Book One, Yeasts, will show you
How to recognize modern causes
How to understand Yeast/Bacteria balance
How to live A Candida-Free Life
And much, much more.
Angela Kilmartin
This electronic edition published by Angela Kilmartin.
Unit 3, The Barley Stores, High Street, Mistley, Essex CO11 1AR. UK.
BookMasters Inc.,
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This Edition. Copyright 2010 by Angela Kilmartin
ISBN 0-9542627-3-7
ISBN 0-9542627-4-5
Angela Kilmartin asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the publishers prior permission.
A Letter from Angela
Dear Reader,
I am so glad you have acquired this very sensible book of mine on Candida. Women know Candida by different names but it is all the same fungal problem whether you call it Yeast Infection, Monilia or Thrush. Millions of women need a solution to Candida because it is so common and miserable.
Well, there is not just one solution only, though safe mercury amalgam removal from your teeth is probably the greatest, but after mercury come many other solutions which will be affecting your sensitivity to upsurges of Thrush or Candida. You may respond quickly to only a couple of the treatments mentioned in here or you may need others and lifestyle changes.
Book One, Yeasts , discusses causes because we ourselves self-cause Candida. I did, or rather, my dentists caused most of it for me! With only white fillings now in my mouth, no more mercury, my long fight with Thrush and Candida has gone.
Book Two, Symptoms and Treatments , also gives case studies and a wide range of treatment options.
These two books within this one cover, offer hundreds of causes and you will find brilliant help in them; rigid diets dont work and dont address the background causes. From both, you can decide which things in your life could be your causes.
I suffered continual vaginal thrush for years and together with attacks of cystitis, had a ruined marriage from soreness, discharges, smell and pain. My young life was unfulfilled but now I am delighted to pass on all the knowledge so unfortunately gained and put it to good use.. Dont go on suffering needlessly, take advantage of my work and get well.
With warm regards,
I would like to thank the following for their help in the research and preparation of this book:
The British Society of Mercury-Free Dentistry; Drs Len and Helen McEwen; National Institute of Medical Herbalists; Lyn Patterson; Welcome Institute Library; Westminster Library.
Also my electronic wiz-kids, Mark, Attila Lisa and Rory, and from BookMasters Inc., Shelley and Scott.
Angela Kilmartin 2010.
I lost my honeymoon, all my holidays, my operatic career and my marriage directly or indirectly because of recurrent cystitis. Cystitis is better known in many other countries, including the United States, Canada and Australia, as Urinary Tract Infection. It is my avowed aim never to let another woman suffer unnecessarily from such misery and pain.
Every year on the 8th of August comes the anniversary of my first attack, two days into my honeymoon. I was incontinent, feverish, passing bloody urine, screaming, fainting from the pain and frightened to death. It remains one of my lifes most anguished memories. From then until 1972 I had 78 such attacks, all treated with antibiotics or operations
Thrush from the antibiotics caused equal misery, but little help was offered to stop the thrush from starting in the first place. I now know for sure that prevention alone is the key to freedom from the pain, misery and stress caused by the swelling, irritation and upset digestion caused by candida and vaginal thrush.
Unable to guarantee stage appearances, I was forced to abandon a promising career in opera and instead decided to take revenge upon cystitis and thrush. Many campaigns followed the publication of my books - a Health Education Council leaflet, a film, hundreds of worldwide TV and radio programmes, medical lectures, a video and much more.
From safely removing my mercury teeth fillings and following the self-help and prevention, I prevent Candida. To date, millions of other sufferers the world over have been helped or completely cured as a result of my work. It is also worth noting here my campaigning work on poisoning from mercury amalgam teeth fillings.
Following nearly nine mystifying years mostly bed bound in the late 1980s early 1990s with fifty frightening symptoms, I came to know that I was being poisoned by dental fillings and caps.
Mercury vapour leaches off fillings even more when gold caps are added into the mouth. It is called oral galvanism. Mercury is up taken in the lungs and stomach where, via blood, it travels to all body tissue, organs and glands causing many illnesses including yeast infections and depleting the immune system.
Since 1995, following much research and safe removal of a mouthful of fillings, I am well and have published a collection of twenty newsletters from my organisation, Patients Against Mercury Amalgams. This is also available electronically from my site.
Two campaigns of this magnitude have been burdensome but anger, curiosity and a determination to stop bad practice and bad health have triumphed. The public and professions are better informed and can now prevent all manner of health problems through self help and best practice.
Angela Kilmartin. 2010
Angela Kilmartin's career has been extremely varied, ranging from fashion model to opera singer. Her professional singing career was cut short in her twenties as a direct result of recurrent attacks of Cystitis and Candida. However, as her knowledge of self-help grew, she began to fight back against these two seemingly insurmountable problems which for years had been ruining her career and marriage.
In 1971, she founded the first bladder charity, known as the U&I Club and produced a bi-monthly magazine for thousands of members. From that time, she has researched and written many books, leaflets and articles on Cystitis and Candida. Her DVD is a precious visual resource. Angela also counsels patients and lectures to innumerable medical groups worldwide.
Candida has been inextricably entwined with everything she has done and her first six books contain much work on it. This 2010 e-book is solely about Candida. She was the first writer in the UK to focus on this exceptionally common female problem.
The accent of Angela's work is on educating both patients and doctors about the vital roles of self-help and prevention used in conjunction with conventional medical knowledge. The lifestyles of individual sufferers hold clues to aid both sufferer and doctor achieve a correct diagnosis, and she hopes that this e-book and its hardcover version will go some way towards helping those involved to identify these clues.
Angela Kilmartin lives in England but frequently visits the States for lectures where she also has a busy schedule on Sundays singing as a guest soloist in many churches.
Chapter One
What Should We Call This Illness?
There is some confusion as to what this condition should be called. Here's a brief rundown of some of the terms used.