Jolie DeMarco is an international author, professional psychic, and metaphysical expert. She is a master of crystal healing and purposeful meditation. She s an inspirational speaker advocating wellness with a high-vibe lifestyle. She is president of My Flora Aura, a mindful meditation center and metaphys i cal retail space in Boca Raton, Florida. Jolie is the founder of, a retail website for learning and purchasing rocks and remedies. She is also a gifted medium and clairvoyant channel, giving more than one thousand readings per year. She has been featured on TLC for her psychic abilities and has authored over ten books, five oracle decks, phone applications, and several guided meditations to change your frequency. She can be viewed on Roku on My Metaphysical Channel . You can follow Jolie on Fac e book , YouTube, and her podcasts.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
How to Meditate with Crystals: Simple Ways to Change Your Life 2021 by Jolie DeMarco.
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First e-book edition 2021
E-book ISBN: 9780738766867
Cover design by Shannon McKuhen
Interior aura figure on page 25 and chakra figure on page 29 Mary Ann Zapalac
Other interior illustrations by the Llewellyn Art Department
Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: DeMarco, Jolie, author.
Title: How to meditate with crystals : simple ways to change your life / Jolie DeMarco.
Description: First edition. | Woodbury, Minnesota : Llewellyn Publications,
2021. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021008647 (print) | LCCN 2021008648 (ebook) | ISBN
9780738766744 (paperback) | ISBN 9780738766867 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Meditation. | CrystalsMiscellanea.
Classification: LCC BL627 .D44 2021 (print) | LCC BL627 (ebook) | DDC
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Llewellyn Publications
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I dedicate this book to nature: the beautiful birds that sing every morning at my house, the lizards that make me look at their little cute bod i es, my dogs that lie by me while Im writing each day, the trees that clean our air, the running water, the environment of natural living, and a healthy life. I thank all of existence for allowing me to learn, teach, a nd share.
: Meditation Made Easy
: The Basics of Meditation
: The Five Methods of Meditation
: Tools to Help Boost Meditation
Using Crystals during Meditation
: How Crystals Work
: What Crystals to UseThirty-Three Powerful Crystals
: Best Crystals for Meditations
: Meditation Practices
: Meditations to Get Started
: Thirty-Three Meditations with Powerful Crystals
NonactiveSlightly Awake Meditation
Active-Awake Meditation
14. Meditation for Balancing Unequal Energy, Past Life
or Early Life Issues, and Karmic Correction
Active Physical Body Movement Meditation
Meditation with Mindful Thoughts
Meditation without Thoughts
27. Meditation to Connect to Light Beings
and Extraterrestrial Frequencies
33. Meditation to Synchronize the Self
and Ask When Something Will Occur
: Continuing the Meditation Process
The advice in this book is not meant to replace medical treatment. Please consult a medical professional for all physical and mental ailments and do not discontinue prescribed medications and/or treatments in favor of crystal healing.
Most people dont realize how easy it is to meditate. Meditation has been a stress reliever and lifesaver to millions. The evidence seems clear: meditation lowers stress and helps your body heal. It also creates positive frequencies that can enhance your life. I say meditation is the best habit you can create.
Hi! Im Jolie DeMarco, meditation master and crystal guruat least, that is what people call me. I can teach you how to meditate easily. In this book, I offer you five effortless methods of meditation and provide thirty-three frequency-adjusting meditations that include simple directions and incorporate potent crystals that will take you to a euphoric level. These meditations can assist you in your lifes needs. Let me show you the way to your bliss as I guide you to explore the worlds within your mind.
Before I begin, let me tell you that my definition of meditation is whenever you forget about time. Think of meditation as relaxing and reprograming with basically no effort. Time constricts and binds us to responsibilities. We all need structure in life, but we also need a break from conformity, like a mini vacation. Meditation is the mini vacation in your mind that protects you from those recurring thoughts. It brings you to a neutral state without worries or mental stressors, such as those thoughts of What do I need to do today , next week, or by the end of the year? I promise that meditating for ten t o thirty minutes a day will propel your life into a blissful state of being. Hello, happy you!
Why Do We Meditate?
The point of meditation is to raise your frequency. We each have our own unique frequency that we give off. Other people may describe you as happy, sad, incredible, and so on. These are descriptive words, but they are sort of like a frequency you emit. Similarly, a song on the radio can make you happy, sad, or get you feeling sexy. All feelings are part of a frequency that is felt or noticed with your senses. Meditation is the perfect tool to change your frequency for the better. It releases stress and calms your body and mind. It strengthens your vitality and creates positivity in your life. Meditation also opens or renews passion, personal power, mind strength, advancement, and connection to ones inner self and higher source.
Frequencies are the rate at which something is repeated over a period of time. Imagine you are in a room with a bunch of people. One person shares a story about a negative situation they went through. Most people who li s ten to that sad storythat sad spoken frequencyare now thinking, imagining, or talking about their own negative occurrences. In turn, most people i n that room are now on a lower frequency. If the speaker had shared a positive message, the vibration of the room would be at a higher frequency, which is a happier vibration. Frequencies can be matched or changed. The positive vibes we love to adapt to and keep, but some negative ones, such as abuse, bad thoughts of self, and bad behaviors, can also affect our frequency and b ring us down. When a person has the will and self-realization to change, they change their frequency and create a new one.