Advance Praise for Broken Trust
This timely book gives a much needed perspective from both the victims and perpetrators, who arein these storiesthemselves victims.
Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D., bestselling author of Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction and noted speaker
As you can well imagine, Broken Trust is a very difficult book to read. The important trust that is broken is in the pledge of gospel ministers to follow fully the gospel values proclaimed and modeled by Jesus. Barring a miracle of grace it seems that some of these situations of fractured trust will never be mended. But the point is that we are all called to pray and work for just such gospel miracles. Mark, Patrick, and Sue have given us the opportunity to examine wounded brothers and their victims in various stages of coping and recovery. For continuing progress there needs to be dedicated involvement in the Church and wider community to foster genuine healing. There are not many more stark situations in which we are called to contemplate the victory Jesus willed to make available to all peoples over sin and death through His Paschal Mystery.
Most Rev. John R. Gaydos, Bishop of the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO
The truth that sets us free is not just theoretical and philosophical, but often feels much more like simple honesty. We must speak with honesty without seeking vengeance or creating more victims. Here is a book of such healing honesty.
Rev. Richard Rohr, OFM
This insightful book reintroduces the theme of forgiveness and reconciliation as a way forward for the Church in responding to the sexual abuse crisis. The stories stir in us the ancient memories of the Church about redemption, not only for individuals, but for the Church as a community of faith. By tapping into these deep sources of our tradition, we find the possibility of a hope which is totally undeserved because it is total grace.
Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich, Bishop of the Diocese of Rapid City, SD
Within the area of sexual abuse, this might be the most helpful single book you can read. I have not found anything that is as systematic, as sympathetic, as fair, and as insightful on this question. It lays out the anatomy of the disease, the devastation it does to its victims, and the complex array of factors that help trigger sexual abuseall from the inside, with fairness and sympathy. Everyone should read Broken Trust!
Rev. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
This work courageously and honestly reveals the human side of clergy sexual offenders while mirroring the tragic experience of their victims. When survivors see only the evil side of their abuser, an opportunity is lost. These accounts give real meaning to the term cycle of abuse and open new avenues to forgiveness and recovery. Broken Trust is a must read for those struggling to understand why priests abuse, why victims suffer, and why all sides are in need of healing.
Susan Archibald, President, The Healing Alliance
These experienced authors have put a compassionate face on the abusers who have been mostly victims of sexual abuse themselves. They have described the depth and dynamics of therapeutic healing instead of a punitive approach. As restorative justice practitioners, we are concerned with the healing and accountability for the victim, offender, and the community. Hopefully, Broken Trust will create greater understanding of this complicated problem.
Linda Harvey, Founder, Program Director, Restorative Justice Council on Sexual Misconduct in Faith Communities
This masterful look at woundedness, healing, and hope is a tour de force: a wonderful and searching study with far-reaching implications for so many. Its odd to call such a book a page turner, but it is. No one reading these case histories can fail to learn or be changed.
Paula DArcy, author and speaker
Broken Trust is a stunning bookcompelling, moving, and inspiring. I appreciated its integritytelling the heart-wrenching stories of those who had been abused and the terrible tales of the abusers, who look back in horror at what they had done. This book both challenges us to forgive and, most amazingly, shows us the way to make forgiveness possible. Everyone who cares about the future of our church should read this book.
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, author of Failing Americas Faithful and former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland
The Crossroad Publishing Company
2007 by Patrick Fleming, Sue Lauber-Fleming, and Mark Matousek
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of The Crossroad Publishing Company.
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
The text of this book is set in 11/16 Cheltenham and 11/16 Benguiat Gothic. The display face is Torino.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Fleming, Patrick.
Broken trust : stories of pain, hope, and healing from clerical abuse survivors and abusers / Patrick Fleming, Sue Lauber-Fleming, Mark T. Matousek.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 978-0-8245-2410-4 (Cloth)
ISBN: 978-0-8245-5011-0 (Epub)
ISBN: 978-0-8245-5012-7 (Mobipocket)
1. Child sexual abuse by clergy. 2. Catholic Church Clergy behavior. 3. Suffering Religious aspects Christianity. 4. Sexual abuse victims. I. Lauber-Fleming, Sue. II. Matousek, Mark T. III. Title.
BX1912.9.F54 2006
261.83272088282 dc22
We dedicate this book to everyone who is caught in the cycle of abuse.
May the cycle be broken, with healing for all.
He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted.
To proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners.
To announce a year of favor from the Lord and a day of vindication by our God, to comfort all who mourn.
Isaiah 61:12. Jesus quotes this passage in the Gospel of Luke (4:1819) to summarize his work on earth.
One of the fundamental tasks of spirituality is to help us to understand and channel our sexuality correctly. This, however, is no easy task. Sexuality is such a powerful (divine) fire that it is not always easy to channel it in life-giving ways. Its very force makes it a force not just for formidable love, life and blessing but also for the worst hate, death and destruction imaginable. It is the most powerful of fires, the best of all fires, the most dangerous of all fires, and the fire which, ultimately, lies at the base of everything, including the spiritual life.
Ronald Rolheiser
A Note from the Publisher
Broken Trust is perhaps the most difficult book you will read on the topic of the clergy sexual abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church. And for this reason, it is the most important book you will read to understand why priest abusers have abused those in their care, how survivors have survived the crippling horrors perpetrated on them, and why there is still reason to hope for the future of the Church and the people of God.
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