Illu strat ed by Ry an Whea tcr oft Written by Sarah Ridley New Y ork M y Fri ends
How t o Make Friends Say hi or hello Smile Ask someones name Invite someone to join in Published in 2023 b y The Rosen Publishing Gro up, Inc. 29 East 21st Str eet, New Y ork, NY 10010 Copyright 2021 The Wa tts Publishing Group, an imprint of Hachette Children s Gr oup All rights reserved. No part of this book may be r eproduced in any fo rm without permission in writing from the publisher , except by a reviewer . Editors: Sarah Pe utrill and Sarah Ridley Design: Anthony Hannant (Little R ed Ant) Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Ridley , Sarah. | Wheatcroft, R yan, illustrator . Title: My friends / by Sara h Ridley , illustrated by R yan W heatcroft.
Description: New Y or k : Powerkids Pr ess, 2023. | Series: My life | Includes glossary and index. Identiers: ISBN 9781725338173 (pbk. ) | ISBN 9781725338197 (library bound) | ISBN 9781725338180 (6pack) | ISBN 9781725338203 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Friendship-- Ju venile literatur e. | Social acceptance in children-- Ju venile literature. | Social inter action in children- -J uvenile litera ture.
Classication: L CC BF575.F66 R54 2023 | DDC 177 .62--dc23 Manufactur ed in the Unit ed Stat es of Americ a CPSIA Compl iance Inf ormation: Batc h #CSPK2 3. For furt her in formation contact Rosen Publishi ng, Ne w Y or k, New Yo rk at 1- 800-2 - 9932.
C ontents Frie nds 4 Good F riends Making F riends Im Shy Lonely When Fr iends Fight Online F riendships When F riendships Change Bad F riendships Belonging to a Group Stand Up to Bullies F riends for Life Things to T al k About and Do Glossary and Fu rther Information Index
What are your friends names? Some people have lots of friends and others have a few. We a re all dif feren t, an d there is no rule about how many friends people should have. The important thing is to have fun together! Friends How Did You Meet? Most children mak e friends at school, but others find people they like in clubs or classes, or living next door. Cous ins, brothers, step sisters and half bro thersthey can all be your friends as well as your family.
Yo ur friends can be like you or differe nt from you. Emmie and Jane met at a soc cer club in the park. They go to differ ent schools but have lots of fun together at Saturday pr actice. How do you feel when you are with your friends? ?
Best Friends Some people like to have a best friend or a couple of best friends that they hang out with. Other people dont need a best friend to feel happy. They have several friends that they can count on.
What do you do with your friends? Tom and Ethan live in the same town. When T om comes over to Ethan s house, they play video games and have fun with Ethans family dog, Piper .
Good friends What makes a good frien d? Its someone who makes you feel happy and who enjoys being friends with you. Good friends share inter ests, say and do things that make each other feel good, encourage each other , a nd keep each other out of tro uble. When it was Jonah s birthday, his d ad arranged for friends to come to the park for a picnic at the playgro und. What do you like ab out your friends? ?
Trusting and Caring F riends let you be yourself.
F riends stick with one another through good times and bad. They trust each other to keep a secr et and share jokes too! They can count on each other for friendship and take care of each other if one of them is feeling ill or unhappy. A Good Listener Good friends listen to each other and try to help if they can. Yo u dont always need to have an answer sometimes it is enough just to listen. Tr y to help your friend, but if you are worried by what your friend has told you, dont keep it to yourself. T e ll a trusted adult.
Yo u are too young to deal w ith a friend s difficult problems on your own. Jessie is trying to cheer up Olivia after her fish died this morning.
Making friends How do you make friends with someone? Be friendly! T ry to k eep your body language, which is the way you stand and act, open and welcoming. Smile! T ry to look at the person when you are talking to them and keep your hands away fr om your face. Here are some ideas for how to make new friends. How t o Make Friend s Say hi or hello Smile Ask someones name Go and stand or sit next to the person Ask someone if they want to join your c lub Invite someone to join in Ask someone if they want to sit with you Introduce yourself by telling them your name Help someone if they need help Why does asking someones name help you make friends? ?
Not Like Me It can be easy to lose out on a lot of friendships b y deciding too quickly that someone is not your kind of person.
Fri ends dont have to look alike or speak the same way. Yo u just need to discover that you like each other and have fun together. Look at the p icture. How d o you think this group of friends met? What inter ests do they shar e? Can you remember how you met your friends? ? It is important to re spect and accept people whether or not they are your special friends.
Im shy There a re all sort s of people in the world, and you may feel shy most of the time or some of the time. If you worry about sp eaking in front of other people or feel anxious about going to a party , y ou may be shy.
It ca n be hard to mak e friends with people if you are worried about talking to people. What Can Help? Give yourself lots of chances to make friends. Tr y to be friendly when children speak to you at school, but also follow your interests by joining a tea m or club. Meeting up once a week to do an activity you enjoy can give you something to talk about with others. Mr. Jone s asked some childr en to help him make a wildlife gar den during T uesday r ecess.
Dylan is getting to know the gro up. Have you ever fe lt shy? How did it make you feel? ?