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Editha Wuest - Crystals and Numerology: Decode Your Numbers and Support Your Life Path with Healing Stones

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Crystals and Numerology: Decode Your Numbers and Support Your Life Path with Healing Stones: summary, description and annotation

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Explains how to calculate your personal numbers and work with gemstones to enhance the strengths of your numbers and overcome weaknesses
Explores which crystals resonate most with each numbers energy, including detailed descriptions of the gemstones spiritual, mental, and physical qualities alongside beautiful photographs
Offers affirmations, meditations, and crystal healing techniques to connect with the energies of the gemstones
Numerology offers a surprisingly accurate tool to gain insight into your character, talents, and abilities by analyzing the numbers in your birthdate, the numeric values of the letters in your name, and the numbers that serendipitously appear in your life again and again. While our personal numbers are the mirror that reflects our inner world, crystals are our helpers in the outer world to harmonize the energies we were born with. They are gifts from the earth that we are offered to unfold our divine potential. Through their beauty and wisdom, they can help us be more in tune with our destiny.
In this full-color guide, the authors explain how to calculate your personal numbers and work with the healing energies of gemstones to unfold the full potential your numbers reveal. Each of the numbers 0 to 9 is explained on the numerological level, including their qualities, energies, and how they act on human consciousness. The authors then describe which crystals resonate most with each numbers energy and which offer complementary energies, providing detailed descriptions of the gemstones spiritual, mental, and physical qualities alongside beautiful photographs. The authors also offer affirmations, meditations, and crystal healing techniques to connect with the energies of the gemstones.
By working with the gemstones that resonate with your numerology, you can enhance the strengths of your personal numbers. If a certain numbers weaknesses are manifesting in your life, you can discover crystals that will help to integrate and balance the numbers hindering effects. Together, numbers and stones offer a wonderful possibility to find your own way, recognize your true self, heal, and harmonize with the world around you. Let the numbers guide you and the crystals empower you!

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There are moments in which every hidden gemstone is open to the soul ROBERT - photo 1

There are moments in which every hidden gemstone is open to the soul ROBERT - photo 2

There are moments in which every hidden gemstone is open to the soul.


It is only when a mind is completely free that there isthe possibility of absolute deep silence; and it is only that quality of stillness, that absolutesilence of the mind that can see that which is eternal.This is meditation.



This book brings together the alternative practices of numerology and crystal healing. Numerology is the study of the numerical value attributed to the letters in names and words, which helps us to build up a personal, three-dimensional character sketch, through which we can learn a great deal about our strengths, weaknesses, and life path.

Combining crystals with numbers derived from certain letters activates archetypal forces within us, exerting an influence on the subtle energy system that is housed within every human being.

Each number and letter, each crystal, person, and animal, indeed everything that is visible upon this Earth, is born of divine concepts that create vibrations via colors and sounds, and thereby radiate energies.

I (Editha Wuest) have been working with healing crystals for more than ten years. I also use them to help with my numerological consultations. These natural treasures not only help to balance out the weaknesses of a number that has been calculated for a person, but also provide support for their strengths.

After a short introduction to numerology and crystal healing, this book examines the numbers from 0 to 9 and the healing crystals associated with each.

Very best wishes, Editha Wuest and Sabine Schieferle

Cautions Using Crystal Numerology

All the numbers you calculate and every insight you achieve should be viewed without judgment, as every number has its strengths and weaknesses. There is no good or evil, no right or wrong.

We recommend that you try out the many different effects of crystals for yourself and remain open to the inspiration that we hope to pass on in this book. Our crystal recommendations will be most effective where an individual is lacking in energy.

However, the authors and the publishers offer no guarantees and accept no liability whatsoever in respect of the contents of this book. In the event of a serious health complaint, please consult your doctor or alternative practitioner.

Numerological evaluations should only be carried out with the consent of the person to be assessed. The exceptions here are family members, deceased persons, or those who have made their data publicly available, such as politicians, actors, musicians, and so on. You should avoid passing judgment or condemning anyone.

The results of an analysis should of course not be discussed with any third parties.

All name analysis is energy work, and changes can be brought about that will also have consequences. Please bear in mind the law of cause and effect; here too, we must take responsibility for our actions, even if our aim is simply to help someone.


Introduction to the World of Numerology

Numerology is one of the oldest occult sciences and can deliver deep insights into our character, strengths, and weaknesses. All ancient cultures have their own mythology of numbers, and mathematicians of the past often described numbers as symbols of an all-embracing divine destiny, seeing them not as abstract signs but rather as representative of an individuals personality. It was long known in the ancient world that a persons name influenced their character and that specific attributes were encoded within a names letters and syllables.

In numerology, a particular quality and energy is assigned to each number, allowing us to explore and answer the question of who we are in depth. We simply have to ask which numbers are relevant to us and which are not; the numbers will reveal their wisdom. We can decode our destinies from our names and dates of birth. Numerology expands horizons and allows us to view and understand life from different perspectives. It reveals the talents and inclinations inherent in us at the hour of our birth, and it can also help us to take a holistic view of any rebirth or new beginning in life, including marriage, founding a business, joining a company, or buying a house. Everything that bears a name can be evaluated in numbers and so be investigated and explained. Numerology involves the calculating and interpreting of these numbers. So, in summary, numerological calculations can teach us more about:

  • our names, our dates of birth, and our characters
  • our abilities and talents, our missions and aims in life
  • our strengths and weaknesses
  • our ideal profession
  • new perspectives in our lives
  • the ideal time for change

In numerology we can analyze our own (or someone elses) name by calculating our expression number (sometimes known as our destiny number), our hearts desire number, and our personality number, as well as our realization number and soul motivation (calculated by adding up the digits derived from the initial letters of our name).

This book investigates our expression number, life path number, and realization number. Our expression number (EN) reveals our earthly karma and bears our destiny and the character we receive from our family. It encompasses our personality and the manner in which we master our life path.

Our life path number (LPN) reveals our destiny and our individual purpose on Earth, as well as the talents and abilities that we should develop or discard.

Our realization number (RN) is particularly indicative of what is and/or will be of importance in the second half of our life (from our 34th birthday onward, in other words, from our 35th year) and our potential to act positively. Our subconscious comprehends what is still important in life, what is yet be done, and what is still to be learned. It is then that we will recognize and harvest the fruits of our labors, reap our rewards.

Finding Our Personal Numbers

We calculate the numbers listed below from our names and dates of birth. (See .) The numbers for name analysis change when we marry, as the vibrations of the new family are taken into account.

Our earthly karma gives us our:

  • expression number
  • hearts desire number
  • personality number
  • destiny path number
  • soul motivation

Our realization number (RN) is created from the link between our earthly and cosmic karma. Our cosmic karma governs the following:

  • life path number
  • birth day number

Our expression number (EN) is calculated by adding together the numerical values (numbers 19) attributed to each letter in our birth name (using our first and last names).

It shows our earthly karma and carries our destiny and the character we receive from our family. It reveals our personality and the way we will master our life journey.

Our hearts desire number (HDN) is calculated by adding together the numerical values attributed to each vowel in our birth name (first and last names).

It reveals our personality, our innermost emotions, and our feelings toward other people and our environment.

Our personality number (PN) is calculated by adding together the numerical values attributed to each consonant in our birth name (first and last names).

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