Yorkshire Terriers For Dummies
by Tracy Barr and Peter F. Veling, DVM
Yorkshire Terriers For Dummies
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Copyright 2004 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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About the Authors
Tracy Barr has been part of the Dummies phenomenon for over a decade. In that time, she has served as editor, editorial manager, writer, and consultant to folks who write and edit For Dummies books. Most recently, she coauthored Adoption For Dummies and wrote Cast Iron Cooking For Dummies. A dog lover and owner her whole life, she is especially fond of the littlest terriers.
Peter F. Veling, DVM, a 1981 graduate of the Purdue University Veterinary School, owns Caring Hands Pet Hospital in Indianapolis. He is married to Jane Veling and has three children, Rob, Drew, and Caitlin. They share a home with a variety of four-footed family members including dogs Ruby and Jade, and cats Mungo, Tiger, Nellie, and Bob.
To all the animals in our menageries.
Authors Acknowledgments
We would like to thank the following people for the contributions they made to this book: Jim Hupp, who gave a Yorkie breeder/ exhibitors perspective on the material; Gayle Vautaw of Lyngale Yorkshire Terriers (Logansport, IN), Julie Howard of Jo-Nel Yorkshire Terriers (Kokomo, IN), and exhibitor Cathy Parker, who graciously answered the questions we threw their way; and the editors, Chrissy Guthrie and Michelle Dzurny, for their feedback and suggestions.
And a special thanks goes to artist Mary Carmichael who, despite her affinity for Expressionism, drew Yorkies that actually look like, well, Yorkies.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Technical Editor: James J. Hupp
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Cover Photos: Alice Su, 2003
Cartoons: Rich Tennant, www.the5thwave.com
Project Coordinator: Maridee Ennis
Layout and Graphics: Joyce Haughey, Heather Ryan, Brent Savage, Jacque Schneider
Special Art: Photos by Isabelle Francais; illustrations by Mary Carmichael
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S o you want to adopt or are thinking about adopting a Yorkshire Terrier. Good for you. Your first decision to educate yourself about these dogs (otherwise, why would you be reading this book right now?) is a good one. Yorkies can make great pets for people who know enough about the breed to know whether a Yorkie is the right dog for them.
Fortunately, finding out about Yorkies is quite a bit of fun, mainly because theyre such a contradiction. Sure, they look like little doll dogs, what with their silky hair and the satin ribbons that usually adorn them, but in their hearts, theyre terriers. And that means theyre feisty, independent, intensely loyal, and just a tad... well, okay,