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Jolie DeMarco - High-Vibe Crystal Healing: Crystal Frequencies and Body Layouts That Will Rock Your World

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Jolie DeMarco High-Vibe Crystal Healing: Crystal Frequencies and Body Layouts That Will Rock Your World
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    High-Vibe Crystal Healing: Crystal Frequencies and Body Layouts That Will Rock Your World
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High-Vibe Crystal Healing: Crystal Frequencies and Body Layouts That Will Rock Your World: summary, description and annotation

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Harmonize your spiritual frequency and create more positive vibes using crystals and gemstones, magical boosters for the body and soulHigh-Vibe Crystal Healing is all about working with crystals for healing, fun, knowledge, and a higher frequency life. Within these pages, youll find twenty-six epic crystal body layouts as well as information on sixty-six individual crystals and gemstones that will help you harmonize the energy field known as your aura. Additionally, you will learn to release negative baggage, improve your health, balance your energy, and connect to spirits and guides. Master crystal healer Jolie DeMarco is the perfect guide to finding which crystals and stones best align with your specific physical ailments, emotional blockages, and spiritual-elevation goals. She also includes tips and techniques for working with twenty-two essential oils to enhance your crystal sessions. Whether youre just beginning your crystal journey or are an expert crystal energy healer, this book includes the complete details and down-to-earth instructions you need to move forward on your spiritual path.Every day, more and more people around the world are experiencing the power of crystals for working through illness, developing a stronger sense of purpose, and even going out of body and visiting past or parallel lives. The inspiring layouts and stones in this book are a perfect way for you to explore the crystal vibrational energies that the universe has in store for you.

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About the Author Jolie DeMarco is a spiritual lifestyle expert author - photo 1

About the Author

Jolie DeMarco is a spiritual lifestyle expert, author, inspirational speaker, and grounded intuitive. She is also a crystal healer (a.k.a. a crystal junkie), a guru of meditation, and a soul-talkin clairvoyant. Jolie is the president and founder of two enchanted spaces you can visit: My Flora Aura, a mindful meditation center and metaphysical retail store in Boca Raton, Florida; and Crystal Junkie, a high-vibe zone in Deerfield Beach created for retail, workshops, and crystals galore! Jolie always says, I am just a pipeline through which positive energy flows. I am a scribe, a messenger, and a tunnel for healing vibes that come directly from a Universal Source. I am just the conduit.

In addition to her books, Jolie has published oracle decks, phone applications, and seven popular guided meditations.

Visit her online at www.CrystalJunkie.com and www.MyFloraAura.com.

Llewellyn Publications Woodbury Minnesota Copyright Information High-Vibe - photo 2

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

High-Vibe Crystal Healing: Crystal Frequencies and Body Layouts That Will Rock Your World 2019 by Jolie DeMarco.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

As the purchaser of this e-book, you are granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on screen. The text may not be otherwise reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, or recorded on any other storage device in any form or by any means.

Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the authors copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.

First e-book edition 2019

E-book ISBN: 9780738760735

Book design by Donna Burch-Brown and Samantha Penn

Cover design by Shannon McKuhen

Cover image by Media Bakery/BLD0013048-2542x3824/Plush Studios/Blend

Editing by Samantha Lu Sherratt

Interior art by Mary Ann Zapalac

Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: DeMarco, Jolie, author.

Title: High-vibe crystal healing : crystal frequencies and body layouts that

will rock your world / Jolie DeMarco.

Description: First edition. | Woodbury : Llewellyn Worldwide, 2019. |

Includes index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019001232 (print) | LCCN 2019011142 (ebook) | ISBN

9780738760735 (ebook) | ISBN 9780738760698 (alk. paper)

Subjects: LCSH: CrystalsTherapeutic use. | CrystalsHealth aspects.

Classification: LCC RZ415 (ebook) | LCC RZ415 .D46 2019 (print) | DDC


LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019001232

Llewellyn Publications does not participate in, endorse, or have any authority or responsibility concerning private business arrangements between our authors and the public.

Any Internet references contained in this work are current at publication time, but the publisher cannot guarantee that a specific reference will continue or be maintained. Please refer to the publishers website for links to current author websites.

