A book by
Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling
Copyright of the print edition 2010 by Uitgeverij Rozhanitsa, Kampen, The Netherlands
Copyright of the English print edition 2010 by Cadmos Publishing Ltd., London
English translation: Helen McKinnon
Title photograph: KFH Archive
Cover design: Ravenstein + Partner, Verden, Germany
Design and Layout of the print edition: Bert van het Ende, Uitgeverij Rozhanitsa, Kampen, The Netherlands
Photographs: KFH Archive, unless otherwise stated
Illustrations: Malene Ltken
Editorial: Christopher Long
Printed by: Grafisches Cetrum Cuno, Calbe
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978-3-86127-975-4
eISBN 978-0-85788-680-4
Youve bought a horse - now what? The author was once confronted with this question. He began searching and found them, his answers, among the wild horses and the natural environment in which they live. Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling is now known throughout the international horse world as the master of body language. In this book, he gives the reader profound and easy-to-understand insights into his unique art - which can then be copied step-by-step.
The reader can learn to move confidently in this world, where clarity, trust and presence are shaped into such clear signals that our horses immediately react to them positively and with unprecedented spontaneity.
Following on from the authors international bestseller Dancing with horses, now regarded as a cult classic all over the world, this book is the long-awaited practical continuation.

is widely regarded as a master of equine body language. This book is the long-awaited follow up to the authors international bestseller, Dancing with Horses, now regarded as a classic all over the world. In this long-awaited new groundbreaking book, he shares the foundation of his profound insights into his unique art.
Here, Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling takes the reader to the very heart of his world of understanding horses. Using detailed, step-by-step illustrations and photographs, he shows us the basics and the first moments of togetherness with a horse, as well as the various types of development that leads up to the very highest levels of riding.
The development of different horses has been captured in minutely detailed photographs, commissioned especially for this book. The result is a unique and intimate documentation of the work of this exceptional horseman. (Horses for Life)
In his own words, Hempfling says: Ive ventured forward in many different respects with this book. In it, I write about lots of methods, emotions, states and practical experiences, for the first time. On a one-to-one basis, I describe how I come close to horses, how I lead them to themselves and persuade them to break out of their inner and outer shells, so that they may finally dance freely. It has really got it all.
The book is a remarkably rich work, filled with practical, theoretical and spiritual references a must for any rider or horse lover, whatever their discipline.
not only offers us the potential for a close relationship with the horse, it also offers us the key to unlock our inner depths, our intuition and our spirituality, to find our purpose, our peace.
The Organic Equine, New Zealand
Whether you appreciate or not what this man does with horses, you will leave his workshops with an incredible amount of food for thought and you will never approach horses in quite the same way again.
Horses for LIFE
Like a cloud falling from the sky

Shortly after I finished writing this book, 12-year-old PRE stallion Harmn came into my life.
A course participant brought him to one of my compact schoolings. This impressive being had grown apart from his owner and she subsequently handed him over to various professional trainers, leading to his psychological and spiritual death. The video clip Breeding Stallion Harmn Reborn tells us this story, but also about the horse that he became after I had worked with him for around 2 weeks. No more depression, no more sadness - but trust, happiness and exuberance instead. In that course I described the stallion as Pegasus, saying This kind of horse is like a cloud that floats between heaven and earth, full of gentleness. There is power within him, strength and the potential to amass violently, but also the ability to simply disappear. In my book, What horses reveal, I write that this kind of horse may simply evaporate if you do not understand how to live with the lightness of a cloud, with its freedom. The stallion came back to his owner. She tried and then she let the young horse cover a mare. Seconds later he fell down in front of her dead. Like a cloud falling from the sky. It keeps appearing in my book splendid, powerful, gentle. What does it tell us?
Part 1
Closeness to a horse never comes from the desire for closeness.
Closeness to a horse comes only from closeness to ones inner self.
Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling

Foreword - The practical and spiritual foundations of Life with horses

About the structure of this book
Two recent events form the practical backbone of this book. Both were captured in detailed photographs, to document and describe the essence of my work with horses more explicitly than ever before. Together, both events essentially form the entire foundations of my practical work with horses. The first event was the arrival of an Arab stallion, Marouk. He arrived exactly three days late, primarily because of one of his problems: he was difficult to load. This problem was supposed to be, indeed had to be, solved urgently. After I had worked with the stallion six times for around 1520 minutes each time over a period of three days, he followed me happily and confidently into the trailer with a rope loosely around his neck.

This story is essentially very short, but it is interesting because the horse actually had an abundance of behavioural patterns that all had to be resolved first. The result is an account of a short, yet long journey that takes us from discovery to solution, then to the next discovery and again on to the next solution. The dynamic that lies within these processes and that fundamentally characterises my work will become very clear in this example. The documentation of this process shows the basic path that I take to get closer and closer to horses precisely looking directly at their problems or injuries, one after the other, in their interests and in terms of their healing and growth, to clean and heal them. Horses are considerably less complicated than people, so it is a very easy process, providing the conditions are right, namely the conditions within ourselves. I explain all of the practical and theoretical details in relation to this first key story, to further draw out the essentials in detail.