Cloud charts, with an in-depth study of the Three Principles: Wave Principle, Price Target and Timespan Principle. The book is illustrated throughout with numerous examples of Cloud chart analysis.

How the book is structured

The book comprises six main chapters:

  1. History. A brief history of candlesticks and the development of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
  2. Constructing the Cloud Charts. First, a quick introduction to candlestick charts - the foundation of Ichimoku - and then a detailed explanation of how Ichimoku charts are constructed.
  3. Interpretation of the Clouds. How to interpret the Cloud charts, including: identifying support and resistance levels; the significance of cloud thickness and the distance between price and cloud; and how to finesse trading positions.
  4. The Three Principles. A discussion of the three principles of Ichimoku charts: the Wave Principle, Price Targets and the Timespan Principle.
  5. Case Studies. Several case studies are included that work through in detail the interpretation of Ichimoku chart examples.
  6. Option Trading with Clouds. How the unique combination of timing and price levels that is possible with Ichimoku analysis is particularly relevant for option trading strategies.
Supporting web site

The web site supporting this book can be found at www.harriman-house.com/ichimoku.


A long time ago, and more years than I would care to admit to, I started my first City job as a junior dealer at the then small Bank of Scotland. Working in the money market section, with what at that time were cutting edge interest rate futures, my two bosses (there were only three of us) said:

You will be our expert on charts. All the futures dealers in Chicago use these, so off you go and learn.

And so I did. Later, armed with a pencil, graph paper, a couple of brief lessons under my belt and bare-faced cheek, I wormed my way in to the offices of the few jobbers and brokers who knew about Technical Analysis.

I immediately knew I had found my niche, and still today I often think my job is such fun. Everyday I have a jigsaw puzzle where I have all of the pieces, but there is no image to fit them to. You have to work the big picture out by yourself. It is also a little like dancing. Sometimes it is pure hard slog: tiring, tedious, repetitive, constant discipline, and my partner has two left feet. Then the other times (which more than make up for everything else) its truly fantastic, intuitive, creative, and I have Fred Astaire to lead me round the dance floor.

Over the years the pencil and paper were replaced with computer programs. Then one day I noticed a new technical study had been added to the vast array I already had to choose from. Called Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, I had never heard of it, despite having practised as a full-time Technical Analyst for almost twenty years. My initial reaction was one of shock-horror, when I looked at a chart and saw something that looked like a writhing mass of knotted, multi-coloured noodles.

I left the noodles alone for a while; but then ten years ago I went to work for a Japanese bank, and recognised the charts many of my Japanese colleagues were using: Spaghetti Junction! Curiosity got the better of me and - at the risk of losing my street cred as sole full-time chartist in a very macho dealing room - I asked them what these were.

Oh, cloud charts, they said. We all use them.

They did, and still do. And now I do too.

When the markets were quiet, I asked our very busy dollar/yen dealer, Harada-san, if he could explain them to me. Slowly (as he was very busy), and despite some language problems, I began to understand. Setting them up on my files, I started to use them every day. Questions arose as I went along, which then allowed me to progress to the next level with his explanations.

I now realise how much I owe Harada-san, because all the books on the subject are in Japanese and, quite frankly, I am too old to start learning a language in order to learn a new charting method.

This book distils what Ive learnt about Ichimoku Kinko Hyo over the last few years of working in a Japanese dealing room. I like the method and now use it every day - because it works. I hope you too find the clouds fascinating and profitable.

1. History

In this short chapter I thought it would be interesting to briefly describe the political and economic background that prevailed at the time that candlesticks were first thought of, and how Ichimoku Cloud charts evolved from these. The chapter ends with a calligraphic diversion that analyses the Chinese characters for Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.

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