TheUltimate Healing Guide
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Theinformation included in this ebook is for educational purposes only.It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medicaladvice. The reader of this book should always consult his or hermedical healthcare provider to determine if the information in thisebook is appropriate for their own situation. Furthermore, if readersof the book have concerns or questions regarding a treatment plan,diet, exercise regimen or medical condition, they need to consulttheir healthcare providers. The information in the book is notadvice, and should not be taken as such. Always consult with yourhealthcare provider prior to exercising, dieting, or consideringalternative treatments, home remedies or new diets.
TableOf Contents
ReasonsWhy Should Read This Book
WhatCauses Acid Reflux
AllAcid Reflux Episodes Are Not Created Equal
Over-The-CounterAcid Reflux Medications
WhatAbout Milk?
SupplementsTo Support Digestive Health
ConfusionWith Other Medical Conditions
ProtonPump Inhibitors
HistamineH2 Antagonist Medications
ImportanceOf Treatment
Haveyou ever experienced heartburn or acid reflux? If you haven't,consider yourself very lucky! Acid reflux disease is uncomfortable,and in certain cases, can be excruciatingly painful. In addition,acid reflux can even be debilitating in certain individuals, andinterfere with their activities of daily living.
Althoughacid reflux has been researched extensively, it is still poorlyunderstood why certain triggers induce symptoms in some people butnot for others. Being a registered nurse and also someone who isaffected by heartburn, I wanted to learn everything I could on how totreat it, and possibly, how to prevent it.
Thefirst time I experienced acid reflux, I was pregnant with my firstchild. The pain was so severe, and the burning so intense, that Iconsidered visiting the emergency room. I was not prepared for thesesymptoms, nor was I sure what triggered them. Although I understoodthat my excess pregnancy weight contributed to my symptoms, I worriedabout the next episode. Being pregnant, I wanted to avoid takingmedications to control my symptoms, so I set out to learn as much asI could about alternative treatments in the management of acidreflux. My research, combined with my physician's knowledge, providedme with the information I needed to stop my acid reflux attacksquickly, and to write this informational book so that I could helpothers overcome their symptoms as well.
ReasonsWhy You Should Should Read This Book
Ifeel that I've been lucky in the sense, that although my acid refluxsymptoms have been an annoyance, they have not been debilitating. Mymain goal is to help people, just like you, realize that many helpfuloptions are available to help alleviate troubling symptoms. Thecontents of this book are the result of my own scientific research,and the traditional and alternative treatment information I receivedfrom my doctor. Furthermore, much of the content that you'll read isthe result of my own trial and error. I've tried just about everyalternative method known to man to cure my acid reflux and heartburn,and I am confident that my suggestions, tips and tricks will help youovercome your symptoms. I will take you by the hand and show youwhich natural remedies are effective, how they work, and why theywork. You'll also discover how simple lifestyle modifications canmake a huge difference in your symptoms. The information that I'vegathered from this book has already helped thousands of people, bothyoung and old, improve the quality of their lives, free from acidreflux. Even if you don't suffer from acid reflux yourself, pleasetake the information that you've gained from my book to help thoseyou know who may be suffering from heartburn and acid.
Whatis Acid Reflux?
Acidreflux occurs as the result of a weakened lower esophageal sphinctermuscle. When this muscle fails to work properly, irritating stomachacid backs up into your chest, esophagus and throat areas, causingheartburn and acid reflux. Acid reflux commonly occurs after a meal,and is made worse by lying down. When these irritating stomach acidsmake contact with the delicate lining of your esophagus, theirritation causes an uncomfortable burning pain that is often veryresistant to treatment. In severe cases, the symptoms of acid refluxcan mimic those of a heart attack. When you are unable to distinguishbetween acid reflux and cardiac pain, seek emergency medicalattention to rule out serious pathology. Furthermore, it is always agood idea to talk to your doctor before implementing any natural oralternative methods to treat your acid reflux.
WhatCauses Acid Reflux?
Triggerfoods are the main source of acid reflux symptoms. Chocolate andcoffee are notorious for producing symptoms because they both triggerthe production of stomach acid. Other triggers include onions,garlic, peppermint and citrus fruit. In addition, smoking, alcoholconsumption, being overweight and genetics may also play importantroles in the development of heartburn. Furthermore, certainmedications that weaken the lower esophageal sphincter valve can alsocause stomach acids to migrate into your esophagus. These medicationsinclude certain antihistamines, antibiotics and beta blockers. Betablockers are medications used in the treatment of high blood pressureand cardiac arrhythmias. Decongestants, aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxensodium and anti-anxiety medications have also been implicated in thedevelopment of heartburn as well. If your medications are making yourheartburn worse, talk to your doctor about a dose reduction or achange in medication to reduce your symptoms.
AllAcid Reflux Episodes Are Not Created Equal
Thereare different types of acid reflux and different causes. Although theend results are typically the same, there are a number of differentvariations of heartburn and acid reflux. For me, my heartburn andacid reflux was exacerbated by pregnancy, and persisted until I lostthe extra weight. During the summer months, you may discover thatyour acid reflux worsens. This may be related to rich picnic foods,overindulgence in alcohol, and even allergy medications that arecommonly consumed during hay fever season.
Acidreflux that occurs during pregnancy typically occurs during the lasttrimester, when the baby exerts pressure upon your stomach. Inaddition to the pressure placed upon your stomach, pregnancy slowsdown the digestive process, allowing irritating acids to stay in yourstomach for extended periods of time. This coupled with the fact thatyour lower esophageal sphincter muscle relaxes during pregnancyraises the risk of heartburn. Although you may want to reach for thenearest bottle of acid reducing medications or antacids to mitigateyour symptoms, there's a higher probability that you'll hesitatebefore taking medications that may cause harm to your unborn baby.Even though many natural and alternative remedies are consideredsafe, always check with your physician prior to taken them.
Acidreflux that occurs at night is probably one of the worst types ofheartburn there is. Nighttime acid reflux disrupts your sleep and cancontribute to daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Lying flat on your backcan encourage stomach acid to travel into your esophagus, and in somecases, can contribute to choking and aspiration. If you aspiratestomach acids into your lungs, a serious respiratory infection canoccur.