
Copyright 2013 Noel Powell.
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To the
to all of those who said you couldnt
the nonbelievers
All Glory Be to God
But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth
thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
Deuteronomy 8:18
Look beyond the words you see and accept the knowledge.
Honey is described as a sweet, viscous material created from the nectar of flowers in the honey sacs of various bees. Honey bees provide us with the gift of honey, revered as one of the most amazing and nourishing substances. Honey bees are strong and resilient when they are not overcome by stressors in their environment. Honey provides three key health benefits: it is natures energy booster , a great immune system builder, and a natural remedy for many ailments. The word honey is also used to describe a loved one; the quality or state of being sweet; an attractive woman; the act of sweetening with or as if with honey; and the use of ingratiating speech, or flattery.
If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.
Numbers 14:8
Money is described as officially coined, stamped metal currency or paper money. A moneyed person possesses or controls great wealth or has a position of wealththat is, was born into money. The three key functions of money are as a medium of exchange, as a store of value, and as a unit of account or payment.
God has reserved money and the wealth of sinners for His harvest. Money has a mission, and it is crying out to be in the hands of the righteous and not the wicked. This transfer of wealth into the body of Christ has begun. As we understand what God has promised in His Word to the chosen generation and begin to believe in Him, this wealth will increasingly overtake us, for we know its purpose is to establish Gods covenant in the earth.
A good man leaves an inheritance to his childrens children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
Proverbs 13:22
What, Why, Who, When,
Where, and How
How to Use This Book
Every idea was once a thought; every thought led to an idea. Have you ever been watching TV when an infomercial came on for a magic cleaner? It claimed you can clean anything with that magic cleaner. And you said to yourself, I could have invented that. Ive been cleaning my home with my very own special cleaning concoction for years now. That could have been my product selling millions of bottles across the United States!
You are right, if you believe you can do it, you can . The same rule applies in the negative: if you believe you cant , then you cant . Some of us dont know where to begin. Some of us are too afraid of where we might end up; we have an unconscious fear of success. Some of us dont have the money to invest or the support we need from others. And some of us never even imagine that it is possible.
That late-night TV scenario has happened to me and many other people time and time again. A commercial that ignites feelings of regret for not taking any actions of your own, feelings of bitterness for every time someone told us that it would never work, and feelings of defeat if weve simply given up on our dreams. A sixteen-year-old boy told me once, We never give up; we just take a break. Ive kept that one in my back pocket for years now. Thank you, Greg Watkins.
When I proposed the idea of writing this book to my loved ones, these are some of the responses I heard:
No way! Why would you give your ideas away so other people can get rich?
The first thing people are going to ask is, Why arent you rich?
Im not sure about that one.
Heres my response to them: You see a homeless person on the street with a cup, collecting money. Some people will say, I dont give money to bums. All that they do is go to buy drugs with it, so Im not giving them anything! Who are we to judge? How do we know what they are going to do with the money? Maybe once theyve collected enough money for the day, they can buy dinner for their family. In answer to those concerns, I say, I am a cheerful giver. I am wealthy beyond what the naked eye can see. I am sure about that one.
Once youve made up in your mind to do something, you should begin to map out a plan for reaching that goal. I want to share a method that I have used for many years to stay focused and organized. I ask myself these six questions:
WHAT: What kind of business or service do I want to provide?
A book of prosperous ideas*
WHY: Why do I want to own this business? To help others and to create entrepreneurs. To positively impact and engage the communities around us by creating new businesses, thus developing new jobs, which will raise our employment rate. This will result in taxes paid by employers and employees, helping to decrease our deficit and, most importantly, providing a new found quality of life for the people. This may result in a decrease in our crime rates and an increase in our city and states value. One might call this changing the world one person at a time.
WHO : Who is my audience; who will buy my products or need my services? All people who desire to have more income and/or dream of owning their own business one day.
WHEN: When will I start working toward my goal and when is my projected grand opening? I am going to start right now. Just writing your goals down on paper is a start. In appendix 3, you will learn how to set your goal date based on how long it will take to complete each step of the business process provided for you.
WHERE: Where will I sell my products (location, location, location)?
I will sell to individuals, through book stores, and through a publisher. I will send out a few free copies to prestigious people to get exposure.
HOW: How am I going to accomplish my goal? Write the book by working on it every day until it is complete, then self-publish, advertise, and sell for a profit. I also ask myself, How much money can I potentially make? Because my intent, in the event of my success, is to help other people reach their goals. Both your goal and intentions are of equal importance.
This is a method that you may want to use in setting your goals, whether they are personal or professional. I have provided a chapter of free resources you can use to find more information on financing your business and obtaining the support you will need to get started.
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