Boston Terriers For Dummies
by Wendy Bedwell-Wilson
Boston Terriers For Dummies
Published by
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About the Author
Pets and their quirks have been a part of Wendy Bedwell-Wilsons life for as long as she can remember, but it was through her profession that she grew to truly appreciate them. After working in the publishing industry as a writer and editor for a variety of pet-themed trade, consumer, and online magazines for nearly 15 years, she ventured outside the cubicle and delved into writing professionally about four-legged friends from her home in Hawaii.
Her work has appeared in a range of pet publications, including Pet Product News, Veterinary Practice News,, Cat Fancy, Koi World, FAMA, Aquarium Fish, Cats USA, Kittens USA, and the Popular Pets series. She completed one book Yorkshire Terriers for the Animal Planet Pet Care Library series before tackling Boston Terriers For Dummies. Her muses include a rescued Pointer-Hound mutt named Pete and two spoiled cats, Bubba and Benny. Theyre no Boston Terriers, but theyre still little gentlemen.
To my mother, Ruth Bedwell, the strongest woman I know.
Authors Acknowledgments
Publishing a book like this requires a team of dedicated individuals, including editors, illustrators, production staff, and breed experts. My thanks goes out to Stacy Kennedy, acquisitions editor; Chrissy Guthrie, project editor; Vicki Adang, copy editor; Patty Kovach, DVM, technical editor; Barbara Frake, illustrator; and the production, printing, and distribution teams who made the book a reality and delivered it to the consumers.
I also owe gratitude to the many Boston Terrier experts I consulted, including dozens of breeders and Boston lovers associated with the Boston Terrier Club of America; trainers Ricko Rask and Ellen Carscadden; Andy Tesene, co-owner of Two Bostons in Naperville, Illinois; Mark Daly, DVM, who answered a host of veterinary questions; the American Kennel Club; the American Veterinary Medical Association; and the countless dog lovers who provided advice, support, and plenty of dog-inspired laughs. Thanks, too, to fellow author Eve Adamson, who helped to guide me to and through the project, and Lee Ann Chearney, my agent and book producer. And I cant forget my patient and loyal husband, Ryan, my family, and our four-legged menagerie that brings unending joy to our lives.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Senior Project Editor: Christina Guthrie
Acquisitions Editor: Stacy Kennedy
Copy Editor: Vicki Adang
Technical Editor: Patty Kovach, DVM
Editorial Manager: Christine Meloy Beck
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Cover Photo: ROBERT PEARCY/Animals Animals
Cartoons: Rich Tennant (
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Project Coordinator: Erin Smith
Layout and Graphics: Heather Ryan, Alicia B. South
Special Art: Illustrations by Barbara Frake, color section photos by Jean Fogle (, Isabelle Francais, and Cathi Winkles
Anniversary Logo Design: Richard Pacifico
Proofreaders: Aptara, Susan Moritz
Indexer: Aptara
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