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QUESTIONS: Solutions to common problems
Dear Reader,
What does the word bachelorette mean to you? Does it conjure up an image of a wild Bacchanalian night complete with half-clothed men and a never-ending spring of champagne? Or is a quiet weekend of catching up with the girls and sipping hot buttered rum in a ski lodge more your style?
The wonderful thing about bachelorette parties is that you can tailor them to suit the brides wishes, whatever they may be. The only limit is your imagination. The more freedom you allow yourself, the more creative and unique your party will be. Your only worry will be that all your friends will want you to organize their bachelorette parties!
Weve planned lots of bachelorette parties and attended more than we can count. Weve seen good ones and bad ones, out-of-hand bashes and subdued affairs. Weve been to bachelorette parties with 100 guests, and those with fewer than ten. For every brides taste, and for every hostesss pocketbook, theres a perfect bachelorette party just waiting to happen. Breathe easy, and put your faith in this book.
Throw a party that the
brideand her friends
will never forget!
Jennifer Lata Rung &
Shelly Hagen
Copyright 2003, Adams Media Corporation. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.
An Everything Series Book. Everything and everything.com are registered trademarks of Adams Media Corporation.
Published by Adams Media Corporation
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A.
ISBN: 1-58062-964-4
Printed in Canada.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Rung, Jennifer Lata
The everything bachelorette party book /
Jennifer Lata Rung & Shelly Hagen.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-58062-964-4 1.
Bachelorette parties. I. Hagen, Shelly. II. Title.
GV1462.7.B33R86 2003
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
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Illustrations by Barry Littmann.
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Thanks to Jen Rung and Karyn Ulrich for being generous with their time and honest in their criticism, and to Jen (again) and my agent, Jessica Faust, for giving (and getting) me a chance.
Shelly Hagen
Top Ten Reasons
to Host a Bachelorette Party
1. Party is your middle name.
2. You want to really get to know your brothers fiance.
3. You have a hankering to ride around in a limo all night.
4. You need to boogie-woogie with a male stripper.
5. The bride is dropping subtle hints: Gee, a bachelorette party might be fun!
6. Embarrassing your engaged friend a little sounds like a good time.
7. The whole wedding party needs to blow off some steam.
8. Did someone say theme party?
9. Its been too long since youve shown off your culinary skills.
10. The bride needs something to do while the bachelor party is going on.
THERE ARE TWO TYPES of people in this world: Those who plan great parties, and those who dont. If you fall into the latter group, you may be thinking that youre just not up to the task. Maybe youre unorganized. Maybe you feel like youre just not creative enough. Maybe youve been to some really terrific parties and you feel like you could never duplicate the success of other hostessesor maybe youve been to some truly awful gatherings and youre afraid that your own party would fall flat.
Relax. Hosting a party isnt brain surgery, though you will need an open mind, along with some basic organizational skills and maybe a little help from some friends. Bachelorette parties, in particular, are fun to host. There is very little etiquette written on bachelorette parties, which is great news for the hostess whos planning one, because youre restricted by very little. If you dont have a lot of party-planning experience, this is a great place to cut your teeth, so to speak.
Most bachelorette parties are all about having a good time, and hardly anyone will take you to task for putting out the wrong silverware. However, there are a few rules youll have to abide by, like respecting the brides wishes, respecting her guests, and if youve got a cohostess, working amicably with her.