
Windows 8 & Office 2013 For Dummies, Portable Edition
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About the Authors
Andy Rathbone started geeking around with computers in 1985 when he bought a 26-pound portable CP/M Kaypro 2X. Like other nerds of the day, he soon began playing with null-modem adapters, dialing computer bulletin boards, and working part-time at Radio Shack.
He wrote articles for various techie publications before moving to computer books in 1992. Hes written the Windows For Dummies series, Upgrading and Fixing PCs For Dummies , TiVo For Dummies , PCs: The Missing Manual , and many other computer books.
Today, he has more than 15 million copies of his books in print, and they've been translated into more than 30 languages. You can reach Andy at his website, www.andyrathbone.com .
The author, Wallace Wang, currently exists as a carbon-based life form, consuming precious natural resources for his own survival at the expense of the rest of the planet. Despite his dislike of unnecessary complexity, the author actually enjoys what computers can do, even if they tend to fail spectacularly in everyday use at the worst possible time (details, details...). Besides writing computer books, the author also enjoys studying movies and performing stand-up comedy just to do something creative that involves human beings as opposed to machines. In addition, the author also refers to himself in the third person in imitation of professional athletes and other personages who like pretending that theyre more important than they really are.
Authors Acknowledgments
Special thanks to Dan Gookin, Matt Wagner, Tina Rathbone, Steve Hayes, Nicole Sholly, Virginia Sanders, and Russ Mullen. Thanks also to all the folks I never meet in editorial, sales, marketing, proofreading, layout, graphics, and manufacturing who work hard to bring you this book.
Andy Rathbone
Id like to thank all the friendly people who helped put this book together. Additional thanks go to my radio co-hosts (Wes Sample, Dane Henderson, Sherri Diaz, and Joe Shattuck) at My107.9FM in beautifully isolated Alpine, California, where we host a weekly radio show called Notes From the Underground . Thanks also go to Johannes Gutenberg for inventing the printing press, which is currently being defeated by armies of people dismissing the invention of mass printing by refusing to read any books at all.
Wallace Wang
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W elcome to Windows 8 & Office 2013 For Dummies, your resource for Microsofts new operating system and office productivity software. Youre no dummy, thats for sure. But when it comes to Windows 8 and Office 2013, the fascination just isnt there. You want to get your work done, stop, and move on to something more important.
Thats where this book comes in handy. Instead of becoming a Windows 8 and Office 2013 expert, youll know just enough to get by quickly, cleanly, and with a minimum of pain so that you can move on to the more pleasant things in life.