To Charles Larry Rice, my husband and partner in life. In special memory of my parents, Warren Galileo and Elizabeth Styles Justice, and my sister, Betty Sue Nelson.
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Notice: The author and the publisher of this volume have taken care that the information and technical recommendations contained herein are based on research and expert consultation, and are accurate and compatible with the standards generally accepted at the time of publication. Nevertheless, as new information becomes available, changes in clinical and technical practices become necessary. The reader is advised to carefully consult manufacturers instructions and information material for all supplies and equipment before use, and to consult with a healthcare professional as necessary. This advice is especially important when using new supplies or equipment for clinical purposes. The author and publisher disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this volume.
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![ISBN-10 0-13-574514-4 ISBN-13 978-0-13-574514-4 Preface The 10th edition - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/350997/images/Pearsonlogo.png) | ISBN-10: 0-13-574514-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-574514-4 |
The 10th edition of Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals introduces the vocabulary of the art and science of medicine. discusses aspects of mental health; it follows the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), which is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States. Every chapter is built around an alphabetical word list showing how word parts are built, pronounced, and defined. In these Building Your Vocabulary sections, a table of combining forms and word roots that pertain to the chapter being studied are included to assist in learning new component parts.
The texts strengths include:
The Rice Method. The ease with which students learn medical terminology using the Rice approach has made this text a popular seller, with over 780,000 books in print. It is written in a clear, concise style that focuses on the learner and provides a solid foundation for developing an understanding of the technical language of medicine. All of the information concerning each medical word that you will be introduced to is included in one place: Building Your Medical Vocabulary. The medical terminology words are in alphabetical order with a pronunciation guide found beneath the word. Word parts are identified and defined and then the general meaning of the term is described. Prefixes and suffixes are repeated throughout the text while word roots and combining forms are presented according to the system or specialty area to which they relate. To build a medical vocabulary, all you have to do is to recall the word parts that have been learned and link them with the new component parts presented in the next chapter. The word-building technique is unique to this text and, while not complicated, is the key to the classic design and popularity of Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals.
Accurate and complete coverage of human anatomy and physiology. This text presents concise coverage of all major body structures and functions, organized by body system. The anatomy and physiology sections have been reviewed by many medical and healthcare professionals and updated according to the offered suggestions.
Study and Review. These sections, which appear multiple times in each chapter, have been expanded to provide learners with the opportunity to review as they go. The revised format and types of questions are placed to follow a segment of information so that learners may check their progress before moving on to the next section.
Visually appealing with new art and photos. In this edition the art collection has increased to approximately 470 images with an updating of corresponding material. Included in the new artwork are examples of Building Blocks for the component parts of words. Also a number of new medical photographs have been provided by Jason Smith, MD, a longtime contributor to this text. We are so pleased and excited about supplying more art to enhance the written word. If the statement a picture is worth a thousand words can be counted on, then we might say that we have added about 470,000 words to the learning experience!
A Special Feature New to This Edition:
A Note from the Author
A new feature, GOOD TO KNOW, brings to light some interesting information about current happenings concerning health and medicine. With the advent of the surge in infectious diseases affecting the United States and the world, it is very good to know and be aware of these conditions. During my lifetime I have seen many infectious diseases all but eliminated, and when they began to appear again, I became most concerned. I was sure it would be