THERES A GOOD REASON MAMA SAID TO EAT YOUR GREENS. Greens are brimming with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. They are full of chlorophyll, they are alkalizing, and they aid natural detoxification. Theyve also been shown to contribute to a decreased risk of many health issues, such as diabetes, obesity, and even cancer.
Even before I was a vegan, I didnt always eat a lot of greens. In fact, like a lot of kids, I think its fair to say that green vegetables may well have been my least favorite kind of vegetable as I was growing up. Covered in enough of my moms cheese sauce, I could definitely down a plate of broccoli, and I grew fond of salads at some point. Then somewhere along the way something changed. I started cooking for the first time on canoe trips I led at summer camp and quickly realized I loved it. Later, as I began to shop and cook at university, exploring the amazing farmers markets, I started to branch out and try more greens.
My serious love of greens set in a few years later, when I first subscribed to a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) veg delivery service. I was introduced to varieties of greens that were new to me, and I learned to get creative with them. From then on I was hooked.
With a love of preparing foods and a passion for delicious, wholesome, plant-based fare, I began to discover the world of greens. Leafy greens and many other green vegetables are not only some of the most nutritious things you could possibly eat, but they are so versatile, too. Green smoothies are a way of life once you start including them in your diet. Incredible pastas can be made from gardens overrun by zucchini, and kale... well, kale has earned a bit of a cult following over the past few years. Now it seems that when I snoop in other peoples shopping baskets (dont tell me you dont do the same!), everyones packing greens.
Its hard to walk by a farmers market, produce stand, or any big grocery store these days without noticing a huge variety of green veggiesall sorts of packaged salad greens, heads of lettuce, sprouts, kale, Swiss chard, zucchini, and so many more. With an ever-growing trend toward healthy eating, greens are definitely the way to go. Yet many people only eat one, maybe two servings of them a day, relegated to a salad or a side dish.
The premise of this book is simple: its possible to eat and, more importantly, enjoy more leafy greens and other green vegetables. Gone are the days of boring, mushy, boiled cabbage and broccoli. I will show you how to incorporate greens on a daily basis with easy-to-prepare meals your whole family will enjoy, no matter the time or occasion. Whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Sunday coffee with friends, or a family celebration, Ive got you covered. In Greens 24/7 youll find recipes featuring old and trusted favorites such as spinach, kale, and chard, but hopefully youll discover a love for some lesser-known green veggies, too. The recipes that follow are all vegan, very delicious, and youll find that many of them are also gluten-free.
So whether youre looking for healthy, whole-food-based meals, delicious plant-based vegan recipes, or just trying to squeeze in as many green veggies as you can, this book will be an invaluable resource in your kitchen. Step outside your realm of comfort and into this book and see just how easy and delicious these healthy recipes can be. You really can have your beet green cake and eat it.
Greens can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere, at any time of dayliterally 24/7. So heres to good health!
Jess XO
Lets get to know the greens featured in this book. There are simply so many that I chose to focus on those most readily available, and those used in several of the recipes.
Kale really is a superfood! It is plentiful in vitamins A, C, and K, and is rich in fiber and protein. But that isnt allit also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, is a good source of calcium, and is easy to grow yourself. With all of these super qualities, it will come as no surprise that this book contains more than its fair share of recipes that showcase this leafy green.
GREEN FACT: Gram for gram, kale contains 17 times more vitamin C than carrots.
BREAKFAST: Cherry-Kale Quencher Smoothie ()
LUNCH: Kale Waldorf Salad with Avocado Astoria Dressing ()
SNACK: Cool Ranch Kale Chips ()
DINNER: Kale and Kabocha Enchiladas Verde ()
DESSERT: Sweet Massaged Kale and Fruit Salad with Raw Chocolate Sauce ()
Chard stands out among the greens, with its colored stalks and veins, sometimes white, but often beautiful hues of pink, orange, and yellow. Swiss chard is brimming with vitamins A, C, E, and K, and is full of powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients. It is now thought that these phytonutrients play a role in detoxification and regulating blood sugar.
GREEN FACT: One cup of Swiss chard contains well over 300 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin K.
BREAKFAST: Hello Sunshine Smoothie ()
LUNCH: Superfood Salad ()
SNACK: Pesto Polenta Fries (with Chard and Cilantro Pesto) ()
DINNER: Orecchiette with Chard, Sundried Tomatoes, and Toasted Almonds ()
DESSERT: Rhubarb and Chard Pie ()
Theres a good reason spinach is one of the most popular greens in the world: its healthy, versatile, and, best of all, delicious! The leaves are either flat or look slightly ruffled, and take on a deeper color as they age. Young spinach leaves have a milder taste, and are better eaten raw than older leaves. Spinach is loaded with iron, which makes it a great source of energy.
GREEN FACT: Spinach leaves are rich in chlorophyll, an especially important chemical for healthy eyesight.
BREAKFAST: Sweet Spinach Pancakes ()
LUNCH: Spinach Gomae ()
SNACK: Chocolate Superfood Smoothie ()