Mayo Clinic
Medical Editor - Donald Hensrud, M.D.
Associate Medical Editor - Jennifer Nelson, R.D
Senior Product Manager, Books - Christopher Frye
Director, Health information - Jay Maxwell
Managing Editor - Karen Wallevand
Creative Director - Daniel Brevick
Art Directors - Stewart Koski, Paul Krause, Rick Resnick
Illustrator - Kent McDaniel
Proofreaders - Miranda Attlesey, Donna Hanson, Julie Maas
Administrative Assistants - Beverly Steele, Terri Zanto Strausbauch
Each of the habits in Lose It! has been the subject of scientific studies that support its role in weight management. In addition, Mayo Clinic conducted a two-week program to test the validity of this habit-based approach to quick weight loss. The 33 women who completed the program lost an average of 6.59 pounds, with individual results varying from 0.2 to 13.8 pounds lost. The 14 men who completed the program lost an average of 9.97 pounds, with individual results varying from 5.2 to 18.8 pounds lost. Individual results will vary. Consult your doctor before starting any diet program.
Good Books
Publisher - Merle Good
Executive Editor - Phyllis Pellman Good
Assistant Publisher - Kate Good
Published by Good Books
First electronic edition published 2011 by RosettaBooks LLC, New York
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in review.
2011 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
ISBN 978-1-56148-730-1
First Edition
If you would like more copies of this book, contact Good Books, Intercourse, PA 17534. 800-762-7171.
For bulk sales to employers, member groups and health-related companies, contact Mayo Clinic Health Solutions, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905, or send an email to
The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet is intended to supplement the advice of your personal physician, whom you should consult regarding individual medical conditions. MAYO, MAYO CLINIC and the Mayo triple- shield logo are marks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
Photo credits: Artville, BananaStock, Brand X Pictures, Daniel Brevick, Comstock, Corbis, DAJ/Getty Images, Digital Vision, Jordan Eady, EyeWire, Joe Kane, Rick Madsen, PhotoAlto, Photodisc and Stockbyte
Jacket design by Paul Krause
Table of contents
Before you start
Ready, set, go
Add 5 Habits
Break 5 Habits
Adopt 5 Bonus Habits
What have you learned?
Preparing to Live It!
Eating to the pyramid
No food scales or calculators needed
Burning calories
A quick review... and a look ahead
Finding your healthy weight
Understanding nutrition and weight control
Diabetes and the pyramid
How to change behaviors
So I slipped up what do I do?
Making meals easy
Sticking to the diet when eating out
Burning even more calories
Donald Hensrud, M.D.
Medical Editor-in-Chief
Family history, being overweight, inactivity, a poor diet. These are the reasons why millions of Americans have diabetes or are at risk. And while all of these factors are important, and each deserves attention, one rises to the top. The single most important thing you can do to improve your diabetes or prevent yourself from ever getting it is to lose weight.
Weight loss can reverse the physical process that causes diabetes, and the effect can be dramatic. Within a couple of days of losing weight, blood sugar (glucose) values improve, sometimes dramatically.
The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet is a straightforward approach to weight loss thats designed to empower you to make simple, beneficial lifestyle changes that will result in a healthy weight you can maintain for the rest of your life a weight that will also keep your blood sugar under control.
This diet isnt a fad diet. Youve probably tried enough of those to know the results. Rather, The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet is about changing your habits for the better. Good lifestyle habits give you the best chance to treat your diabetes and prevent health complications.
Yes, losing weight takes work or, more correctly, planning but the rewards are great. With the right attitude, you can have fun and feel great while adding years to your life!
P.S. How is this book different from The Mayo Clinic Diet? The books are similar in many ways, and the basic principles are the same eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains and fewer unhealthy fats and sweets. The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet is different in that it also includes information and advice important to someone with diabetes. It can help you not only lose weight and improve your blood sugar, but do so safely.
How to use this book
This book is designed to help you start losing weight now.
Part 1, Lose It!
Jump-start your weight loss with a two-week quick start designed to help you lose 6 to 10 pounds in a safe and healthy way. Very little preparation just read Chapter 1 and dive in. Part 1 is intentionally lean on background info because its focused on action. Anytime you need more information, see Part 3 for additional help.
Part 2, Live It!
After Lose It!, transition into Part 2, Live It!, which is designed to help you continue to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week until you reach your goal weight and then maintain that weight as you Live It! for the rest of your life. Thats why theres no specific length for the Live It! phase of the diet hopefully it will be a very long time!
Part 3, All the extra stuff
Part 3 of the book is all the additional information meal planners, recipes, tips on overcoming challenges, and much more that will help you understand the whys and hows of what youre doing in Parts 1 and 2, so that you can be successful in both Lose It! and Live It!
So, to use this book:
- Jump-start your weight loss with Part 1, Lose It!
- Continue losing weight and keep it off with Part 2, Live It!
- Use the resources in Part 3 for help along the way and for more detail on the why and how of things, if youre interested.
- While in Lose It!, look ahead to Live It! so that you know whats coming and can be ready.
- While in Live It!, feel free at any time to repeat Lose It! if you want to boost your weight loss again.
To lose weight and improve
your blood sugar during
this two week period is:
Chapter 1
Before you start
Losing weight is critical to treating or preventing obesity-related type 2 diabetes. Within just a few days after starting your diet, you should begin to see a decrease in your blood sugar (glucose) levels. But its important that you know how to react to these short-term changes. In addition, understanding how long-term changes in diet and physical activity affect blood sugar levels will help you better manage your diabetes. This chapter provides important information on diabetes and weight loss and helps you get ready to lose weight safely and enjoy good health.