Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Portable Genius
by Dwight Spivey
Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Portable Genius
Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46256
Copyright 2011 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-0-470-61019-0
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About the Author
Dwight Spivey is the author of several Mac books, including Mac OS X Leopard Portable Genius and Mac OS X Snow Leopard Portable Genius. He is also a software and support engineer for Konica Minolta, where he specializes in working with Mac operating systems, applications, and hardware, as well as color and monochrome laser printers. He teaches classes on Mac usage, writes training and support materials for Konica Minolta, and is a Mac OS X beta tester for Apple. Dwight lives on the Gulf Coast of Alabama with his wife Cindy and their four beautiful children, Victoria, Devyn, Emi, and Reid. He studies theology, draws comic strips, and roots for the Auburn Tigers in his ever-decreasing spare time.
To the newest member of our family, Johnathan Reid.
God bless your every step, my sweet boy.
Love, Daddy
Authors Acknowledgments
I must thank my family and friends for putting up with my many absences during the writing of this book. I love you all!
Many thanks to my agent, Carole Jelen McClendon. Couldnt do this without you, Carole!
Sincere appreciation goes to my project editors for this book, Jama Carter and Chris Wolfgang, and to my acquisitions editor, Aaron Black. Thank you all for being so good to me from start to finish of this book. Jama and Chris, you have both been a joy to work with, and my work is so much better because of you. Aaron, thanks so much for bringing me into such a great project.
Special thanks and salutations to my technical editor, Julian Dolce, for his determination to keep my work accurate and honest.
To everyone else who has had a hand in getting this book from raw manuscript to the beautiful publication that it is, I cannot thank you enough. You make my work so much better than I deserve. I sincerely thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this book.
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Aaron Black
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Graphics and Production Specialists: Ana Carrillo, Joyce Haughey, Jennifer Henry, Andrea Hornberger
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Proofreading: Melissa D. Buddendeck
Indexing: Joan Griffitts
Every few years we Mac users are treated to something very special. While the excitement doesnt quite reach the level of a new Mac OS X release, it is surprisingly close for some. The special something I speak of is the release of the latest version of Microsofts Office suite of productivity applications for the Mac.
Excitement of this level for software releases is something that is typically found only in the Mac world; most PC users simply dont get it. Whats all the fuss? Its just a piece of software, for goodness sake!
Mac users have always taken dedication to their favorite computing platform very seriously, as anyone whos ever been in an Apple Store when a new version of Mac OS X is about to be released will attest (not to mention the mile-long lines for iPhones). Granted, sometimes this dedication has been taken to the extreme (come on, people; shaving an Apple logo into your hairdo is a bit much), but for the most part is simply due to customers being loyal to a company that has been loyal to them by consistently providing the best computing experience on the planet.
Okay, so what does this loyalty and new software release fever have to do with Microsoft?
Think about it: Mac users dont just use their operating system; many other applications factor into their user experience. Take a guess as to which software is one of the most popular for people who work with Macs (beside the operating system): thats right, Microsoft Office for Mac. I would venture to say that most people who own a version of Office for Mac spend the majority of their time working in one of the Office applications. It stands to reason that when these fiercely loyal Mac users hear about a new release of the third-party software they use more than any other, their interest in the matter is slightly more than mild.