What You Need to Know to Understand Neural Networks
by Ronald T. Kneusel
San Francisco
MATH FOR DEEP LEARNING. Copyright 2022 by Ronald T. Kneusel.
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ISBN-13: 978-1-7185-0190-4 (print)
ISBN-13: 978-1-7185-0191-1 (ebook)
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Technical Reviewer: David Gorodetzky
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In memory of Tom Fitz Fitzpatrick (19442013), the best math teacher I ever had. And to all the math teachers out therethey receive far too little appreciation for all of their hard work.
About the Author
Ron Kneusel has been working with machine learning in industry since 2003 and completed a PhD in machine learning from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 2016. Ron has three other books: Practical Deep Learning: A Python-Based Introduction (No Starch Press), Numbers and Computers (Springer), and Random Numbers and Computers (Springer).
About the Technical Reviewer
David Gorodetzky is a research scientist who works at the intersection of remote sensing and machine learning. Since 2011 he has led a small research group within a large government-services engineering firm that develops deep learning solutions for a wide variety of problems in remote sensing. David began his career in planetary geology and geophysics, detoured into environmental consulting, then studied paleoclimate reconstruction from polar ice cores in graduate school, before settling into a career in satellite remote sensing. For more than 15 years he was a principal consultant for a software services group developing image analysis and signal processing algorithms for clients across diverse fields, including aerospace, precision agriculture, reconnaissance, biotech, and cosmetics.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is ubiquitous. You need look no further than the device in your pocket for evidenceyour phone now offers facial recognition security, obeys simple voice commands, digitally blurs backgrounds in your selfies, and quietly learns your interests to give you a personalized experience. AI models are being used to analyze mountains of data to efficiently create vaccines, improve robotic manipulation, build autonomous vehicles, harness the power of quantum computing, and even adjust to your proficiency in online chess. Industry is adapting to ensure state-of-the-art AI capabilities can be integrated into its domain expertise, and academia is building curriculum that exposes concepts of artificial intelligence to each degree-based discipline. An age of machine-driven cognitive autonomy is upon us, and while we are all consumers of AI, those expressing an interest in its development need to understand what is responsible for its substantial growth over the past decade. Deep learning, a subcategory of machine learning, leverages very deep neural networks to model complicated systems that have historically posed problems for traditional, analytical methods. A newfound practical use of these deep neural networks is directly responsible for this surge in development of AI, a concept that most would attribute to Alan Turing back in the 1950s. But if deep learning is the engine for AI, what is the engine for deep learning?
Deep learning draws on many important concepts from science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Industry recruiters continue to seek a formal definition of its constituents as they try to attract top talent with more descriptive job requisitions. Similarly, academic program coordinators are tasked with developing the curriculum that builds this skill set as it permeates across disciplines. While inherently interdisciplinary in practice, deep learning is built on a foundation of core mathematical principles from probability and statistics, linear algebra, and calculus. The degree to which an individual must embrace and understand these principles depends on the level of intimacy one expects to have with deep learning technologies.
For the implementer, Math for Deep Learning acts as a troubleshooting guide for the inevitable challenges encountered in deep neural network implementation. This individual is typically concerned with efficient implementation of preexisting solutions with tasks including identification and procurement of open source code, setting up a suitable work environment, running any available unit tests, and finally, retraining with relevant data for the application of interest. These deep neural networks may contain tens or hundreds of millions of learnable parameters, and assuming adequate user proficiency, successful optimization relies on sensitive hyperparameter selection and access to training data that sufficiently represents the population. The first (and second, and third) attempt at implementation often requires a daunting journey into neural network interrogation, which requires dissection into and higher-level understanding of the mathematical drivers presented here.
At some point, the implementer usually becomes the integrator. This level of expertise requires some familiarity with the desired application domain and a lower-level understanding of the building blocks that enable deep learning. In addition to the challenges faced in basic implementation, the integrator needs to be able to generalize core concepts to mold a mathematical model to the desired domain. Disaster strikes again! Perhaps the individual experiences the exploding-gradient problem. Maybe the integrator desires a more representative loss function that may pose differentiability issues. Or maybe, during training, the individual recognizes that the selected optimization strategy is ineffective for the problem.