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Susie Spikol - The Animal Adventurers Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed—50 Activities to Get Wild with Animals

Here you can read online Susie Spikol - The Animal Adventurers Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed—50 Activities to Get Wild with Animals full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2022, publisher: Shambhala, genre: Home and family. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Susie Spikol The Animal Adventurers Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed—50 Activities to Get Wild with Animals
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The Animal Adventurers Guide: How to Prowl for an Owl, Make Snail Slime, and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed—50 Activities to Get Wild with Animals: summary, description and annotation

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Calling all animal lovers! 50 hands-on activities and adventures that bring you closer to wild animals than youve ever been.
Have you ever followed animal tracks in the mud or chased after the glowing trail of a firefly in the night sky? Want to know how to hold a snake, feed a bird from your hat, and help salamanders cross the road? If so, youre not just an animal loveryoure an animal adventurer, and this is the book for you. Its packed full of hands-on activities and projects that bring you closer to wild animals than ever beforefrom feathery birds and furry mammals to slippery herps, crawly arthropods, and other intriguing invertebrates. Youll get insider tips about tools and techniques of the trade, become a citizen scientist, and then record handy field notes about all your amazing animal discoveries.
Look inside to learn how to:
  • Track wild animals any time of year
  • Use a flashlight for night vision to spy on nocturnal animals
  • Start your very own animal scat collection and impress your friends
  • Build a wildlife blind and become invisible to animals around you
  • Collect things like snakeskins, fossils, and feathers
  • Keep a wild guide to your own backyard
  • And so much more!
  • Susie Spikol: author's other books

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    The Animal Adventurers Guide How to Prowl for an Owl Make Snail Slime and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed50 Activities to Get Wild with Animals - photo 1
    Roost Books An imprint of Shambhala Publications Inc 2129 13th - photo 2
    Roost Books An imprint of Shambhala Publications Inc 2129 13th Street - photo 3
    Roost Books An imprint of Shambhala Publications Inc 2129 13th Street - photo 4

    Roost Books

    An imprint of Shambhala Publications, Inc.

    2129 13th Street

    Boulder, Colorado 80302


    Text 2022 by Susie Spikol

    Illustrations by Becca Hall

    Note: Its important to always use your best judgment when interacting with wildlife in nature. Shambhala Publications and the author disclaim any and all liability in connection to the animal activities in this book. Adult supervision is recommended. Always practice caution.

    Cover art: Becca Hall

    Design by Kara Plikaitis

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Shambhala Publications makes every effort to print on acid-free, recycled paper.

    Roost Books is distributed worldwide by Penguin Random House, Inc., and its subsidiaries.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Spikol, Susie, author.

    Title: The animal adventurers guide: how to prowl for an owl, make snail slime, and catch a frog bare-handed50 activities to get wild with animals / Susie Spikol; illustrated by Becca Hall.

    Description: First edition. | Boulder, Colorado: Roost Books, [2022]

    Identifiers: LCCN 2021049128 | ISBN 9781611809534 (trade paperback)

    eISBN 9780834844599

    Subjects: LCSH: AnimalsStudy and teachingActivity programsJuvenile literature. | AnimalsJuvenile literature.

    Classification: LCC QL52.55 .S65 2022 | DDC 590dc23/eng/20211105

    LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021049128


    To my mother and father who always encouraged me to find the tracks and follow - photo 5

    To my mother and father, who always encouraged me to find the tracks and follow my heart and to the Harris Center for Conservation Education where the tracks have led me and my heart has mattered

    The Animal Adventurers Guide How to Prowl for an Owl Make Snail Slime and Catch a Frog Bare-Handed50 Activities to Get Wild with Animals - photo 6
    Preface WILD IS RIG - photo 7
    Preface WILD IS RIGHT HERE One warm summer night not too long ago I went up - photo 8
    Preface WILD IS RIGHT HERE One warm summer night not too long ago I went up - photo 9

    One warm summer night, not too long ago, I went up to the garden. Something small was eating the carrot greens just as they were pressing their way out of the soft ground. A glistening track of silver, sparkling in my flashlight, caught my eye. It shimmered, leading me through a tangle of eaten vegetables. And then it happened: I fell in love with a snail.

    A small brown snail was bending my garden greens and engulfing my seedlings. I picked up the penny-sized creature. Cradling it in my palm, I held my breath, waiting for it to feel brave enough to peek out from its spiraled shell. Slowly, so slowly, I felt the snails cool foot slide out against my skin. I watched as it lifted its long, antennae-like tentacles. At the tip of each tentacle sat an eye, taking me in. On that warm June night, I sat in the garden holding that tiny snail andI didI fell in love with it.

    It isnt so unusual for some small, unsuspecting creature to capture my hearttoads, bumblebees, salamanders, red velvet mites, star-nosed moles, woolly bear caterpillars have done it before.

    This is why I get along so well with the children I teach. We stop and notice. We lean into the things we find. Our eyes are open, our hands outstretched. Once, I watched a young boy encounter a milkweed tussock moth caterpillar. He was holding it up to his nose and sniffing it. He said, It smells just like me when Ive been outside all day. Of course, I had to sniff it too. He was right.

    The small things in naturethe things we can hold, touch, or lie down next to and watch closelythese are the things that open our hearts as children. These are what remind us of our connection to one another. When we stretch out a gentle finger in invitation to the snail, the worm, the caterpillar, the dragonfly, we knoweven from, and perhaps especially from, a young agethat we are both alive in this one moment together.

    Stop and open your eyes, shift your perception. There are wild animals all around us almost every moment of every day. Whether its hearing the blue jays call or catching little brown toads, everyday creatures are waiting to wake up your and your childs curiosity and sense of wonder. Start small and think local when it comes to offering and exposing your children to opportunities to wildlife. We have everything we need in our own neighborhoods to get started falling in love with this world and what it has to offer.

    Introduction LETS GET WILD Are you an animal person Do you find bears - photo 10
    Introduction LETS GET WILD Are you an animal person Do you find bears - photo 11

    Are you an animal person? Do you find bears, butterflies, or turtles more interesting than people? If holding a frog, humming to a snail, following a fox track, or hooting to an owl are things youd like to do, youve come to right place. Read on and discover secret tried-and-true steps to uncovering the world of the everyday wild creatures in your own neighborhood. No matter where you live, animals live there too, and you only need to know a few simple things to start exploring.


    * Pay attention! Wild animals are all around us. Slowing down, tuning in, and being quiet will help you notice them. Dont forget the tiny things, like the red velvet mite, who is even smaller than the head of a pin, or the jewellike hummingbirds of your world. Every animal is someone to meet.

    * Practice kindness. Animals are living, breathing creatures, just like you. When you have the chance to be up close and connect with them, be just as kind and friendly as you would if you were meeting a person.

    * Safety first. Your animal adventures will have you exploring at dawn, dusk, and night. No matter where or when you are going, always let a grown-up know. If you go on a night adventure, bring along a grown-up. Also, practice personal safety by paying attention to your surroundings and making sure the animals you are searching for arent a danger to you.

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