Wireless Home Networking For Dummies, 3rd Edition
by Danny Briere, Pat Hurley, and Edward Ferris
Wireless Home Networking For Dummies, 3rd Edition
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About the Authors
Danny Briere founded TeleChoice, Inc., a telecommunications consulting company, in 1985 and now serves as CEO of the company. Widely known throughout the telecommunications and networking industry, Danny has written more than 1,000 articles about telecommunications topics and has authored or edited eight books, including Smart Homes For Dummies, 3rd Edition, HDTV For Dummies, 2nd Edition, Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 PC For Dummies, Wireless Network Hacks & Mods For Dummies, and Home Theater For Dummies, 2nd Edition (all published by Wiley). He is frequently quoted by leading publications on telecommunications and technology topics and can often be seen on major TV networks providing analysis on the latest communications news and breakthroughs. Danny lives in Mansfield Center, Connecticut, with his wife and four children.
Pat Hurley is director of research with TeleChoice, Inc., specializing in emerging telecommunications technologies, including all the latest access and home technologies: wireless LANs, DSL, cable modems, satellite services, and home networking services. Pat frequently consults with the leading telecommunications carriers, equipment vendors, consumer goods manufacturers, and other players in the telecommunications and consumer electronics industries. Pat is the co-author of Smart Homes For Dummies, 3rd Edition, HDTV For Dummies, 2nd Edition, Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 PC For Dummies, Wireless Network Hacks & Mods For Dummies, and Home Theater For Dummies, 2nd Edition (all published by Wiley). He lives in San Diego, California, with his wife, beautiful daughter, and two smelly and unruly dogs.
Edward Ferris is a consultant and director of information systems with TeleChoice, Inc., specializing in information management, wired and wireless networking, and security technologies. He has extensive experience with all the latest VOIP technologies: SIP, vPBX, Hybrid PBX, QoS, and packet labeling and switching. Ed frequently consults with companies looking to tighten information security, develop scalable technology plans, and expand network and client support operations. He has written many training and technology manuals for corporate use and has created custom training materials and seminars for numerous applications and business processes. He lives in Norwood, Massachusetts, with his wife and three children.
Authors Acknowledgments
Danny wants to thank his wife, Holly, and kids, for their infinite patience while he and Pat wrestled with this book toward the finish line. He agrees that the wireless Webcam in the shower was not a good idea. (Just kidding.) He also wants to thank his sister, Michelle, for all her hard work over the years that has made it possible to continue to survive in this crazy business environment we could not have made it without her. He also wants to note that he has a 42-inch LCD HDTV and even has a 108-inch screen for playing with the Wii.
Pat, as always, thanks his wife, Christine, for providing her impeccable judgment when he asks, Can I write this wisecrack and not get in trouble? and for her ability to restrain her desire to knock him over the head with a big frying pan when deadlines and late-night writing intrude on their domestic tranquility. He also wants to thank her for letting him hog the computers and the sofa while writing. He also thanks Annabel for not playing my computer (in the typing-over-a-just-finished-paragraph way that only a three-year-old can manage) during crucial writing moments Daddy will take you to In-N-Out for a hamburger and french fries to celebrate the completion of this edition and let you get back to your computer explorations!
Ed wants to thank his wife, Maureen (Moe), and the kids, for letting him take all the extra time to write and for digging him out of the basement now and then so he remembers what sunlight really looks like. He even got to play a few soccer games this time around thanks to the kids. He also wants to thank Moe for all her support as a test subject and pre-editor of everything he types. Without her to say Okay, now it makes sense to me, much of the instructional material in this book would not have been finished.