Go ways nobody has ever gone before,
so that youll leave traces behind!
For all who escort me on my way...
Coverdesign: Friedrich G. M. Roedig, Vallendar
Resources: Own & stock.xchngvi www.sxc.hu
Covertext and photo from Regina Lahner: Andreas Marx
Lectorates: Senta Konopke and Anna Lahner
Translator: Dr. Georg Woodman
Bibliographic Information: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Original edition: German
ISBN: 978-3-7412-0609-2
1. Edition in English 2016 2016 Regina Lahner
Production & publication: BOD Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt
Important Notice: All made statements in this book are carefully researched and composed; however, author and publisher waive any liability by using directly or indirectly methods and applications of described techniques upon third parties. Whether improvement of personal condition belongs to ones own discretion and responsibility. By any form of health-infringements, especially chronic and/ or severe issues, persisting problems, we strongly suggest to seek the advice of a physician (MD) or natural healing practitioner.
About the author: Regina Lahner was born in 1965 in Mnchengladbach/Germany. Shes been living since her age of 2 in Bavaria/ Germany and occupied herself early on in life with natural healing and all health-related topics. In 2000 she underwent an education-program of 1 year as a Dr. Edward Bach Flower Essence Remedies Therapist, and later on worked independently in the field of advice, education and seminars, and since 2005 shes offered a distantstudy program of 10 months to become a Dr. Bach Flower Essence Remedies Therapist. In the same year she accomplished her education Tibetan Sound-Bowl-Massage at the Sebastian-Kneipp-School in Bad Wrishofen. As a referent and seminar-chair in the field of Dr. Bach Flower Essence Remedies (speeches/workshops) and singing-bowls (courses, workshops, meditation, and creational sound-painting) Mrs. Lahner is active at numerous public schools in South-Bavaria. For some years now Mrs. Lahner teaches interested persons through intensiveseminars to become Singing-Bowl Sound-Massagists.
Detailed information can be retrieved via www.bluetenberatung.de and www.tibetische-klangschalen-massage.de
I am a quite vivid person, and sometimes, admitted, a rather unrest type. Since that is neither for me nor my direct environment of any benefit I was already early in my life searching for a resting place and a balance. So it once in a while then happened that I took a nap after a stressy day, which led me to meditation or similar relaxation-exercises.
By the end of the 80ies it came to listen to the fascinating sounds of Tibetan singing-bowls which I listened to while I was meditating. (Back in those days just about everything audible was on tape) Well and that then just was it! Even though my tapes later on were distorted through tape-salad I was retrospectively preoccupied with those sound bowls, and then, short over long, my first set was there!
Sometime later, my two kids were born, and I sought for new goals in my life, and found such after my 1-year-education to become Dr. Edward Bach Flower Remedies Therapist in 2000 I went on to become sound-massagist in 2005.
Since 2008 Ive taught hitherto over 300 interested persons from all walks of life the techniques of sound-massage. Besides, at 13 Volkshochschulen (public after-work schools) in South-Bavaria I render courses in singing bowl sound massage.
In the course of time attendees kept asking for literatures. Simple, compact, but able to self-teaching for the private use; but, exactly such book didnt exist as of yet. And thats why I decided writing one.
All these descriptions and observations are based on my very own and subjective judgment, not on any scientific assessments, and ergo dont claim any completeness.
Why singing-bowl-massage at all?
Our audio-sense is of all five, the most accurate.
As daily noise makes us ill, as much it is of necessity to listen to the soft and quite sounds. And thats exactly where the sounds of those bowls help us guide into a sphere of harmony and inner rest.
Each person has over the course of ones life developed ones very own structure of personality; and when in unison with ones environment and in harmony, then, one is content, and, ultimately healthy.
Countless factors (education, school, job, environment...) and the therewith related stress of the day-by-day problems jeopardize our inner harmony and get us off-balance.
In such disharmony were more susceptible and prone to failure.
- A sound-bowl massage can become your source of energy for the everydaychores of life.
- Wellbeing, relaxation, wholesome recreation for body, soul and spirit are quasi guaranteed that way.
The harmonious sounds of the bowls appeal the instinctive trust in a human, they sooth most pleasantly ones dispositioning and the entire nervous system. That way effective relaxation is reached. Each and every of our billions of cells experiences during the sound-bowl massage the gentle swings and reestablishes the original condition.
Self-healing processes can be positively supported that way. During the sound-bowl process deep relaxation occurs resurfacing ones ordered cognitive body awareness, as it takes place in meditation however here having the advantage that even any layman by hearing consciously the sounds, that way able to quickly turn-off and fall into a relaxed constitution.
In this phase of inner rest lies the problem of releasing problems, tension and blockages (i.e. in shoulder- and neck region) dissolve relatively easy.
Via passive listening and allow-to-happen one enters a meditative state; breathing become deeper, more intensive and relaxed, the muscle-structure loosens, energy-flow Chi or Ki is being stimulated and existing blockages and tensions can that way slacken, and stress is being combated which can be observed even after just one sound-massage already.
What happens by a sound-bowl-massage within our body?
When sound-bowls are being placed upon (the usually loosely dressed) body and by means of slightly banging the bowls with a felt-mallet the vibrations of the bowls convey upon the body and spread rippling over the whole tissue.
Just imagine a pebble tossing into the lake the waves make concentric ripples and widen out over the entire surface, but also below it. And thats exactly how it takes place in/ on our body especially considering that a human body consists to 75%-85% of water, and those liquids, the water enables the vibrations of the sound-bowls to spread out all over.
Tip:In case youre already having such bowl you can make that phenomenon easily visible: fill the bowl with water and then dang with the mallet gently the bowls wall, and the larger the bowl the larger and more intensive are the waves but careful: it could even spill the water all over!
Ergo, during such massage the vibrations penetrate deep into the cell-tissue; making one to a body of resonance and part of the sound. It goes without saying that no body is the same, therefore, the sounds vary from person to person, naturally.
And the fact that youd be seeking for a toilette right after
If youve had a sound-massage before then youre already aware of the effects. Sometimes midwives use the technique in the effort turning a baby around to give birth to easier. The effects of a sound-bowl massage ought not to be underestimated therefore!
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