COOKBOOK Delicious recipes to make
your mouth water...
all sugar-free!
Series Editor: Kimberly A. Tessmer, R.D., L.D.
Copyright 2007, F+W Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews. Published by
Adams Media,
an F+W Publications Company
57 Littlefield Street
Avon, MA 02322 ISBN 10: 1-59869-203-8 ISBN
13: 978-1-59869-203-7
eISBN: 978-1-44051-734-1 Printed in the United States of America. J I H G F E D C B A Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Tessmer, Kimberly A.
The no-sugar cookbook / Kimberly A. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59869-203-7
ISBN-10: 1-59869-203-8
1. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59869-203-7
ISBN-10: 1-59869-203-8
Sugar-free dietRecipes. I. Title.
RM237.85.T47 2006
2006028443 This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their product are claimed as trademarks.
Where those designations appear in this book and Adams Media was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters. Contains portions of material adapted or abridged from The EverythingDiabetes Cookbook by Pamela Rice Hahn, 2002, F+W Publications, Inc. The No-Sugar Cookbook is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. In light of the complex, individual, and specific nature of heath problems, this book is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions in this book are intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of a trained medical professional. Consult your physician before adopting the suggestions in this book.
The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book. This book is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchases.
For information, please call 1-800-289-0963. Introduction Many of us are born with a natural sweet tooth. After all, sugar can offer a tasty addition to meals and snacks. On the other hand, if you are not careful, it can also add plenty of additional calories, which if you eat more than you need, can cause unhealthy weight gain. There are no vitamins, minerals, or other essential nutrients in sugar itself and therefore, it is frequently referred to as empty calories. There is a difference between added sugars and natural sugars.
Added sugars are just thatsugars that are added to foods and beverages during processing and/or preparation such as soft drinks, baked goods, and candy bars. Natural sugars are sugars that are naturally found in foods such as fruit (in the form of fructose) and dairy products (in the form of lactose). The body cannot distinguish between natural sugar and added sugar. However, foods containing natural sugar are additionally packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients essential for good health, while most foods containing added sugars tend to be high in calories and low in key nutrients. On a positive note, a little added sugar can enhance the taste of some foods, whole-grain cereal, for example that some people may otherwise resist. The key is moderation and minimizing empty calorie foods.
As a substitute to sugar, many people make a personal choice to use products such as Splenda, which can be found in many processed foods and can be used as a substitute for sugar in countless recipes. These types of sugar substitutes are considered GRAS or Generally Recognized As Safe by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) as well as other national regulatory agencies. The American Dietetic Association states that, consumers can safely enjoy a range of nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners when consumed in a diet that is guided by current federal nutrition recommendations, such as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Dietary Reference Intakes, as well as individual health goals. There are all types of reasons people may want or need to follow a no-added-sugar diet including weight loss, diabetes, other health problems, and personal choices. Salsas, Sauces, andShortcuts
chapter one Toasted Sesame Seeds Asian Gingered Almonds Almond Spread Horseradish Mustard Piccalilli Pepper and Corn Relish Cranberry-Raisin Chutney Fruit Salsa MarmaladeBlack Bean Salsa Strawberry Spoon Sweet Pineapple-Chili Salsa Salsa with a Kick Avocado-Corn Salsa Blackberry Sauce Roasted Red Pepper and Plum Sauce Homemade Worcestershire Sauce Pesto Sauce Gingered Peach Sauce Mock Cream Mock White Sauce Fat-Free Roux Madeira Sauce Mock Bchamel Sauce Mock Cauliflower Sauce Toasted Sesame Seeds Yields cupServing size: 1 tsp. cup white sesame seeds teaspoon sea salt (optional) NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS (per serving): Calories: 15 Protein: trace Carbohydrate: 1 g Fat: 1 g Sat. Salsas, Sauces, andShortcuts
chapter one Toasted Sesame Seeds Asian Gingered Almonds Almond Spread Horseradish Mustard Piccalilli Pepper and Corn Relish Cranberry-Raisin Chutney Fruit Salsa MarmaladeBlack Bean Salsa Strawberry Spoon Sweet Pineapple-Chili Salsa Salsa with a Kick Avocado-Corn Salsa Blackberry Sauce Roasted Red Pepper and Plum Sauce Homemade Worcestershire Sauce Pesto Sauce Gingered Peach Sauce Mock Cream Mock White Sauce Fat-Free Roux Madeira Sauce Mock Bchamel Sauce Mock Cauliflower Sauce Toasted Sesame Seeds Yields cupServing size: 1 tsp. cup white sesame seeds teaspoon sea salt (optional) NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS (per serving): Calories: 15 Protein: trace Carbohydrate: 1 g Fat: 1 g Sat.
Fat: trace Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 26 mg Fiber: trace Exchange Approx.: Fat 1. Add the sesame seeds to a nonstick skillet over low heat. Toast until golden, shaking the pan or stirring the mixture frequently so that the seeds toast evenly. (The seeds will swell slightly during the toasting process.) When the aroma of the sesame seeds becomes evident and theyve reached a light brown color, remove from the heat and pour into a bowl. Add the sea salt and mix well. 2. 2.
Once cooled, grind using a mortar and pestle or blender, and season to taste. Store in an airtight container. Toasting Frenzy Many nuts, including pine nuts, almonds, and even sunflower seeds, toast well. Simply follow the recipe for Toasted Sesame Seeds. Store them, whole or ground, in an airtight container. Asian Gingered Almonds Yields 1 cupServing size: 1 tbs. 2 teaspoons unsalted butter 1 tablespoon Braggs Liquid Aminos 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 cup slivered almonds NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS (per serving): Calories: 58 Protein: 2 g Carbohydrate: 2 g Fat: 5 g Sat.
Fat: 1 g Cholesterol: 1 mg Sodium: 44 mg Fiber: 1 g Exchange Approx.: 1 Fats 1. Preheat oven to
F. In a microwave-safe bowl, mix the butter, Braggs Liquid Aminos, and ginger. Microwave on high for 30 seconds, or until the butter is melted; blend well. 2. Spread the almonds on a shallow baking sheet treated with nonstick spray.
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