By the Light of the Moon
13 Simple & Affordable Pagan Spells &Rituals
for a Year of Full Moon Celebrations
By the Light of the Moon: 13 Simple andAffordable Pagan Spells & Rituals for a Year of Full MoonCelebrations 2016 by All rights reserved.Please do not use, reproduce, or distribute this work in anymanner (including internet usage) without written consent from itsauthor.
Unless otherwise noted, all spell photographybelongs to 2016 and may NOT be used,distributed, or altered for commercial or internet use.
Simple Full Moon Ritual, Moon Dust FireSpell Pouches, and Emotional Release Meditation photographybelongs to
Cover photography
By purchasing this book, you signify you haveread and agree to the full disclaimer and do NOT hold itsauthor liable for any personal injury, damages, or financial lossrelated to information found in this book. Any and all informationprovided in this book is based off the authors personal studies,experiences, observations, and insight and is intended for adultsas reference material only. The information found within this bookis accurate to the best of the authors abilities. Please exercisecaution and safety when using the information provided by thisbook.
The recipes, spells, and informationcontained within this book are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure,or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed healthcareprofessional before implementing any recommendations discussed inthis book.
For Barley, who now walks with me by thelight of the moon.
Table of Contents
Dear reader,
I wish there was a way I could fullyarticulate my gratitude for each and every one of you. Whether youtake time to comment on the blog, or read silently from somewherein the infinite space that is the internet (I do the exact samething!), I recognize behind every click, every retweet, every pinis a person who is taking a moment out of their day to read orshare something I wrote. That is an unbelievable feeling, and Imso thankful I get to experience that. There have been so many timesone of your comments has truly brightened my day, which is a prettyincredible feeling. So, as clich as it is, THANK YOU!
Thank you for reading the blog.
Thank you for sharing a post or tweet.
Thank you forpurchasing this book.
Without you Id just be talking to myself,which brings me one unsettling step closer to turning into mymother. =P Without your purchase of By the Light of theMoon, I wouldnt be able to offer spells, rituals, andspiritual material on atno cost to readers. But above all, without you there would be noneed for the Penniless Pagan. When I started the blog, I didntrealize what a blessing it would be to interact with all you lovelypeople. Every kind comment and every word of encouragement isdeeply appreciated. There are some amazing people in this world,and Im very excited that so many of them have chosen to visit mylittle blog. ;) So, thank you!
Now go cast a spell!
Blessed Be, my friends!
Before WeBegin
Im sure youre excited to get to the spells.I am too! But before we begin, Id like to share with you somenotes, tips, and tricks to help your spell crafting go smoothly.And if youre new to Paganism or witchcraft, Ive got you coveredas well. ;)
Traditional Magick Versus the Penniless Pagan Approach
Traditionally, casting on a full moon is usedfor banishment and casting on a new moon is used for manifestation.This is done because following a full moon, the moons visibilitybegins to wane, the bright orb slowly shrinking into the totaldarkness of a new moon (therefore pushing or banishing somethingaway from you). Alternatively, the new moon grows into aflourishing full moon and is thereby used to draw an intentiontoward you. While I completely agree and resonate with thosephilosophies, I also know magick can get very complicated,especially to a new practitioner. Throw in a few planets and anastrological house, and Pagans can find themselves confused andoverwhelmed. isall about simplifying. Magick should be natural and innate. Itshouldnt feel like a chemistry final. And if a pressing matter isat hand, most people dont want to wait for a particular lunarphase in order to address their problem.
Ive been practicing magick for nearly twentyyears, and Ive found that as long as your intentions are clear andyour mind is focused, the spell will manifest just fine.Ultimately, its a matter of your PASSION that drives the spell.YOU are the energetic force, harnessing power from the largerenergetic force of which we are all connected. Believe in the spelland the spell will manifest. Simple as that!
Now put away all those charts andcalculators. We have magick to cast!
Why 13 Spells?
Roughly every two to three years there is asecond full moon that occurs within a calendar month. This iscalled a blue moon. Blue moons are great for casting magick!On such a special year, I didnt want you to be left with no spellto cast! Therefore, I included thirteen individual spells/rituals(plus a super simple BONUS ritual for thosereally busy days!) so youll have an entire years worth of fullmoon celebrations, even on a blue moon year!
Most of the spells within this book take lessthan twenty minutes to complete, and many have variations so youcan cast the same spell for different purposes. And just in case aspell calls for an herb you dont have on hand, Ive included alist of thirteen magickal common household herbs and spices foryour swapping pleasure.
13 Magickal Household Herbs and Spices: A Quick Guide for SpellSubstitution
Basil: Protection, love, balance,connection to higher self
Black Pepper: Protection, banishingnegative energy
Chives: Protection, removing negativeenergy
Cinnamon: Protection, love, intuition,money, abundance
Dill: Protection, abundance, money
Ginger: Money, abundance, success,love
Nutmeg: Luck, money, abundance,love
Oregano: Peace, spiritual serenity
Parsley: Purification, cleansing
Rosemary: Protection, purification,love, strengthening a spell, health, healing
Sage: Protection, to draw wisdom,purification, grounding, connection with higher self, psychicawareness
Salt: Purification, protection
Thyme: Psychic awareness, healing,health, love, strength (emotional)
A Horse ofa Different Color: 13 Colors and Their Magickal Properties
Like so much of life, the magickal meaning ofcolors varies on the individual. If youre interested in exploringcolor magick, take some time to think about what specific colorsmean to YOU. Does pink make you happy? Do you turn your nose up atorange? How do these responses translate into magickal purpose? Iforange makes you gag, its probably not a color youll turn to forsecurity and abundance. If pink makes your heart sing, its notwell suited for a warding spell.
Keep a journal and make notations aboutcolors and your response to them and experiences with them. Trywearing a specific color and see what happens that day. If yourewearing a bright yellow t-shirt and win a hundred dollars in a handof poker, yellow just may be what you reach for next time you casta money spell! Experiment. Find what works for you!
For your convenience, here is my personallist of thirteen colors and their magickal properties. Enjoy, mycolorful friend!
Black: Warding, self-guarding,introspection
Blue: Health, healing, protection,cleansing, spirituality, tranquility, serenity