How to Truly Understand Your Lover, Family,
Friends, Pets, and Yourself Using Astrology
Susie Cox
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cox, Susie.
Susies sun signs : how to truly understand your lover, family, friends, pets, and yourself using astrology / Susie Cox.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-4027-7495-9
1. Astrology. I. Title. II. Title: Sun signs.
BF1708.1.C694 2010
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
2011 by Susie Cox
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This book is dedicated to my only two astrology teachers, whom I will always love:
Carl Payne Tobey and Sydney Omarr.
At five years old, my earliest memories of astrology were from conversations with one of my great aunts, named Rosemary, who had a profound interest in metaphysics and astrology. She had her chart done in 1929 by the famous astrologer Evangeline Adams; I still have and cherish that chart. I am so grateful to both Rosemary and Evangeline for giving me such a remarkable start to my career as an astrologer.
I also want to thank:
Susan Day and her brilliant son, Patrick: who inspired the artist in me to blossom.
Carolyn Crawford: for being there for me, no matter what the Virgo task.
Leslie Sieveke: whose strong opinions changed my direction, luckily.
Tina Tuttle: for helping me find the perfect celebrities.
Tom Whatley and Diana Hunter: who have been my editors for over three decades, so why change now?
Wafah Dufour: my Gemini buddy, for her clever ideas.
Michael Lutin: my streetwise brother who always watches out for me.
Jason Fleming-El: my best astrology student ever, who also ended up being the best editor ever, too.
Michael Munkasey: for valuable keyword advice and his comprehensive book, The Astrological Thesaurus.
Clients: for their loyalty and commitment to me and to astrology.
Friend: Jeannine Smith, who made sure my food and TV shows nourished me.
Agent: William Gladstone, for his confidence in me that made this book possible.
PostNet: Jill, Tina, and Joe, for being friends as well as my print and mail gurus.
Canyon Ranch: Enid and Mel Zuckerman, who helped make astrology mainstream.
Sisters: Cathy and Nancy, for laughing, crying, and traveling with me.
Parents: Bill and Jackie Cox, who always believed in me as an astrologer.
Dearest Great Aunt: Katherine Cox, who will love me forever.
A s a professional astrologer, I see a wave of change happening with humanity. Its a new level of awareness. We are experiencing nothing less than a sweeping evolution in consciousness. The motivating force behind this evolution is the drive for self-understanding. We are now entering the 2,000-year Age of Aquarius, which occurs approximately every 25,000 years, as we end the 2,000-year Age of Pisces. The Age of Pisces was about spirituality and our push to understand how we fit into the bigger picture. The Age of Aquarius is about personal independence and the pursuit of self-knowledge. The purpose of this book is to help you get to know yourself and your loved ones using the wonderful language of astrology. It is written for all of you who are curious about the deeper meaning and purpose in your life.
The East is going west and the West is headed east. Thirty years ago I produced a magazine called the Aquarian Almanac Monthly, which was full of spiritual and metaphysical curiosities, astrology, meditations, yoga, crystals, and organic food. These were considered fringe elements at the time. Many years later, these subjects are mainstream.
Susies Sun Signs is part of this shift in consciousnessreaching for self-actualization. Astrology is an ancient method of divination, a way of connecting with the universe. I see it as the perfect clock in the sky, which holds up a mirror to our soul. Astrology has been practiced for over five thousand years and was used before the genesis of the written word. Now is the time to make this ancient, symbolic language modern, starting with Susies Sun Signs.
Astrology is the ideal code for understanding our place in the universe, but it is at the mercy of humans to interpret it correctly.
Sun Signs
I t is said that Happy Birthday is the most played song of all time. I would venture to say that What is your sign? is one of the most commonly asked questions. These two are forever connected, because they both honor the importance of your birth. The suns position on the day of your birth explains your personality as well as your direction in life. Astrology is a method of interpreting your destiny and this book will show you how to discover that precious knowledge.
Astrology is a tool for self-understanding. Not only does it help us get to know ourselves, it also gives us amazing insight into others. The very first thing I do when I meet someone is to ask for her birth information, which allows me to get to know her quite wellimmediately. Of course, the entire birth chart, including all the planets, tells the most about someone. But the best place to start is with the sun.
Astrology is a language of symbols, and each symbol offers volumes of information. Hidden in the sun sign is a detailed explanation of a persons likes and dislikes, personality traits, occupational leanings, overall attitude, and natural talents. It even shows us the most challenging parts of the personality, those that people typically hideand thats certainly a handy thing to know about someone. Its like shorthand or a secret code. This book reveals the secret code that astrologers have known for thousands of years. Now you have the key that will unlock your innermost mysteries. If you know someones birthday, you can easily ferret out his secrets, too.
This will be a reference book that you will dip into often. Im already picturing it with dog-eared pages sitting next to your bed because you will use it so much. Look up your family, friends, even your employer. Once you understand their inner motivations and true natures, you will be able to develop tolerance for even disagreeable people much more easily. After you read this book, youll realize that everyone has quirky habits. When you realize that these habits can be traced to their signs, how can you hold them against the people around you any more? These characteristics are part of their core natures and need to be viewed with compassion.
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