Office 2007 For Dummies
by Wallace Wang
Office 2007 For Dummies
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About the Author
The author currently divides his time between writing computer books, writing articles for CPU Magazine, performing stand-up comedy, and writing and speaking on a weekly comedy radio show along with fellow comedians Rick Gene, Wes Sample, and Justin Davis. The show airs on 103.7 Free FM in San Diego (
He also spends much of his time trying to keep his various computers running properly using an odd mixture of Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X software. Eventually, he hopes to find the elusive combination of hardware and software that can create the mythical dream of a computer that actually works when you want it to.
This book is dedicated to a variety of people, including the following:
All the long-suffering victims forced to learn the arcane features of Microsoft Office, which seem to change with every version, not always for the best. Take heart. Youre not stupid its the people who write, sell, and encourage the clumsy and complicated computer programs on the market who are the really stupid ones.
All the friendly folks at the Riviera Comedy Club, located at the Riviera Hotel & Casino ( in Las Vegas: Steve Schirripa (who appears in HBOs hit show, The Sopranos), Don Learned, Bob Zany (, Gerry Bednob, Russ Rivas, Bruce Clark, Darrell Joyce, and Kip Addotta.
Additional thanks must also go to Chris (the Zooman) Clobber, Dante, Rick Gene, Wes Sample, Justin Davis, and Leo (the man, the myth, the legend) Fontaine just because they like seeing their names in print for no apparent reason.
Continuing the theme of thanking people who had nothing to do with this book, the author would also like to dedicate this book to LeStats, the best little coffeehouse in San Diego, for providing a warm, friendly environment to practice stand-up comedy in the safety and comfort of intelligent people who havent drowned their inhibitions away in alcohol.
Final thanks go to Cassandra (my wife), Jordan (my son), and Bo, Scraps, Tasha, and Nuit (our cats) for making my life more interesting by the minute.
Authors Acknowledgments
Margot Hutchison and Bill Gladstone at Waterside Productions deserve special acknowledgment because if it werent for their work, I might never have been hired to write this book; and you would be reading some other authors acknowledgments and dedication. These two are the best agents an author could hope for, so they deserve all the 15 percent of the book royalties that they get.
Some other people who deserve thanks include Bob Woerner, acquisitions editor; Jean Rogers, project editor; and Teresa Artman, copy editor; and the rest of the happy gang of editors, managers, and workers who make Wiley Publishing the best publisher to work for because theyre the complete opposite of their competition.
Additional thanks go to technical editor Lee Musick for making sure that everything in this book is accurate.
A final note of thanks go to anyone who has actually read the About the Author, Dedication, and Authors Acknowledgments pages because those pages usually contain useless information that nobody except the author and his closest friends even care about. Thanks for reading this and say a prayer for all the trees that sacrificed their pulp to allow authors (such as myself) the indulgence to print paragraphs such as this.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development