Reboot YourResume:
11 Tips for Making Your NEWResume Irresistible
By Rusty Fischer
Copyright 2015 by RustyFischer
All rightsreserved.
Disclaimer: The following is a FREE special report designedto inform, enlighten, inspire and educate. All the ideas, tips,strategies and more are based on the authors personal experience,research or both; not science! Try at your own risk, buthopefully this sound advice will help you reach your careergoal(s), as an author or otherwise.
This is a work ofnonfiction. All of the names, characters, places and eventsportrayed in this novel are either products of the authorsimagination or, if real, are used fictitiously.
Cover credit: michaeljung
Few of us relish the task ofwriting, rewriting, updating or revamping our resume. But whenviewed through the proper lens, taking a second look at your old or even your new resume can provide you with the opportunity to turn it intosomething irresistible for prospective employers.
To make sure youre asprepared as possible for your next career opportunity, hereare 11 Tips for Making Your ResumeIrresistible :
The First Tip for Making Your ResumeIrresistible:
Pump Up Your Profile withPower Words
One simple way to rebootyour resume is to look at the words youre currently using and seeif there any opportunities to replace them with various powerwords that are active, forward focused and inspireconfidence.
For instance, dont sayworked with, say led. Dont say started, say initiated.Instead of maintained, try managed. You get thepoint.
Dont make your resume sokeyword rich that it sounds like it was created in an SEO Factory,but *do* look for opportunities to punch up your language wherever and whenever you can.
For more on this, simply doa keyword search on power words for resumes and youll findliterally hundreds of alternatives to boring, bland language tohelp reboot your resume in the most powerful waypossible.
The Second Tip for Making Your ResumeIrresistible:
Format forSimplicity
Dont get fancy with yourformatting. More often than not, youll be uploading your resume aspart of an online application process, so youll want it to bestripped free of fancy flourishes, formatting and other bells andwhistles to ensure that its easy to open and read across avariety of web and email platforms.
Employers are far morelikely to concern themselves with what your resume says than how itlooks. By all means, follow standard resume formatting procedures,but stick to those and avoid the temptation to get fancy whenwhat youve accomplished will speak far louder than how well youcan format. (Unless, that is, youre applying for a job as HeadResume Formatter, then by all means go to town!)
The Third Tip for Making Your Resume Irresistible:
Create a TemporaryTemplate
Dont reinvent the wheelevery time you apply for a job. Create a standard template thatwill be the basis for every resume you update, curate, revamp,tweak, toy with and personalize (see next tip).
Your template resumeshould have all the basics: contact information, education,objective, job descriptions, special commendations, certificatesand awards, etc. Once that information is all in place, you canmove on to the next step:
The Fourth Tip for Making Your Resume Irresistible:
Tailor it for EachJob
Nearly every job youll findyourself applying for will have some special requirement orqualification that will require you to tweak, tailor or personalizeyour template resume in order to proclaim yourself a perfectfit.
It could be as simple asrearranging your special skills and certifications section so thatyour proficiency in a certain type of software comes first overyour certificate in social media training or viceversa.
Anytime you can lead withthe headline and rearrange your resume so that a particular skillset presents itself more prominently for the right opportunity, itmakes it easier for the HR team to spot your potential andhopefully reward it with a job!
The F ifth Tip for Making Your Resume Irresistible:
Organize forOptimization
We live in a modern worldwhere technology can either be your ally or your enemy. So, whichwill you choose? Or will you let it choose you?
Case in point: weve allbeen in the situation where were trying to find a particularversion of a personalized resume that would be perfect, as is,for a new opportunity. But where is it? Is it on the desktop? Thelaptop? This memory card? That one? Where did it go?!?
Or weve uploaded an oldversion of our resume when we meant to use the new one, etc. Tomake sure youre always using the right version, for the right job,create a resume file and mark it clearly. Make it portable, eitherhaving it handy on a memory card or available in our virtualcloud, able to grab it from our laptop, tablet, phone, etc.,wherever we are.
It may sound like anon-item, but not if youve ever missed out on a great jobopportunity because youve uploaded a wrong, outdated or draftresume instead of the one youve worked so carefully on.
The Sixth Tip for Making Your Resume Irresistible:
Get Qualified
If you notice certain themesrunning through the qualifications listed for your ideal jobs acertain piece of software they want you to be familiar with or aspecific certification you might need take steps to achieve thatgoal so you can begin listing it in the (near) future.
It might require taking anonline certification course or a class at your local university,technical school or community college. You might have to actuallybuy and master a piece of software or equipment.
Is it worth it? I supposethe answer depends on how badly you want the job, but in myexperience any type of additional experience, education ortechnical expertise will never go to waste in this highlycompetitive marketplace.
The Seventh Tip for Making Your Resume Irresistible:
Become a ThoughtLeader
In todays competitivemarketplace, companies want to hire intrapreneurs who can bringtheir own brand of entrepreneurial, outside the box thinking toplay inside a corporate organization.
Rather than sit and wait forcompanies to come to you, consider becoming more noticeableto them by being athought leader in your own right. Create content (see idea below)such as eBooks, special reports or YouTube videos to help youstand out amongst the competition.
Consider speaking at localorganizations on a certain topic, or topics, to not only gainexperience in them but film and take pictures of yourself doing itto post on social media and your own website (more on thatlater).
Think of what youre goodat, the kinds of jobs youre going for and what might appeal to thecompanies you most want to work for and then try to attract theirattention by becoming a thought leader in that particulartopic.
The Eighth Tip for Making Your Resume Irresistible:
Create QualityContent
Imagine being able to listsuch powerful keywords and accomplishments as author, blogger,reviewer, columnist, etc., in your awards and certificationssection?
That reality is closer thanyou think when you begin to create quality content to help rebootyour resume. This can include such items as:
An eBook you write, publishand offer on and Amazon;
White papers or specialreports you offer on your own blog or website;
Articles or editorials forwebsites, journals and publications in the field youre looking tobe hired in;
A blog of your own where youwrite weekly on topics of particular interest to your industry ormarketplace;
Reviewing books, movies,products or services in your chosen profession;
Content marketing is avaluable tool for job seekers because each item tends to work as aresume beyond your resume, speaking for you in ways a singleone-page document cant.
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