Photography For Dummies, 2nd Edition
by Russell Hart
With additional writing by Dan Richards
Photography For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Published by
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About the Author
Executive editor at American Photo magazine, Russell Hart now takes more pictures with his point-and-shoots than with the assorted professional cameras he accumulated in over 20 years as a working photographer. Also a contributing editor to Popular Photography, he has been senior editor at both magazines, and has written for most other major photo magazines. He is also the editor of American Photo On Campus. Russell has written about photography for The New York Times,Mens Journal, and Us magazines, and is the author of a number of books on photographic subjects, including The Photographic Essay (Bulfinch Press), Photographing Your Artwork (North Light), and The New Joy of Photography (Addison-Wesley), as well as co-author of Photography (Prentice-Hall), a college textbook.
Before he began writing about photography, Russell made a living with it, shooting for publications such as Boston magazine, The Boston Globe Magazine, and Inc. magazine, as well as various advertising clients. His landscape photographs have been shown in galleries and museums across the country, and are in the permanent collections of Bostons Museum of Fine Arts; New Yorks Hudson River Museum; Lincoln, Massachusetts DeCordova Museum; and the Readers Digest Collection. He has been awarded several fellowships in photography, and has taught photography at Tufts University, the Boston Museum School, and Mount Ida College.
To Rena and Rachel, who endured it all, with my deepest love.
A book is a miracle. The miracle is that all its pieces ultimately come together to create something meaningful and attractive. But like most miracles, a book takes hard work. For all its simplifying, Photography For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is the sum of many peoples hard work, and Im grateful to them all. Families usually get thanked last, but mine comes first: my wonderful wife Rena, who sustained and organized me through unending months of double shifts, and my resilient daughter Rachel, who now gets back her silliest playmate. Thanks and love also to my forbearing parents, Lorena and Francis Hart, who provided a writers hideaway and commented on early text in their uniquely intelligent way.
Great thanks to everyone at Wiley: most of all to my editor on the first edition, Kelly Ewing, who knew better than me how to structure the book, and whose unfailing good humor and organization are both powerful editorial tools; to Tami Booth, my Executive Editor on the first edition, without whose encouragement, understanding, and perspective I could not have finished the job; to the books many sharp-eyed copy editors, including Kim Darosett; to the equally sharp-eyed Shelley Lea, who oversaw the color section; and last but not least, Karen York, Project Coordinator on the first edition. And the improvements and updating in this second edition would not have been possible without the persistence, patience, and understanding of my project editor Mary Goodwin and Managing Editor Tracy Boggier. My agent, Mark Reiter of IMG Literary as affable as he is connected, a rare combination made the whole thing possible by calling me first. Thanks also to IMGs Sophia Seidner, without whose cheerful help I couldnt have taken on this new edition.
Huge thanks to the able writers and photo industry friends who contributed to the book, including Popular Photography Senior Editor Pete Kolonia, Technology Editor Mike McNamara, and Managing Editor Mason Resnick; and the inventive Elinor Stecker-Orel. But my biggest debt of gratitude is to Popular Photography Senior Editor Dan Richards, whose way with words is matched only by his point-and-shoot comprehension. Also many thanks to Popular Photography/American Photo Publishing Director Burt Keppler for his continuing help and wisdom, and to my good friend Dave Schonauer, Editor-in-Chief of American Photo magazine, who gave me the opportunity to learn all about this stuff, and who shares my skewed view of the photo world.
Im also grateful for the support provided by Eastman Kodak in the creation of the books first edition; the company supplied not just film, cameras, and pictures from its remarkable KINSA archive, but also the amazing expertise of its people. Such help always comes through individuals: among them, Michael More, whose love of culture made him a corporate asset, and Terry McArdle, who threw his great intelligence and considerable energy behind the book. Thanks also to the many other helpful photo companies in this really not-so-big business; their dedicated press people provided both cameras and answers.