
Praise for Choosing a Dog For Dummies
Instead of spinning a wheel of fortune, matching the right dog to your familys lifestyle doesnt have to be a gamble. Chris Walkowicz offers truthful descriptions, addressing issues owners deal with in real life. Chris isnt afraid to say that some breeds tend to speak their minds or may not be best suited for young children. Choosing a breed can be a fun family activity; at least with Chriss book it can be!
Steve Dale, syndicated columnist of My Pet World, Tribune Media Services; radio host of Pet Central, WGN and Animal Planet Radio; and senior columnist for Pet Life magazine.
In the humane movement, we know all too well what happens when people choose the wrong dog. So its nothing short of a blessing that Chris Walkowicz has written this smart, comprehensive, down-to-cases book to help new dog owner choose well and for keeps. When it comes to dogs, Chris is truly a know-it-all... and isnt that exactly what you need?
Marion Lane, Editor-in-Chief, ASPCA Animal Watch
Without a doubt, Choosing a Dog For Dummies is a book everyone considering buying a dog should own. Chris Walkowiczs informative style and sensitivity drives home the important points about dogs and what everyone needs to know before owning one.
Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia, AKC Judge
Chris Walkowicz continues to bat 1.000. Her books answer every question anyone has thought to ask about puppies and grown dogs. Following her suggestions, the novice should easily find the dog that suits him and feel confident that he can take proper care of it. This book is a winner.
Esme Treen, coauthor, The Dalmatian (Howell Book House, 1980) and The New Dalmatian (Howell Book House, 1992); editor emeriti, The Spotter Quarterly
Before you even think about getting a dog, to do it right you have to read this book. Chris Walkowicz walks you through all aspects of the many decisions about what to do and what not to do in making your choice. Then, with the insight born of experience and a bit of wise humor, she gives you the kind of thumbnail sketch of each breed that will help you choose just the right canine to be your companion for years.
Jacklyn E. Hungerland, PhD, judge and breeder, author of The Miniature Pinscher, Reigning King of Toys (Howell Book House, 2000)
Unique about this book are the authors individual analyses of recognized breeds with insightful recommendations and cautious warnings as to suitability for prospective owners, home environment, and expectations. The easy-to-read format, laced with tact and humor, offers an astounding amount of information that answers vital questions everyone should ask when choosing a puppy.
Rachel Page Elliott, author of Dogsteps (Doral Publishing)
Chris Walkowicz has focused on the basic personality of each dog breed so that prospective buyers may select a true companion to match their lifestyle. This is a living reference work for both the new and the long-time dog lover.
Robert J. Berndt, DVM
Choosing a Dog For Dummies is an excellent guide to selecting the breed best suited for the needs of its owner. It also should make the owner aware of what he or she will be required to do to properly maintain the health and welfare of the dog. Any dog wisely purchased and correctly maintained is an asset to the owner and the Fancy.
Melbourne T. L. Downing, JD, dog show judge
Once again, Chris has combined excellent in-depth information with a sense of humor and balance. This is a book for everyone: breeders, owners, and prospective puppy buyers.
Blackie H. Nygood, dog breeder and award-winning writer for Dog News magazine
Choosing a Dog For Dummies
by Chris Walkowicz
Choosing a Dog For Dummies
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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