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Lower BackPain Relief: An Amazingly Simple Way to Cure Chronic Lower BackPain in as Little as 14 Days and for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!
Welcome to cure back pain for the rest ofyour life.
I first started to get back painabout 5 years ago.Firstly I went to my doctor who told me to restfor a few weeks, so I took some time off from work but as soon as Ireturned to real life the pain returned. My next step was to visita chiropractor who manipulated my spine and for a few weeks my painwas eased but soon enough it would return. I then went back for asecond time and was told that I should now come to regularappointments every 2 to 3 weeks when the pain returned to make thetreatment effective, although this sounded like a good idea as ithelped my pain in reality taking the time off work and the extracost per session was not practical, I had to find anotherway.
I startedresearching everything about back pain from videos to EBooks and more websites than Icare to mention.
I realize how much of a problemthis is globally and how many different treatments there are fromtaking pain killers for the rest of your life to having serioussurgery. Both of which were out of the question I had to find anatural way to help myself and help everyone else who suffers fromback pain.
Iresearched more about natural therapies for my back pain and foundthat people have found Yoga and Pilates to be very beneficial so Istarted taking some classes to my surprise this started to help andbefore long I had found 1 exercise that really helped, so I testedthis quick exercise every morning before I went to work, I did thisfor a week and found that some days were better than others andbefore long I had noticed why, the day that were better were when Idid something after the initial exercise that seemed to strengthen my back as well as theinitial stretching. After combining both the techniques theimprovement was nothing short of spectacular and by the time thefollowing week had pasted all of my back pain had gone and hasstayed away ever since.
I lookedinto my technique in more detail and found that my first initialexercise gently stretches and warms up the back muscles and tendons and the secondexercise strengthens the whole back area all in less than 5 minutesa day.
So whatare these 2 amazing exercises that can cure your back pain in less than 5 minutes aday.
The warm up excise: The ChildPose as it is called in Yoga
a. Sit on your knees with yourfeet together and buttocks resting on your heels. Separate yourknees about the width of your hips. Place your hands on yourthighs, palms down.
b. Inhale deeply, and then exhaleas you bring your chest between your knees while swinging your armsforward.
c. Rest your forehead on the floor, ifpossible, and then bring your arms around to your sides until thehands on resting on either side of your feet, palms up.
d. Breathe gently through your nostrils asyou hold the posture. Hold for about one to two minutes. Thenreturn to an upright kneeling position with your back straight andyour hands on your thighs.
e. Repeat the posture at least one moretime.
I have foundthat holding b. for 10 to 20 seconds is more benificial.
1. The second exercise is amazingly simple asits something we learnt to do at a very early stage in life.
Crawling orCreeping as its called in the USA.
The typeof crawling is the most basic on your hands and knees. Moving theright arm and left knee forward, followed by the left arm and rightknee forward. This alternating sequence is the basic crawlingthatwe all know instinctively and can be performed as slowly as isnecessary while you are building up your muscles and getting usedto the exercise. Your first crawl should last no longer than 30seconds I found up and down the living room to be the best placefor this, pay attention not to lift your neck to much as it could cause astrain.
Eachconsecutive day you complete the exercise s your back will become stronger and moreaccustomed to this exercises so you can increase your crawl time by10 to 30 seconds, never doing more than your comfortablewith.
After aweek of exercises for nolonger than 5 minutes you should feel yourself standing straighterand your spine much more aligned and stable .
On the secondweek you can try speeding up and slowing down while you crawl, alsotry crawling backwards but never for more than 5 minutes at atime.
At theend of the second week you should have found a hugeimprovemen t if not totalcure of your back pain. You can now either decide to continue theroutine or stop its up to you as there is much proven evidencethat crawling has been proven to be one of the most effectiveexercises you can do that speeds up the metabolism which burns fatand causes weight loss, strengthens your entire core of your body,improves posture and strengthens the back as we know, tones abs,thighs and bottom, improves lung function and flexibility and jointfunction the list goes on and all in under 5 minutes a day. Itsthe perfect anti-ageing solution.
Crawling can hurt your kneesafter a while so unless you have really padded floors invest insome simple Velcro knee pads from your local home improvementstore.
The treatment is cumulative sodoing them every day you will see much quicker results.
Use a timer for your sessionsand build up to more than a few minutes each day to achieve thegreatest results.
Always work to your comfortlevel for that session, if you cannot do more stop and continue thenext day.
Use loose clothing but not soloose they get in your way.
Pay attention not to lift yourneck to much as it could cause a strain.
Have a clear area before youstart mapped out for you to crawl like the living room orhallway.
Try and view the exercises asplayful and change up your techniques whenever you get bored orneed a bigger challenge.
Make sure that you are hydratedproperly. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day will ensurethat you are not experiencing lower back pain as a result ofdehydration. Not only can proper hydration help with your lowerback, but it can also improve your overall health and make resultsoccur much quicker.
Omega-3fatty acids (fish oil) act as an anti-inflammatory and lubricantfor your joints adding fish or a supplement to your diet can alsomake results.
I also foundthrough a lot of research that the vegetable Ocra to be verybeneficial adding a small amount of this to your diet can helpgreatly.
If you havehealth conditions that affect your knees, neck or back, check withyour doctor first to make sure that crawling is a good exercise foryou.