About Martin Yate, CPC
New York Times bestseller Martin Yate is the author of Knock Em Dead - The Ultimate Job Search Guide, now going into its 27th edition. It is the keystone of a 14 book series, with each book addressing a different aspect of job search and modern career management. Collectively published in some 63 foreign language editions, the Knock Em Dead way is unique in its scope and global acceptance in industrialized nations.
With new books and editions added constantly over the last twenty-five years, Mr. Yates body of work has gradually evolved into a carefully integrated strategy for navigating the twists and turns of a half-century worklife. The Knock Em Dead philosophy offers a practical methodology for achieving professional success, personal fulfillment and financial stability in an uncertain world.
He has been in career management for thirty-five year years, including success as an international technology headhunter, as Director of Human Resources for the technology division of a public company in Silicon Valley, and as Director of Training and Development for a multinational employment services company.
He has spent twenty-five years on the international lecture circuit coaching corporate recruiters, headhunters, hiring managers, job hunters, career coaches and resume writers on four continents. This is a travel schedule that he is thankfully retiring, thanks to the wonders of webcasts and distance learning technology.
Martin has devoted his life to learning what it takes to achieve a successful professional life. Yet despite encyclopedic knowledge, success and public acclaim, youll find Martin to be warm, witty and someone who genuinely cares about helping you gain control of your career and change the trajectory of your life. He is considered by many to be the worlds thought leader on career management and job search issues.
Martin Yate CPC
The best book on job hunting.
Some great advice can be found in Martin Yates Knock em Dead
Comprehensive, fast-paced, upbeat style
One of the most admired authors in the career space.
Nineteen editions says something about quality.
The first, middle, and last word for job seekers.
Standout advice from Americas leading job authority
Martin Yate, CPC
New York Times bestselling author
Savannah, Georgia
Copyright 2014, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992 by
Martin Yate CPC
All rights reserved.
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any
form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are
made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.
Published by
Jumping Dude Media
5501 Abercorn Street Suite C 103
Savannah, GA. U.S.A.
PDF ISBN 10: 0-9797146-5-6
PDF ISBN 13: 978-0-9797146-5-8
EPUB ISBN: 10: 0-9912704-2-8
EPUB ISBN 13: 978-0-9912704-2-2
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