Final Fantasy XIII-2 is the direct sequel to Final Fantasy XIII. It is a Japanese RPG and despite being a sequel is an adventure in its own right that doesnt require previous knowledge.
The story follows on 3 years from where Final Fantasy XIII left off and features new and enhanced gameplay systems. Cocoon fell and a new era was born but Lightning seems to have disappeared. Final Fantasy XIII-2 follows the story of Lightnings younger sister Serah and time traveller Noel. Discovering that Lightning is alive, they embark on a mission to save her. Using time gates called Historia Crux time travel is now possible. This enables you to explore the world in a brand new way.
Present again is the Active Time Battle (ATB) system with only a few little changes and players familiar with Final Fantasy XIII will recognise the Paradigm Shift system. However one new feature is the addition of Cinematic Actions. These cut scenes are not only are aesthetically stunning but also test your attention as button prompts will sometimes randomly appear.
This guide is here to help you battle your way through the entire campaign mode. At the end you will find advice on how to unlock content, trophies and achievements.
So lets get started!
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Final Fantasy XIII-2
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This book is not published, authorised by, endorsed, or associated with in any way with Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo or any of the game developers and publishers. All images, names and game titles are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright 2012 ICE Games Ltd
eBook conversion by M-Y Books
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Walkthrough
The game begins with a really exciting cutscene where as Lightning you are straight away faced with a battle tutorial which is great if youre new to the battle system. Following auto-battle will get you through it easily enough, if your health does get badly hit just use a Ullrs Shield protect yourself and regain your HP.
Youll experience your first Cinematic Action of the game once youve inflicted enough damage, all you have to do is follow the on screen prompts. Its nothing too tricky so these should be pretty simple.
When that battle ends youll immediately enter into several more Cinematic Action sequences with Caius, make sure you pay attention because theyll be testing your response times!
Youll now have a quick breather whilst a cut scene shows you the arrival of new character Noel Kreiss before engaging in another battle with Chaos Bahamut. Again though this should be pretty straight forward if you follow auto-battle and healing when you need too. As Noel goes through the time gate, this marks the end of the prologue.
Episode 1: New Bodhum 003 AF
Following a cut scene youre now with Serah, Lightnings younger sister. Complete the simple moving tutorial around and over the debris in your way, you can now jump but thats easy enough so shouldnt cause you any problems. When you exit the house youll be met with the first Live Trigger of the game. Another cut scene brings Noel into the picture and together youll have clear the area, but again a combination of auto-battle and healing makes this quite simple. Theres a tutorial available here so take it if you need too or you just want a refresher, or skip it, its up to you. After taking out all the enemies youll have another cut scene where Noel gives Serah the Moogle gift from Lightning, Mog a mogsword.
Go onto the beach and follow Noel, complete the tutorial and clear the area, this is a bit more difficult but with Serah as your Ravager and Noel as your Commando its fairly straight forward. Continue north, after the ramp youll find a Treasure Sphere containing potions. Use the previous method of auto-battle/healing for any battles you encounter along the way. Continue northwards and about halfway along right in the middle of the path youll find a treasure chest containing the Map of New Bodhum. There are various other items lying around so pick them up if you see them but its not really important right now. After various battles with members of NORA, head to the centre of the anomaly where youll be attacked by the Gogmagog.
Read the on screen tips and get prepared to face your first boss battle of the game. Start out with the slash and burn paradigm (COM/RAV) to attack it. When he sets out to strike back switch to twin shields. Continue using this method until youve defeated it and use potions when you need too to restore your health. Youll earn the Gogmagog Fragment Alpha once youve completed the battle.
Head towards the crystal and youll begin a cut scene and another Live Trigger event. These explain to you that the meteorite is a portal linking you to Lightning, all you need is an artefact to activate it. In the crystarium you can upgrade your character however you like to suit you but its probably a good idea to up their levels. The basis of you being here is to find the artefact and in fact your moogle will help you as best he can when you come close to anything interesting so keep an eye on him. If he leads you to something you cant pick up, that just means hes not a high enough level yet so come back later in the story.
Go to the palm tree beside the NORA headquarters to find Lightnings knife and another Live Trigger event will begin. Next to the tree youll find Nell who asks you to do a side quest to find her medical kit its up to you whether you want to accept or not but remember all side quests have to be completed if you want to get all 160 fragments and this ones pretty easy, youll find the kit a little later on. Generally just go around and talk to the various people and watch the cutscenes/Live Trigger events available to you. Make sure you go and talk to the kids on the beach though and follow the important features labelled on the map. Eventually they will lead to you receiving Snows necklace.
Head back into the village and back to the hut. Following the orange exclamation mark on the map, examine the mirror. Here youll find the artefact. Watch the following cutscene as Noel opens up a little and head across the beach. However, you wont be able to use the artefact before having another battle with Gogmagog!
Follow the previous method but be aware that this time hes come prepared with better defence. Stagger him and make sure you keep using Twin Shields. As long as you follow the same method and are relatively off the mark about it, it shouldnt be too difficult to complete.
Once youve completed this boss battle youll see a Chocobo in front of you. Follow it into the crash pit, feed it a Gysahl Green and ride it back to the village. On the way back youll find the medical kit so give it to Nell and receive your gift, the Heart Prism Fragment.
Youre pretty much done here now so head back to the Time Gate to progress further. A Live Trigger event will appear, select Im ready and watch the episodes final cut scene.
Episode 2: Bresha Ruins 005 AF
A nice little cut scene and following tutorial welcomes you into the next episode and straight into the path of a battle against Paradox Alfa. Its easier than you may think, follow the same methods but just pay attention to the Cinematic Action sequences that when completed, will give you an extra boost. Keep an eye on your health, there are several Cinematic Action sequences right up until the very end of the battle, it will keep you on your toes!
On completion of the battle youll be arrested by soldiers and taken to a holding. Talk to Noel and the guard to trigger Live Events before being released by a girl called Alyssa Zaidelle. Follow her for a while before being let loose to explore the area for yourself. Theres lots to be found around the map so get looking and feel free to spend that Gill in the shop too where youll be introduced to Chocolina. Once youre done exploring, go back to the main area and talk to Alyssa. Defeat both Zwerg Scandroid and a Cait Sith, after this you will acquire them as optional 3 rd members and study the following tutorials on Party Paradigms and Feral Link.