Also by Katie Vaz
Dont Worry, Eat Cake
Make Yourself Cozy
The Escape Manual for Introverts copyright 2019 by Katie Vaz. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.
Andrews McMeel Publishing
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ISBN: 978-1-5248-5540-6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018966056
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To the fellow introvert
An extra amount of solitude is necessary for introverts to feel sane, yet finding ways to explain that to extroverts can be tricky. Just because we dont want to go doesnt mean we dont like them, but that can be hard to get across kindly. As an introvert myself, I know how easy it is to get pulled into social situations if a proper excuse isnt prepared ahead of time. Once youre out, its just as easy to stay out longer than desired if a clever departure hasnt been planned. How unfortunate it is to find yourself cornered in a sea of extroverts unexpectedly and be at a loss for how to flee.
I created this handbook to be a cheeky illustrated guide to strengthen your arsenal of cover stories for when I just want to be home isnt going to cut it. In addition to authentically plausible alibis, youll also find a catalog of exit strategies and preparation plans for protection in various future social situations you may find yourself stuck in. These range from simple and practical all the way to positively preposterous and ingenious! Not only applicable to introverts, folks who identify as socially awkward may find these expert evasions useful as well.
The situations in this book are inspired by all the common scenarios Ive found myself trapped in, as well as by the stories my introverted friends and I have shared about past unsuccessful social exits. I hope this collection is useful to you in your journey of navigating an introverted life. With this manual in your repertoire, the days of amateur social-escape artistry are behind you.
How to use this book
Different levels of relation require particular amounts of realism, and this book uniquely tailors to each one. Its divided into five chapters of familiarity: Friends, Relatives, CoWorkers, Acquaintances , and Strangers . Within each chapter are examples of social scenarios common to that type of relationship, followed by a selection of escapes and excuses for introverts to use in the moment or as a plan of attack for future encounters.
Use this Plausibility of Excuse Absurdity graph as a guideline to how eccentric your escape can safely be to maintain reasonable amounts of believability. Situations involving friends can be delicate and may require more carefully constructed strategies to protect the friendship. Situations with strangers, however, can greatly benefit from deliberate and resourceful tomfoolery.
Peruse the manual at leisure, or go to any familiarity chapter as needed and according to the social situations you are experiencing or expect to soon.
For your reference, each chapter can quickly be located by the links below.
Chapter 1
How to keep friend hangouts to a reasonable amount (and still keep your friends)
Good friends will understand your introverted ways, so the escapes and excuses in this chapter should be used carefully!
Oh, that tricky balance between sweet alone time and seeing people you like.
Scenario 1
Friends who love Trivia Night and want you to come with them
I already made plans with
Use the name of
any respectable
family member.
Use partner's name, child's
name, pet's name, etc.
has been feeling neglected lately.
This is more likely to
be understood by people with pets,
children, or needy partners.
Compromise by going once.
Make sure to answer quickly and incorrectly a couple of times to reduce frequency of future invitations .
Scenario 2
A rambunctious dinner party with too many people
Become preoccupied playing with the animals.