Candlestick Charting For Dummies
by Russell Rhoads
Candlestick Charting For Dummies
Published by
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About the Author
Russell Rhoads is a trader and analyst for Peak Trading Group in Chicago. His career in trading and market analysis covers over 17 years. He has a BBA and MS in Finance from the University of Memphis and has done graduate level work in Financial Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Russell also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
To Bobbie, Dusty, Maggie, Emmy, and especially Merribeth.
Authors Acknowledgments
The most thanks must go to my wife Merribeth who through a very difficult year, that included producing this book, always was willing to yield to the time I needed to complete this project. Maggie, my daughter, was also always a helpful participant by working quietly alongside of Daddy when he needed to work. To Emmy, who discovered how to push buttons while this book was being written, thanks for not turning the computer off when Daddy hasnt saved his work.
Thank you to a few current professional associates whove been very helpful recently: Mike Wilkins, Bill Annis, and Patrick Guinee. Also, there are some people that I professionally lost touch with that helped guide my career, and I feel Ive never properly thanked them: R. Patrick Jones, Mickey Hoffman, and Michael Orkin. These people stand out the most in my mind, so Im taking this opportunity.
As far as the mechanics of putting the book together, Stacy Kennedy, Acquisitions Editor, Chrissy Guthrie, Senior Project Editor, and Carrie Burchfield, Copy Editor, were extremely helpful for this non-writer. Tim Brennan, the technical editor, did an excellent job pointing out areas that needed some improvement. Brittain Phillips gets a special thank you for taking what Im trying to say and making it readable. Also, I cant go without acknowledging Michelle Hacker, Editorial Manager, who introduced me to the people at Wiley Publishing, Inc. Without her I never wouldve had the chance to produce a book.
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