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Hancock - The medium next door: the adventures of a real-life ghost whisperer

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Hancock The medium next door: the adventures of a real-life ghost whisperer
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Medium Maureen Hancock shares stories of how she has used her gift to communicate with the dead, help with searches for missing children, and teach others about life after death, and offers guided exercises.;Awakening -- Back from the dead -- My miracle baby -- Postcards from heaven -- Sean Michael: tragedy to triumph -- Im not dead, Im different -- Married to a medium -- Transitions -- Mission for the missing -- Hollywood Hills -- Good grief -- Psychic children -- To live for -- Jonathans sunshine -- Surviving for Bo -- Expect the unexpected -- Tales from the trenches.

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Praise for Maureen Hancock
and The Medium Next Door

In The Medium Next Door , Maureen Hancock weaves the fabric of everyday life into accounts of communication across different realmsproviding the reader with a comfortable and believable platform. Not only is Maureen the real deal when it comes to spirit communication, she is also a grounded individual with great integrity, a caring nature, and a wonderful sense of humor. I was fortunate enough to personally experience a reading with Maureenconducted under restricted conditions. She shone brightly in this process, as did my smile after receiving unmistakable validations from my beloved son Brandon.

Mark Ireland, author of Soul Shift: Finding Where the Dead Go

Maureens ability to interpret and understand messages from the deceased is remarkable. She describes events, locations, and situations so eerily; its as if she were present when these events occurred. Im amazed and awestruck at her comprehension and specific knowledge of the lives of people that shes never even met. Her interpretations are inspiring and comforting to the grandest skeptic. A must read for anyone who has lost a loved one and has questions about death, dying, and the continuity of life.

Cindy Hall Felts, Alamance County Homicide Detective

Maureen Hancock is the real deal! Maureens innate ability to connect and receive messages from our loved ones who have passed is truly a divine gift . As a law enforcement officer for thirty years; logic is supported by factual evidence. In 2006, my life changed after her personal reading that was fact driven, connected me to a dear loved one who had passed decades ago; long before the age of computers, internet, and Google. The Medium Next Door will open your heart and soul to a new belief that our loved ones really dont die, they are just different now, as Maureen explains with her connections to Spirit. Her book is full of personal life experiences that are uplifting and comforting, taking away doubt and leaving the reader with strength, hope, and peace.

John M. LaCross, RI Police Chief
and Retired Major of RI State Police

When our four-year-old little angel, Lulu, came through Maureen, it was beyond this world! It was beyond any experience I have ever had. Maureen delivers messages with power, humor, and grace. Maureen says that she is clairaudient, but I have witnessed her taking on the complete mannerisms of lost loved ones. Maureen is a gift to the living and the dead! She is the real deal! For anyone who will pass away... for anyone who has lost a loved one... this book and Maureen are a must-have! If you have ever doubted heaven, doubt no more! Thank you, Maureen, for sharing your gift with the world!

Gretchan Pyne, The Lulu Foundation, author of Lulus Rose Colored Glasses and others (visit www.lulubellebooks.com)

Maureen Hancock is a gifted individual, but shes also a gift to the rest of us. Her wonderful book takes us inside the world of a true clairvoyant and sheds a cathartic light on some of lifes great mysteries. I found her story to be inspirational, humorous, and beautifully written. Two words: highly recommended.

Bobby Farrelly, director and screenwriter

Health Communications Inc Deerfield Beach Florida wwwhcibookscom Library - photo 1

Picture 2

Health Communications, Inc.

Deerfield Beach, Florida


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Hancock, Maureen.

The medium next door : the adventures of a real-life ghost whisperer /
Maureen Hancock.

p. cm.

ISBN-13: 978-0-7573-1564-0

ISBN-10: 0-7573-1564-X

ISBN-13: 978-0-7573-9187-3 (e-book)

ISBN-10: 0-7573-9187-7 (e-book)

1. Hancock, Maureen. 2. MediumsUnited StatesBiography.
I. Title.

BF1283.H234A3 2011




2011 Maureen Hancock

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.

HCI, its logos, and marks are trademarks of Health Communications, Inc.

Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
3201 S.W. 15th Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 334428190


Cover photo by Kerry Brett of Kerry Brett Lifestyle Portraits
Cover design by Larissa Hise Henoch
Interior design and formatting by Lawna Patterson Oldfield

Epub formatting by Dawn Von Strolley Grove

This book is dedicated to our angel,
Sean Michael Ewas,
who provided the wind beneath my

earthly wings; and to my beautiful family

for their unconditional love

and encouragement.

Picture 3ContentsPicture 4



Back from the Dead

My Miracle Baby

Postcards from Heaven

I'm Not DeadI'm Different


Mission for the Missing

Good Grief

Psychic Children

To Live For

Jonathans Sunshine

Surviving for Bo

Expect the Unexpected

Tales from the Trenches


Appendix: Frequently Asked Questions



About the Author

Picture 5

Im living a life less ordinary, thats for certain. Lets just say Im not your average soccer mom. I should have a walk-in closet just for my many hats. I start my day like most of the moms in my neighborhood. After two hits of the snooze button I roll out of bed at 7:20 am. My morning beauty routine consists of putting on sweats and sneakers. I rush downstairs to start breakfast, let Ally, our chocolate lab, out to make her bladder gladder, and pack snacks, water, and homework. Then, its a mad dash to get my two boys, Tyler and Drew, up, fed, and out the door in time for the eight oclock school bell. After good-bye kisses, I go put on my superwoman cloak. You see, I come from a long line of legendary Irish intuitives and healers. My great-grandmother had the gift, as did my mothers mother, her sisters, and most especially, my grandmothers sister, Annie. She was ordered to move to Scotland by the parish priest of Donegal, Ireland, after he saw dozens of people camped out in front of her thatched cottage hoping to receive a healing or reading from her. Mediumship is in my DNA, but it took a couple of near-death experiences and the tragedy of 9/11 for me to embrace my ability to communicate with those who have passed. Now I share it around the country to help others.

At about 9:00 am, I arrive at my office in a rural town forty minutes south of Boston, where I meet with my event manager and close friend, Kelly Scriven. Kelly runs through a checklist of things we need to take care of in preparation for a big event or presentation. Next, I check in with my assistant, Wanda, who hands me a to-do list regarding the days events. Through the Seeds of Hope foundation, I may be scheduled for cancer hands-on-healing work at someones home or at a hospital. I may also be involved in a search for a missing child or adult through a joint effort with Metro Investigations of Boston. Our organizationMission for the Missingprovides pro bono services for the missing. In addition, I often meet with parents who have lost a child. I do this to help bring them peace and closure by sharing messages from beyond. Meetings like these often begin with much anguish and crying but usually end with an uplifting transformation and joyful tears and smiles. All my sessions, whether they are a private reading, a cancer-healing visit, or a missing-person case, are free of charge. Im a firm believer in paying it forward. I believe God blessed me with an ability that I need to share.

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