Llewellyn Publications

Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

2143 Wooddale Drive

Woodbury, MN 55125


Manufactured in the United States of America

I am grateful to the universe for allowing me to experience and succeed in life. I am thankful for my parents, who always believe in me, and for my sisterI love you unconditionally. I am grateful for my grandfather, who I have a soul-star connection with, and for all of my wonderful clients! I give an extra-appreciative shout-out to Llewellyn and their superstar team: Angela Wix, Sami Sherratt, Donna Burch-Brown, and Andy Belmas. Thank you!


High-Vibe Crystal Healing is not meant to replace medical treatment. Please consult your doctor for any ailments or pains you experience. The information in this book should not replace the advice of medical professionals and does not intend to provide cures. Instead, this book will provide knowledge of how crystals and their frequencies work in harmony for wellness.


Part 1:

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Part 2:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chakra HealingAlignment and Balance

: Polarity BalanceSync Your Mind and Body

Relaxation and General Self-Activation of Healing

: Calming ADHD

Chapter 6:

: Find Your Purpose

: Attract Like-Minded Love

: Money, Luck, and Abundance

: New Beginnings and Fertility

: Rational Mind

Chapter 7:

: Spacey Fun Out-of-Body Experience

: Astral Travel and Exploring Safe Portals

: Past Life/Parallel Life/Alternate Life Journey

: Self-Exorcisms/Entity Removal

: Elemental Balance

Chapter 8:

: Erase and Release Negative Patterns for Positive Vibes: Soul Talking

: Self-Realization Wilderness Journey with Nature Guides

: Self-Love, Trust, and Connection to Higher Self

: Mother Earth Grounding: Being Present with Gratitude

: Body Rejuvenation

: Achieving Levels of Contentment

Chapter 9:

: Ask for Spirit Visitors and Loved Ones Who Have Passed Over

Angel Connections

: Downloading Higher Knowledge from Other Realms

: Advancement of the Human Soul Living on Earth

: Star Energy: Bring More Light to Your Eternal Being

: Insights of the Future

Appendix A:

Appendix B:

Appendix C:


Are you mesmerized by crystals and how beautiful they look? I am. Crystals are more than beautiful objects from the earth: they are chunks of energy. That is how I used to describe them to people when I was eight.

It all started with a bucket of rocks.

I grabbed my small bucket of tumbled stones I collected from a local mall rock show and dumped them on my carpet. I ran my fingers through the tumbled stones, picked each one up, and stared closely at it. Then, I lay on top of all of the tumbled stones and crystals, rolling over them back and forth. I was eight years old. Smiling and laughing. Was this my first invention? A crystal carpet or a crystal bed? At that time I was just loving the vibes, unknowingly getting a crystal boost as the sun shone through the windows of my upstairs bedroom in South Jersey.

Moving ahead 39 years, I can now explain how crystals work with your bodys energy fields in detail. I wrote High-Vibe Crystal Healing for everyone to benefit from its knowledge, from novices to the advanced. My goal was to create a book of reliable and accurate information on how to use crystal body layouts as gem remedies in everyday life. I wanted to show people the basic science behind the crystal vibes. Crystals emit frequencies that are real. Ill teach you details about your energy body and list 66 incredible crystals and how to use them in your everyday life. The vibe meter will help you notice and sense what level of intensity you may feel from each crystal. I added some fun names to help you remember them. I love to make learning fun. There are 26 crystal body layouts, including self-healing improvements, attracting love and abundance, complete body and mind balancing, and experiencing astral travel.

I have you prep for your crystal sessions and decipher what type of body layout you want to administer. Step by step, I have everything you can think of covered: body layouts for healing and wellness, achieving your goals, expanding self-awareness and spirit, personal transformation, and releasing attachments. I spark it up a notch by adding 22 essential oils to enhance your body layout experiences. I even created an innovative crystal chart (see ) that you can easily use to look up an ailment and know what crystals can assist you. Thats not all! Youll be all the rave to your family, friends, or clients by showing off your crystal skills as a home and space master gridder. You will enjoy making any space feel positive.

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