Moon Spells
How to Use the Phases of the Moon
to Get What You Want
By Diane Ahlquist
Illustrations by Patty Volz
Copyright 2002, Diane Ahlquist. All rights reserved.
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.
Published by
Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A.
ISBN 13: 978-1-58062-695-8
ISBN 10: 1-58062-695-5
eISBN: 978-1-44051-944-4
Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Ahlquist, Diane.
Moon spells : how to use the phases of the moon
to get what you want / by Diane Ahlquist.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-58062-695-5
1. Magic. 2. Moon--Phases--Miscellanea. I. Title.
BF1623.M66 A35 2002
133.4'3--dc21 2002003795
Cover illustration by Denise Satter.
Interior illustrations by Patty Volz.
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I dedicate this book to all those who hold it in their handsto those who believe there is more than what we experience on the physical plane and to all who are adventuresome and are influenced by the Moon and her positive energy. You are the seekers, you are the pathfinders. No matter what your age, you are the voices of the new age... you are the true magick in life.
9 Creating and Walking a Moon Circle
There are some people who you cannot thank enough and one of those is Claire Gerus, my editor. To her I express appreciation and love. Also, Laura MacLaughlin, Kate McBride, and all at Adams Media for their efforts to make this book responsive to the needs of the reader.
Naturally, my mother, Rosemarie, who always thought I was wonderful but different!
To my sister, Marie, for her research and insights of the metaphysical. To my nephews, Daniel and Johnny Frenden, for their blessed thoughts.
To Adrian Volney, for his patience and considerate nature as I pursue my interests and for understanding why I must have a moon circle in our backyard! To the Volney children, for their smiling faces and happy dispositions.
A special thanks to Patty Volz, a dear friend, who unselfishly contributed her artwork to these pages. A job well done and a God-given gift I am glad you are pursuing.
Denise Satter... the cover art looks wonderful! You made the book come alive.
Laura Nelson... over twenty years ago, I thought you were one of the finest people I had ever met. To this day, that truth remains the same.
Also, to...
Dave Stern... always my lighthouse in the storm of life.
Debi Albert, a friend who supported me unconditionally and always wished me success.
Roger Goff... as always, your words of wisdom and knowledge made the difference.
Kathy Greager... a true Moon advocate and my favorite Pisces.
Inger Svenson... your Swedish energy and insights enlightened me.
Pat Samuels... for your invaluable comments and interest in things that are new to you.
Rahelio... for reminding me to keep everything in the circle.
Joe Lubow... an angel in disguise.
Mike Seery... just talking to you encourages me and gives me confidence in what I do.
Carolyn Drogan... I think of you more than you know.
Brandi Keown... you make the state of Virginia shine.
Frank Smith... whose houseboat was my lodging while I wrote much of this book.
Blessings to: Robert Irwin, Brenda Brock, and Charlotte, Desmond, and Andrew Campbell.
All of my clients and friends whose names I would thank individually if it were not for the limitations of space.
And finally, to the essence of all the ascended masters for daily guidance they give me in meditation.
I was named after the Moon Goddess, Diana. Even so, while I was growing up, I paid no more attention to our closest celestial neighbor than any other child. Then, about ten years ago, a friend of mine who worked at the police department pointed out that her emergency calls were heavier on and around the full Moon. This prompted me to wonder about the Moons influence on my life.
I had kept a journal for many years, and on one ambitious day I went back over my old entries. To my surprise, I discovered a profound connection between the Moons phases and the important events in my past. The projects or romances that worked were started under a new Moon; most negative events in my life took place under a full Moon. Diets never worked when the Moon was waxingbut business thrived.
My divorce (which proceeded with no conflict or ill feelings) was initiated under a waning Moon. My intuition was more accurate at a full Moon, my energy lowest when the Moon was dark. Thoroughly fascinated, I began researching and experimenting with techniques to take advantage of this new discovery. Once I found techniques that worked for me, the obvious next step was to see if they would work for others.
I have now been doing intuitive counseling for over twenty years. Throughout that time I recognized I was frequently using the phases of the Moon to help my clients get their lives under control. I provided rituals for them to perform as a means of helping them to better themselves for the good of all and without interfering with anyone else. Although I technically never put a word to these rites, they were what some would consider spells... Moon Spells.
Let me tell you about one of those clientsand her brother, who met my client and me for dinner one evening. This gentleman talked about nothing but himself all night. He was clearly unhappy and exceptionally frustrated at his lack of employment.
I asked him in which phase of the Moon he planned his interviews.
He rolled his eyes. Looking at the Moon isnt going to get me a job, he growled.
I smiled. I see you have your date book with you, I said. Just for fun, why dont we review the dates of your interviews for the last three months. He reluctantly agreed.
It was no surprise to me when the calendar showed that all his previous appointments had taken place under a waning Moona time for releasing and letting go... not starting new endeavors. When I explained this to him, he remained skeptical and uninterested.
Later on, he mentioned that he had another interview that very week. I knew that, again, the Moon was waning. I asked him if he could postpone the interview a while longer until the Moon would be waxing (an ideal time for job hunting).
At his sisters urging, he acquiesced. Then, the day before his rescheduled interview (again largely due to his sisters prompting), the three of us performed a group spell for employmentthe same one youll find later on in this book.
At the interview the next day, he was told he didnt qualify for the job. He rushed right home and called me, sounding almost happy. Youre full of beans, he told me (or words to that effect). The Moon and these spells have no special powers.
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