Feng Shui Your Workspace For Dummies
by Holly Ziegler and Jennifer Lawler
Feng Shui Your Workspace For Dummies
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About the Authors
Holly Ziegler is passionate about Feng Shui and is a writer, consultant, and instructor on the subject. Since 1976, she is also a multimillion-dollar real estate broker on Californias Central Coast and recently authored Sell Your Home FASTER with Feng Shui (Dragon Chi Pub). Somewhere in the midst of this she finds time to fulfill numerous public speaking requests and teach Feng Shui at the college level. Holly lives in the delightful town of Arroyo Grande, California, and is the proud mother of two great kids.
Jennifer Lawler is a freelance writer and martial artist. Holly, using the principles of Feng Shui, has taught her that she would enjoy work more if her desk didnt face the toilet. (And you thought Feng Shui was complicated!) Jennifer writes extensively about martial arts and personal empowerment and is the author of twenty published books, including Martial Arts For Dummies (Wiley Publishing, Inc.) and Dojo Wisdom (Penguin). She lives in Lawrence, Kansas with her adorable daughter and two rambunctious dogs.
Holly dedicates this book to her mentor Denise Linn, who inspires and encourages her at every opportunity.
Jennifer dedicates this book to Vickie Anderson, who got her interested in Feng Shui in the first place.
The authors would like to thank Tracy Boggier, acquisitions editor extraordinaire, who has helped and supported them on this project from the very beginning. Tonya Cupp, our project editor, also deserves our thanks for never ever losing patience with us even when we deserved it. Our agent, Carol Susan Roth, has always been a treasure and a dream to work with, and we could not have put this book together without her help. We would also like to thank the technical editor Mark Skinner.
Holly gives a special thank you to Kerry Randall for his on-call continuing guidance and perception; Terry Berryhill and Jack Mallory, her two awesome real estate brokers for the laughter and support through the trying times; Jan Hayes, who makes her way smooth at every opportunity; and Arlene Winn who still keeps her silly and sane.
And, as usual, Jennifer extends her appreciation to her instructors at New Horizons Black Belt Academy of Tae Kwon Do, Mr. Donald Booth and Mrs. Susan Booth, without whom she would still be teaching English for a living.
Holly Ziegler and Jennifer Lawler
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